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Pat Mueller David Merves October 6, 2008 NH RESPONDS Evaluation Component.

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Presentation on theme: "Pat Mueller David Merves October 6, 2008 NH RESPONDS Evaluation Component."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pat Mueller David Merves October 6, 2008 NH RESPONDS Evaluation Component

2 Why We Collect Data/Evaluate? Somebody said you had to Inform instruction School improvement Local, state, and federal accountability Public information Choose/set policy Marketing Because that’s what all the cool kids are doing…

3 State Personnel Development Improvement Grants (SIG/SPDGs) SIG/SPDGs are measured against… OSEP program performance measures NH RESPONDS performance measures

4 SPDG Program Performance Measures % of personnel receiving professional development (PD) on scientific-or evidence-based instructional practices. % of projects that have implemented PD/training activities that are aligned with improvement strategies in the State Performance Plan (SPP). % of PD/training activities provided that are based on scientific-or evidence-based instructional/behavioral practices.

5 SPDG Program Performance Measures % of PD/ training activities that are sustained through on-going and comprehensive practices (e.g., mentoring, coaching). % of SPDG projects that successfully replicate the use of scientifically based or evidence-based instructional/behavioral practice in schools


7 1. Define the Criteria to Be Evaluated Terminology  Goals Long-Term Outcomes or Impact  Objectives Short-term & Intermediate Outcomes  Activities Outputs

8 Two Types of Evaluation Standards Process/Formative: Assesses ongoing project activities  Begins at program implementation and continues throughout program  Is the program being delivered as planned?  Is the program progressing towards its goals and objectives?

9 Two Types of Evaluation Standards Outcome/Summative: Assesses the program’s success and whether the program or initiative had an impact.  Compares the actual results to projected goals/objectives.  Typically used for decision making purposes  Important to look for unanticipated outcomes

10 2. Logic Models A conceptual model that links an initiative’s goals and objectives, with expected outputs and/or outcomes. Numerous types of logic models. There are many other methods of illustrating the conceptual framework of an initiative.

11 3. Writing an Evaluation Plan Components to include:  Program goal/objectives  Evaluation questions  Performance indicators  Data collection procedures  Data analysis method  Person responsible  Timeline

12 4. Collecting Data Process/formative data  Amount and type of PD provided  Satisfaction and utility of PD provided  Products developed  These data tend to be gathered by those providing PD Outcome/Summative data  Reduced office discipline referrals  Reduced suspensions/expulsions  Improved reading scores  These data tend to be collected from the LEA or SEA

13 NH RESPONDS Data Collection Tools PD Activity Log completed by TA/PD providers Minutes  Leadership Team meetings  Workgroup meetings  School & District Improvement Team minutes/products Surveys/Interviews/Focus groups  Annual Participating Personnel Survey (March/April)  Workshop surveys

14 NH RESPONDS Data Collection Tools Fidelity instruments (for PBIS & Literacy)  Benchmarks of Quality  School-wide Evaluation Tool Existing data  Office Discipline Referrals  Suspension/expulsion data  Reading scores

15 5. Analyzing Data & Understanding Results SAU/School-Level  Analysis of student performance to improve instruction (i.e. reading scores)  Analysis of school-level data to improve safety and/or climate (i.e. SET) Project/Grant Level  Analysis of formative data for program improvement purposes  Aggregate analysis of all outcome data to describe impact of NH RESPONDS

16 6. Communicate the Findings (Reporting) Provide on-going feedback to project management ( what’s working/what’s not). Provide on-going data to the NH Bureau related to completion of objectives and success of project efforts. Provide annual report to the U.S. Department of Education related to completion of objectives and success of project efforts.


18 WWW.EECVT.COM EEC@GMAVT.NET (802) 434-5607 WWW.SIGNETWORK.ORG Evergreen Educational Consulting

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