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 Hebrews= Ancestors of Jews  Kept records  Religion= Judaism  Writings of Hebrew prophets make up Hebrew and Christian Bible.

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2  Hebrews= Ancestors of Jews  Kept records  Religion= Judaism  Writings of Hebrew prophets make up Hebrew and Christian Bible

3  History of Hebrews= Torah  First 5 books of Hebrew Bible  Old Testament in Christian Bible  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy  Tanakh- Hebrew Bible  Torah, Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings)  Mishnah- anthology of rabbinic law  Talmud- extended commentary on Mishnah  Later rabbinic interpretation

4  Abraham  Shepherd  Lived near Ur in Mesopotamia  God told him to leave  Covenant- God would lead them to a Promised Land  Led the people to Canaan

5  Isaac  Ancestral “father” or patriarch  Jacob  12 sons  12 Tribes of Israel  Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun

6  Some Israelites went to Egypt due to famine  Pharaoh enslaved Israelites  Moses  Israelite but raised in Palace  Moses asked for Israelites to be freed  10 plagues  Moses led Exodus

7  Wandered in desert for 40 years  Mount Sinai  God gave Moses 2 stone tablets  10 commandments  Arrived in Canaan  Battled for it  Became Israel

8  Settled in scattered areas  Farmed and raised livestock  Organized loosely by 12 tribes  No central government  Prophets appeared from time to time carrying messages  Focus on faith

9  Philistines attacked in 1000 BCE  Israelites united to defeat Phil.  Saul- 1 st king  Troubled and jealous  Never liked by the people  David  Well loved, great military leader  Poet and musician  Capital became Jerusalem

10  Solomon  Lots of trade  Kingdom became wealthy  Built a temple

11  Who should be the next king?  A split  10 tribes in North= Israel  2 in South= Judah  700 BCE Assyrians conquered Israel  Chaldeans conquered Judah in 586 BCE  Sent Jews to Babylon as slaves  Diaspora  Persians conquered Chaldeans and let Jews return  Some did and rebuilt temple- “Second Temple”

12  Monotheistic  Justice and righteousness  Ethical tradition  Respect families, tell the truth, honest, etc  Obedience to laws  10 Commandments  Mosaic Law

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