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King Cobra By Stevey and Daquari.

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1 King Cobra By Stevey and Daquari

2 Inherited Traits The king Cobra is covered in scales and it can not walk. The scales can be gray, green, black, and yellow. They can not walk, so they sliver on their scales. They use their colors for camouflage.

3 Physical Features Mouth- They have two large teeth in the mouth. They are called fangs. Ears- They do not have ears. They tongue is their ears, because they sense with their tongue.

4 Where does it live? King Cobras’ are found in Asia. Primarily India, Chine and Southeast Asia. They live in forests and open land. They like to live in warm places. They sleep at night time and they do their hunting during the day. They eat mice and small animals.

5 Behavior Cobras are the longest venomous snake. They can reach up to 19 feet long. The would rather avoid confrontation, but when they are bothered a lot, they will strike. Their strikes don’t normally inject venom. But when they do its is very lethal.

6 They are used by snake charmers and they have a very deep hiss.
Interesting Facts They are used by snake charmers and they have a very deep hiss.


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