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The 7 Deadly Sins As interpreted and painted by Hieronymus Bosch 1485 CE.

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Presentation on theme: "The 7 Deadly Sins As interpreted and painted by Hieronymus Bosch 1485 CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 7 Deadly Sins As interpreted and painted by Hieronymus Bosch 1485 CE

2 1. What do you already know about the power of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages?

3 2. WHY WAS IT SO POWERFUL? People believed they would go to hell if they did not obey the church rules People believed that despite ones class, position, strength, gender, etc, everyone was judged after death It was the only Christian religion (as opposed to today with Lutheran, Protestant, Baptist, etc) and they could only practice in this church Excommunication meant they were expelled out the church and could not participate in any ceremonies. Be prepared for Hell!

4 3. HOW COULD THEY ESCAPE HELL? Take part in religious ceremonies and ask forgiveness. Power of the priest!

5 Study the following painting and try to “deconstruct” its meaning. Questions: 1. Can you guess which sin is represented in each panel? 2. Why did the Church display such a disturbing painting?

6 The 7 Deadly Sins!!! These sins will send you to a spiritual death!


8 Background Information Bosch's paintings reflect the political and social unrest during his lifetime. They promote the teachings and moral position of Christ and the Saints of the Church Catholic clergy were thought to be corrupt by educated citizens and leaders. Catholic Inquisitions were common, resulting in the persecution of dissenting leaders like Joan of Arc, as witches and wizards. The Church reacted with threats of a Judgment Day where sinners would be condemned to burn in hell, tortured by demons and devils

9 Thus, Bosch's art moralized that a life of sin and a hedonistic indulgence in sensual pleasure would lead to certain condemnation in Hell. Moral heroes were set upon pedestals as models of behavior, such as the Saints Bosch portrayed in some of his paintings. Those who indulged in sin and did not follow their example were shown tormented by monsters, devils, and Satan himself. Bosch's art visually warned against the temptations of greed, envy, gluttony, vanity, madness (or anger), lust, sloth, and deceit. He pictured everyday life surrounded by devils and monsters who were continuously trying to tempt and corrupt people. His paintings were designed as warnings to sinners, of their condemnation to eternal punishment.

10 In the center is God’s all seeing eye. No sin goes unnoticed.

11 Sloth

12 Anger

13 Lust

14 Pride

15 Envy

16 Gluttony

17 Greed

18 The Four Corners of the Table

19 Death

20 Judgment

21 Heaven

22 Hell

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