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1 COMS 261 Computer Science I Title: Classes Date: November 7, 2005 Lecture Number: 28.

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Presentation on theme: "1 COMS 261 Computer Science I Title: Classes Date: November 7, 2005 Lecture Number: 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COMS 261 Computer Science I Title: Classes Date: November 7, 2005 Lecture Number: 28

2 2 Announcements

3 3 Review Classes –User defined data types –Constructors Default –Constructors With parameters –Constructors Parameters with default values

4 4 Outline Classes –Copy constructor

5 Classes Copy constructor –VEC v1(1.2f, 3.4f); –VEC v2(v1); Uses the copy constructor Creates v2, an independent object that contains a copy of the data members of v1 v1.x = 1.2; v1.y = 3.4; v2.x = 1.2; v2.y = 3.4; Same values as v1, but a different object

6 Copy Constructor –Syntax error when compiling VEC::VEC(VEC v) { … } –Since, call by value requires we make a copy of the vector v when calling the copy constructor –The copy constructor would be called over and over int main () { VEC v1; VEC v2(v1); Call the copy constructor Call by value make a copy of v1

7 Copy Constructor Copy constructor cannot us call by value –Only other choice is call by reference VEC::VEC(VEC& v) { … } –Should the copy constructor ever change the data member values of the reference parameter? No, it should only read the values but not change them Make the parameter a const reference

8 Copy Constructor vec.h: definition file vec.cpp: implementation file Caution –If you don’t provide an implementation of the copy constructor, the compiler will supply one It may not do what you think it will Run CodeWarrior vec01

9 Assignment Operator It would be nice to assign one VEC object to another –v1 = v2; To do this we must overload the assignment operator (=) to define a function when a VEC object is on both the lhs and the rhs

10 Assignment Operator Should there be any arguments? –Yes, the VEC we wish to assign –Avoid making a copy, use call by reference Should the assignment operator change the RHS? –No, make it a const reference –VEC& operator=(const VEC& v); Run CodeWarrior vec03

11 Assignment Operator The assignment operator for this class does not behave the way the primitive data types do –They allow chaining A = B = C; –What happens if we try to chain the VEC assignment operator? –How do we get around this?

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