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Peter Fox (RPI) WDS Science Symposium 2011 September 3-6, 2011, Kyoto, JAPAN Strategic coordination of ICSU data activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Fox (RPI) WDS Science Symposium 2011 September 3-6, 2011, Kyoto, JAPAN Strategic coordination of ICSU data activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Fox (RPI) WDS Science Symposium 2011 September 3-6, 2011, Kyoto, JAPAN Strategic coordination of ICSU data activities

2 The trajectory

3 Technical advances From: C. Borgman, 2008, NSF Cyberlearning Report

4 Coordination for Data Strategic –CSPR Priority Area Assessment on Data 2004 –Strategic Committee on Information and Data (SCID) 2007-2008 –Strategic Coordinating Committee on Information and Data (SCCID) 2009-2011 Implicit –eGY, IPY, IHY, … 2007-2008 –International Scientific Unions –Councils, Committees… –Nations (Australia, U.S., …) –Societies, projects, individuals SCID Sorbonne, Nov. 2007

5 SCCID - March 2010 @ ICSU

6 SCCID recommendations Best practice guide(s) Adoption by National Members and Union Members either through their own data and information committees or commissions, or independently –and ensure that the guide is followed And … by all new ICSU projects and programmes nce/011409bestpracticecover.jpg 83/best-practice-upper-intermediate- business-english-in-global-bill-mascull- paperback-cover-art.jpg

7 SCCID recommendations content/uploads/2011/04/open_access.jpg g/Open_Access/Open_Access_Cloud_WEB.jpg

8 SCCID recommendations OECD guidelines = data access and sharing policies

9 SCCID recommendations Engage actively –publishers of all kinds together –library community –scientific researchers To –Document and promote community best practice in the handling of supplemental material, publication of data and appropriate data citation. dia/2010/03/reed-elsevier-logo240cs030110.jpg shed%20Pics/Scientists.jpg

10 SCCID recommendations For 2012 - how data science can support the delivery of the science goals of the major ICSU Earth System Research for Global Sustainability initiative and the Planet under Pressure Exploit expertise in data standards already present Definition and maintenance of high level data standards standards

11 SCCID recommendations

12 SCCID recommendations

13 SCCID recommendations

14 SCCID recommendations

15 SCCID recommendations Analysis of storage models and means, including the possibility of creating an analogue with digital deposit libraries

16 SCCID recommendations ICSTI enlarge existing dialogue with the private sector –more commercial companies –more ICSU National and Union Members Explore how science and commerce can exploit data and information to mutual benefit

17 SCCID recommendations The WDS should be the natural home for science in-reach activities and should work with CODATA on raising visibility of data and information management by scientists

18 Summary Data science and informatics have emerged and ICSU is paying attention and stepping up for strategic coordination Early results (ICSTI, CODATA, PIC and WDS response) are promising, others are not (Unions, Nations) Penetration down to societies and the working ranks is needed – move from 10s to 100s to 1000s Significant opportunities for scientist with minimal resources (data, computation) to be(come) data scientists Thanks for your attention -, foxp@rpi.edu

19 Scale free! Super nodes…

20 Back shed

21 Present and future = data scientists Formal training in the key cognitive and skill areas will enable graduates to become key participants in eScience collaborations The need is to teach key methodologies in application areas based on real research experience and build a skill-set.

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