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Astronomy has really big numbers

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy has really big numbers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy has really big numbers

2 Distance between Earth and Sun
meters kilometers This is the closest star.

3 Distance To Next Closest Star
Alpha Centauri kilometers Or meters Too big. Mind explosion.

4 What’s a better way? × 1013 km Or 4.365 light years

5 Scientific Notation 2.75 x 103 A number is written in two parts:
Just the digits (with the decimal point placed after the first digit), × 10 to a power Example: 2.75 x 103

6 x 103 = ???????? × 10 to a power puts the decimal point back where it should be (i.e. it shows how many places to move the decimal point). Examples: 2.75 x 103 =

7 Another Example

8 How to do it Step 1 To figure out the power of 10, think
"how many places do I move the decimal point?"

9 How to do it Step 2 If the number is 1 or greater
the decimal place has to move to the left the power of 10 will be positive.   If the number is smaller than 1 then decimal place has to move to the right the power of 10 will be negative: 

10 Example 0.0055 would be written as 5.5 × 10-3 Because
= 5.5 × = 5.5 × 10-3

11 Why not just write the number?
Scientific Notation is used for numbers that are HUGE or tiny For example it is easier to write (and read) 1.3 × 10-9 Than

12 Which one is easier to read?
So what do you think? The distance from the earth to the sun meters kilometers or 1.50 x 1011 m Which one is easier to read?

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