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G/E.  N.A.A.C.P focuses on legal cases/court system (Thurgood Marshall)  C.O.R.E (Congress of Racial Equality)-non- violence started 1942  Jackie Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "G/E.  N.A.A.C.P focuses on legal cases/court system (Thurgood Marshall)  C.O.R.E (Congress of Racial Equality)-non- violence started 1942  Jackie Robinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 G/E

2  N.A.A.C.P focuses on legal cases/court system (Thurgood Marshall)  C.O.R.E (Congress of Racial Equality)-non- violence started 1942  Jackie Robinson 1947  Desegregation of armed forces 1948

3  1955: 14 years old from Chicago  Accused of whistling at a white store owner’s wife while visiting grandfather in Mississippi  Taken from bed and beaten, eyes gouged out, and drown him by tying a cotton gin fan around his neck

4  Refused to give up her seat for a white passenger and was arrested  Led to a boycott of the buses for almost a year  Boycott: do not use the goods or services

5  26 yrs old during Montgomery Bus Boycott  1 st President of Southern Christian leadership Conference (SCLC)  March on Washington August 1963 -200,000 people -I Have a Dream Speech

6  9 high school students are stopped form attending a desegregated high school in Arkansas  Governor calls out National Guard  President Eisenhower calls out US Army  Who has higher power?

7  1954: Brown v. Board  1955: Emmitt Till  1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott  1957: S.C.L.C formed led by M.L.K  1957: Little Rock Nine

8  2 Types: -DeJure Segregation: by law (Jim Crow Laws) -DeFacto Segregation: done by practice or custom-not by law

9  Do you think you could practice non- violence?  What if someone was using violence against you?

10  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee: started in North Carolina and then spread -college students of different races  Woolworth Sit-In  Also participated in Freedom Rides, March on Washington, etc

11 Dogs Fire Hoses Tear Gas Clubs

12  Bus rides that took students into the South to help desegregate public facilities like train stations, etc.  Many arrested or killed

13  Sept. 15, 1963: Sunday morning bomb thrown into basement Baptist Church  Tension over registering to vote  Killed four girls  Done by KKK  Turning point-seen on color tv in North  Not until 2000-two out of four men serve sentences

14  13 th Amendment 1865: abolished slavery  14 th Amendment 1868: equal protection under the law  15 th Amendment 1870: can not discriminate against race (voting men)  19 th Amendment 1920 : women get the right to vote

15  Literacy Test  Make it difficult to register  Poll Tax  Grandfather Clause

16  Voter Education Project (VEP)  1962-CORE, SNCC  Helped encourage African Americans to register to vote  Freedom Summer: college students mainly from Ohio go to Mississippi to help register voters and teach summer school - reading/math/history Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, Mike Schwerner

17  First on March 7, 1965 also known as “Bloody Sunday”  Second on March 9 th  The third started on March 23 made it 51 miles  Fighting for voting rights

18  University Georgia 1961: Charlayne Hunter & Hamilton Holmes  University Mississippi 1962: James Meredith  Riots erupted  Later shot & lived helping blacks register to vote University Alabama 1963: Vivian Malone & James Hood Governor Wallace tries to stop

19  Became a Black Muslim in prison  Replaced last name with X defied the sign of slavery by taking your owner’s last name  Believed non- violence useless

20  Went on pilgrimage to Mecca  Returned and realized Elijah teachings were wrong and switched to non-violence  Shot 21 times Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights, NY  Killed Feb. 21, 1965 by three members of the Nation of Islam while giving a speech  Thomas Hagan Paroled 2010

21  A movement that came from the SNCC when Stokely Carmichael separated from the group in late 1960s  Believed nonviolence not working and became a militant group mainly against police brutality

22  1968 Mexico City Olympics  John Carlos and Tommie Smith do the Power to the People Salute  Stripped of medals only recently returned

23  Civil Rights Act 1964: -Signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson -Made Jim Crow laws illegal -Can not discriminate in public places, desegregated schools, can not discriminate in jobs, etc. ***Turning Point in the Civil Rights Movement

24  Voting Rights Act 1965: made poll tax and literacy tests illegal & stated can not discriminate against race when voting -Only federal employees can register people to vote not community members  24 th Amendment: made poll taxes illegal

25  Should the government be able to tell you who you can be friends with?  Should the government be able to tell you who you can marry?

26  Mildred and Richard Loving went to D.C. to marry since it was illegal in Virginia  Cops raided home and arrested them  Overthrew Racial Integrity Act 1924  Made restricts on interracial marriage illegal  How many of you or your friends can now exist?

27  April 4, 1968 Killed by James Earl Ray on balcony hotel

28  Civil Rights Act 1968: Banned discrimination in housing

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