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Constructive & Destructive Forces Shaping the Earth's Landscape

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Presentation on theme: "Constructive & Destructive Forces Shaping the Earth's Landscape"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructive & Destructive Forces Shaping the Earth's Landscape

2 Constructive & Destructive Forces
Constructive Force *Forces that CREATE features on the Earth's surface Destructive Force *Force that CHANGES Earth's surface

3 Constructive Forces Essential Questions
What are surface features? What are examples of constructive forces? How can a surface feature be changed by a constructive force? What are surfaces features caused by constructive forces?

4 Constructive Force Deposition –
a process of dumping sediment, dirt, rocks, or particles in on place.

5 Constructive Force Essential Questions
What are surface features? Surface features are landforms and bodies of water that cover the Earth’s surface such as: Mountains, valleys, canyons, gorges, beaches, sand dunes, barrier Islands, flood-plains, moraines, volcanoes, oceans, lakes, and rivers

6 Constructive Force Essential Questions
What are examples of constructive forces? Deposition Volcanic Activity Earthquake Activity Faulting Folding

7 Constructive Force Essential Questions
How can a surface feature be changed by a constructive force? By natural forces such as wind, water, ice, through the process of deposition. The movement of the Earth’s crust Plate Tectonics

8 Constructive Force Essential Questions
What are surface features formed from constructive forces? Delta Floodplains Barrier island Sand dune Moraine Islands Mountain Ranges Cliffs

9 Destructive Forces Essential Questions
What are examples of destructive forces? How are surface features changed by destructive forces? What are examples of surface features caused by destructive forces?

10 Destructive Force Essential Questions
What are examples of destructive forces? Weathering Mechanical / Physical Chemical Erosion Volcanic Activity Earthquake Acuity

11 Destructive Force Essential Questions
How are surface features changed by destructive forces? Freezing and thawing of the earth’s crust Freezing water in cracks of rock Oxidation / rusting Carbonic acid / acid rain Impact of organisms Water / rivers and oceans Ice / glaciers Wind Gravity Movement of earth’s plates / plate tectonics

12 Destructive Force Essential Questions
What are examples of surface features caused by destructive forces? Caverns / Carbonic Acid V-shaped valleys / River water Canyon / gorges / River water Sea arches / Ocean Waves Sea stacks / Ocean Waves Buttes / Wind Desert pavements / Wind Reshaped mountains / Volcanoes Trenches / Earthquakes

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