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CranioSacral Therapy Presented by Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D Illustrations by Tad Wanveer, Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "CranioSacral Therapy Presented by Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D Illustrations by Tad Wanveer, Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 CranioSacral Therapy Presented by Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D Illustrations by Tad Wanveer, Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

2 The structure of each cell, as well as its surrounding medium, affects cell function.

3 Cell shape, health and ability to function normally is dependant upon balanced motion and composition of its surrounding matrix. Glia surrounds every cell within the Central Nervous System. Fascia surrounds every cell within the body. Longitudinal section showing the central nervous system within the craniosacral system.

4 Normal Surrounding Matrix and Cell Shape

5 Distortion of Surrounding Matrix Places Adverse Strain Upon Cells

6 Comparison of normal and adversely strained surrounding matrix.

7 Fascia is a continuous net-like sheet of connective tissue that binds, connects, glides, supports and envelops all structures of the body. “There is no cell or organ, vessel or nerve, muscle, bone, or limb that is not within the fascial system.” Viola M. Frymann, D.O. Sagittal section showing fascia.

8 The craniosacral system The craniosacral system surrounds, protects, nourishes and cleanses the brain and spinal cord. Sagittal section showing the craniosacral system.

9 A closer view of the craniosacral system

10 Components of the CSS: container, fluid, production and inflow system, outflow system, and regulatory system.

11 Simplified craniosacral system used to explain the Pressurestat Model.

12 A balloon to represent the craniosacral system and the Pressurestat Model.

13 Water flows into the balloon in “on and off” cycles creating an increase and decrease of volume and pressure within the balloon.

14 The Pressurestat Model used to explain the biomechanics of the CSS.

15 Pressurestat motion causes the body to move via the fascial system.

16 Sagittal section with craniosacral system layers removed to show the central nervous system.

17 Enlarged sagittal section showing craniosacral system layers removed to show the central nervous system.

18 ADD/ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorder Birth Trauma Cerebral Palsy CNS Disorders of Unknown Etiology Constipation Difficulty Chewing/Swallowing Difficulty with eye tracking Ear Infection Headaches Immune Disorders Learning Differences Plagiocephly Poor Motor Planning and/or Execution Stress Reflux Seizure Disorder Sensory Processing Issues Speech Issues Strabismus Torticollis Traumatic Impact CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to aid correction of:

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