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Slide 1 Risk Management Overview Four individuals giving a brief overview of current issues in their areas of responsibility.

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1 Slide 1 Risk Management Overview Four individuals giving a brief overview of current issues in their areas of responsibility.

2 Slide 2 Introductions by Allan Johnson COMPLIANCE –Nancy Joyer, Office of General Counsel OSHA & MPCA ISSUES –Don Beckering, Fire/EMS/Safety Center ALL HAZARDS PLANNING –Tracy Worsley, Fire/EMS/Safety Center FLEET SAFETY –Keswic Joiner, Risk Management

3 OSHA and MPCA issues Fire/EMS/Safety Center Don Beckering

4 Slide 4 EHS Newsletter Fire/EMS/Safety Center to distribute communications regularly Highlights of Jan 2009 Newsletter –OSHA Compliance Action 9 citations Fine $6,200 –MPCA Compliance Action 14 items in Notice of violations Fine $ 18,000

5 Slide 5 Compliance Actions OSHA Critical Items –Eyewash installation and Maintenance –Machine Guarding –Potential for Lead exposures and training –Checklist on Silica Exposure MPCA Critical Items –Waste Stream Analysis –Sewering of Wastes –Labeling of Waste Containers –Storm Water Program Deadline Spring 2011

6 Slide 6 Employee Training and Recordkeeping OSHA –Employee Right-To-Know –Lockout/ Tagout –Annual and New Employee Training MPCA –Hazardous Waste Training –Annual and New Employee Training Recordkeeping –Retain employee training records at a designated location –Typically 3 years

7 All Hazards Planning Fire/EMS/Safety Center Tracy Worsley

8 Slide 8 NIMS Training Over 800 system personnel trained 08 All 32 colleges/universities were afforded opportunity Changeover, new hire, missed opportunities require additional classes 8 more training opportunities – 4 corners, 2 central, 2 metro. Volunteers?

9 Slide 9 All Hazards Planning Planning guides before training? Forward drafts to center regardless of condition Draft review and consult available for any part After review watch web for best practices

10 Slide 10 Next Steps Continue to work draft plans Tabletop in 09 – Common scenario Exercise main portions of plan: –Activation of Emergency Operations Management Team –Emergency Operations Center - Notification –Organization – Incident Command System –Continuity of Operation Activation Questions??????

11 Slide 11 Fleet Vehicle Safety Standards Results thus far: Over 5000 mvr’s have been requested Approximately 93% have returned as eligible Less than 4% have returned with driving activity that made them ineligible –Primarily due to major violations Approximately 3% were undetermined –We were unable to obtain their driving record due to insufficient data or state signature requirement.

12 Slide 12 Fleet Vehicle Responsibilities Be familiar with the State’s and agency’s Drivers’ License and Record Check policy. Maintain an active, valid/appropriate driver’s license. Notify their supervisors no later than the beginning of the next shift after losing their driver’s license through suspension, revocation, cancellation or disqualification. Refrain from driving a state vehicle if the employee does not have a valid/appropriate driver’s license.

13 Slide 13 Fleet Vehicle Responsibilities cont. Drive responsibly and adhere to all traffic laws. Cell phone use while operating a vehicle is not recommended. If the driver has to use a cell phone they are encouraged to pull the vehicle completely off the road and come to a complete stop in a parking area or other safe place before placing or accepting a call. Maintain liability insurance on their personal vehicles if used for work purposes

14 Slide 14 Fleet Vehicle Safety Standards - Next Steps - Rollout Dates –Staff/Employees begin submissions the week of February 16. –Faculty remain the same as originally stated Van and trailer towing training is being developed and due to the OOC by the end of the week.

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