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Moon Phases.

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Presentation on theme: "Moon Phases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon Phases

2 The moon does not give off its own light
The moon does not give off its own light. It reflects light from the sun. Like a flashlight shining on a mirror!

3 Look for the pattern! Check out the right side!

4 As the moon orbits Earth, we see different phases!
The right side always lights up first. The right side always gets dark first.                                      Then the pattern starts again!! *Draw this!!!

5 The right side lights up first!
The right side gets dark first! *Does your drawing look like this?

6 March 2013 Since the moon follows a pattern we can predict what the moon will look like years from now!

7 Now draw the moon like this and fill in the rest:
Last Quarter Full Moon New Moon First Quarter

8 **You need to know these terms:
When you can’t see it. New moon Only see the right half. 1st Quarter moon Full Moon You see the entire side. Last Quarter moon Only see left half.

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