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AOOS Board Anchorage, October 17, 2014. IOOS Association - Treasurer & EXCOM - Retreat in August - National budget - Certification Ocean Research Advisory.

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Presentation on theme: "AOOS Board Anchorage, October 17, 2014. IOOS Association - Treasurer & EXCOM - Retreat in August - National budget - Certification Ocean Research Advisory."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOOS Board Anchorage, October 17, 2014

2 IOOS Association - Treasurer & EXCOM - Retreat in August - National budget - Certification Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) - Inactive at this point – last 3 meetings cancelled Arctic Observing - IARPC planning teams - Data services for Arctic programs NAS Gulf Program - Strategic plan completed - New committee now in charge

3 Alaska Activities Community Based Monitoring Workshop STAMP Workshop AOOS 10 th Anniversary (Dugan report) EVOS Gulf Watch Alaska Program Preparing for next 5 year cooperative agreement Tracking Alaska Arctic Policy Committee – science needs NWAB Science program Ecological Forecasting Workshop

4 March Board Meeting Follow-up Tribal board member TEK expert for DMAC University of Alaska/AOOS follow-up Strategic vision/planning (“Out of this world” group) Use of AOOS data at SFOS ADF&G & ERMA meetings Multiple proposals funded 2 for IOOS marine sensor technology program (freeze-up detection and ocean acidification); 2 as partners to NPRB long-term monitoring (Seward Line & Chukchi sentinel mooring); Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat (CIRT tool enhancements); Arctic Marine Biodiversity; MARES; Arctic Eis

5 Observing System Highlights Marine Operations - Successful launch & retrieval of Norton Sound buoy Partners in Nome to take on storage, maintenance, deployment - Cook Inlet buoy fixed, to be deployed next season Engagement from recreational boating community (survey) - New web cam, AIS & weather station at Kenai River mouth - Targeted stakeholder workshop (first of several planned events)

6 Observing System Highlights Coastal Hazards - Shoreline profile database – underway - Collaboration with Weather Service, LCCs and CO-OPS - Geodetic leveling of community tide gauges - Pilot development of short-term water level stations - Color indexed maps - Wave sensors in Beaufort

7 Observing System Highlights Water quality including Ocean Acidification - OA Burkolator at Seward shellfish hatchery - PWS expanded monitoring: gliders and tour boats - Ecological Forecasting: focus on HABs, pathogens, invasive species

8 Observing System Highlights Ecosystems, Fisheries & Climate Trends - Biophysical mooring in Chukchi - Pilot hydrophone on glider for marine mammal tracking - Arctic Animal Tagging Network discussions - Success and continued progress on Yukon River forecast; AYK salmon data - Aleutian and Bering Climate Vulnerability Assessment (Tyler report)

9 Data System Highlights AOOS system now fully HTML5 Improved catalog navigation National SOS test complete IOOS Systems integration test underway This year’s work plan: focus on metadata and data ingestion; develop iPhone app, AOOS lite MOA signed between MXAK and AOOS, Canadian DFO & AOOS What’s coming? Vessel tracks, Shorezone/station, Fish Atlas, Historic Sea Ice Atlas, improved sensor map UI

10 Oct 21-22: AK Sea Grant Advisory Committee Oct 28-31: PAG & DBO workshops, Seattle Nov 5-6: IOOS Assoc, WA DC Nov 18-20: Gulf Watch AK PI meeting Nov 19: AOOS 10 th Anniversary Event Dec 2-3: OA Workshop in Anchorage Dec 10-11: Structured Decision Making (SDM) Workshop, Aleutian and Bering Climate Vulnerability Assessment

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