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 Annual growth rate  Birth Rate – Death rate  Doubling time  70/rate  Annual growth rate  1804 - 1927  1927 – 1959  1959- 1974  1974-1987  1987-1999.

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2  Annual growth rate  Birth Rate – Death rate  Doubling time  70/rate  Annual growth rate  1804 - 1927  1927 – 1959  1959- 1974  1974-1987  1987-1999  1999-2011 Most of human history was in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

3  Why the sudden increase?  Deaths declined  Medical advances  Vaccines: 1730  Cell Theory: 1870  Penicillin: 1928

4 THOMAS MALTHUS RReproduce faster than food is produced OOverpopulation DDepletion of natural resources, unemployment IIncrease Environmental Resistance AA Modest Proposal KARL MARX UUnequal distribution of wealth PPoverty OOverpopulation TTake from the rich and give to the poor CCommunist Manifesto Human condition Results Which causes Solution

5 YES  It puts a burden on our finite resources  1.2 billion do not have safe water to drink  Greater resource demand  Larger cities  More pollution  Greater chance of diseases spreading. NO  Overconsumption is the issue  For ever mouth, there are a pair of hands and that will find a solution for their needs.  Opportunity for human prosperity  Economic, technological growth ….

6  World population growth rate peaked in 1960’s, then began to decrease

7 Population Density versus Population Cultural Carrying Capacity (I = P*T*A)  We can fit into TX.  World's population 7,000,000,000.  The landmass of Texas 7,500,000,000,000 sq. ft.  How many square feet does each person get?  How much of an acre (43,560 sq. ft./acre)?

8  Which causes more harm to the environment, high population growth rates or overconsumption ?

9 Different growth rates = Different problems RRapid growth ▪M▪Migration to cities. Increases poverty, crime, disease ▪M▪Money is diverted from education, infrastructure NNegative growth ▪G▪Graying population ▪E▪Economic declines

10  Fertility rates  1.0, 2.1, or 6.o  What decides?  Religion  Economy  Government  Carrying capacity

11  Policy  Focus on population size  Focus on social justice  Government  Equal rights, empower women  India: forced sterilizations  Religious  Pres. Bush eliminated funding for Planned Parenthood  Economics  Demographics transition

12  Demographic transition

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