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Central Virginia Community College Where your future begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Virginia Community College Where your future begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Virginia Community College Where your future begins

2 The QEP Quality Enhancement Plan

3 What is a QEP? Quality Enhancement Plan
A core requirement for SACS Reaffirmation of Accreditation: “. . . a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning. The QEP should be embedded within the institution’s ongoing integrated institution-wide planning and evaluation process . . .” (SACSCOC Handbook for Reaffirmation of Accreditation, 2007, p. 3) An opportunity for the college to focus on a topic that we care about to improve student outcomes

4 What is a QEP An opportunity for the college to focus on a topic that we care about to improve student outcomes

5 Why is a QEP now a SACS Core requirement?
To make the SACS reaffirmation of accreditation process less prescriptive and . . . To give more control to institutions.

6 An Acceptable QEP . . . includes a broad-based institutional process identifying a key issue emerging from institutional assessment, focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution, demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP, and identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement. (SACSCOC Core Requirement 2.12)

7 The Topic Selection Team
Topic Selection Co-Chairs Cynthia Lofaso (HSS) and Rebecca Honeycutt (SME) Additional committee members Joey Fronheiser (IE/IR/Planning), Ernie Wade (BAH), Kimberly French (Counseling) The entire CVCC Community

8 The Process Between January 2012 and May 2012 the committee met with and gathered information from the following groups: Faculty Association President’s Staff Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Student Services group (deans and directors Classified Staff Association Part-Time Staff Association Student Government Association

9 Faculty Association Focus Group
Student success center Writing center Tutoring Faculty advising Focus on motivation and organizational skills of students Focus on reading skills Reading prerequisites

10 Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Student Services Focus Group
An emphasis on the use of Collaborate for online instruction An emphasis on mobile learning Faculty in each degree major to teach SDV 100 Hybrid Course Offerings – how it could benefit & impact instruction, increase offerings

11 President’s Staff Focus Group
Re-emphasized the broad based approach Approved existing QEP topics It is up to the CVCC community to come up with the topic Commitment of resources of both time and money

12 Open Forum More tutors and more subjects available for tutoring
Career advisement Increased support for student success Incorporation of reading, writing and math across the curriculum Improvement in wait times in counseling Improvement in student/faculty communication Improved communication with counseling and advising Faculty advising Creation of learning communities

13 Classified Staff Association Focus Group
Basic training for students in computer use, Blackboard and overall computer skills including proper use of for communication Assistance for students in conducting research and writing term papers Basic training in library skills

14 Part Time Staff Association Focus Group
Better structured tutoring center Better staffing in the tutoring center Stronger orientation program for incoming students Creation of an alumni mentor program Better communication of learning resources and scholarship opportunities to students Development of a career center

15 Department Meetings and Communications
Tutoring with drop in availability Support for students with academic difficulties early in the semester Math and English tutoring center Walk in tutoring with a shorter wait time Site tutors Ways to enhance student motivation and promote a passion for learning Comprehensive student learning center Emphasis on literacy Creation of a writing center

16 Major Themes Learning Resource Center to provide tutoring to a greater number of students in a greater number of academic areas. College Readiness Program to focus on students who are coming into the community college. Reading, Writing and Math across the Curriculum to focus on the incorporation of fundamental skills across all general education courses.

17 CVCC Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection Survey
Survey Results CVCC Quality Enhancement Plan Topic Selection Survey Please rank order your choices for a QEP topic Answer Options 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Rating Average Response Count Learning Resource Center 57 37 22 1.70 116 College Readiness Program 36 41 40 2.03 117 Reading, Writing, and Math Across the Curriculum 23 38 52 2.26 113 answered question skipped question

18 Next Steps Co-Chairs for the QEP Planning Process
Formation of Subcommittees Stay tuned and get ready!

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