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Instructional System Design

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional System Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional System Design

2 Design Approaches to Language Learning
Language learning tasks Course/Syllabus design Methodological framework/design integration (approach, design, procedure) Language-learning areas and skills Design of CALL tutors Design of CALL tools

3 Different Perspectives
Language teacher’s perspective A middle path for curriculum design Language learner’s perspective A continuity in tools across courses/programs An institution-wide perspective School policy on technology and support

4 What is Instructional System Design?
“the systematic and reflective process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials, activities, information resources, and evaluation” (Smith & Ragan, 1999).

5 ADDIE Model

6 Analyze This is the foundation for all other phases of instructional design. The purpose of this phase is to define the problem, identify the source of the problem and determine possible solutions. What are the overall learning goals for your instruction? A list of instructional goals and tasks should be generated. What are the general characteristics of your target audience? What are their learning needs and goals?

7 Design This phase uses the outputs from the Analyze phase to plan a strategy for developing the instruction. It may include the following tasks List the major topics of knowledge or skills you expect students to study , What are the learning outcomes for each topic? What technology should be included in the instruction?

8 Develop This phase uses the output from the Analyze and Design phases to develop instructional materials. All the media content will also be generated with any supporting documentation. Questions you need to address: Who will be involved in the development of the materials? How much time do you plan to invest in this stage?

9 Implement This is the phase in which one actually delivers the instruction. The purpose is to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of instruction. You may need to deal with the following issues: What's your implementation timeline? What are the procedures for learner training? To ensure a smooth and successful delivery, what technology tools are involved?

10 Evaluate This phase measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruction. Evaluation can be either Formative or Summative. Formative Evaluation is an interactive ongoing evaluation during and between phases. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to improve the instruction before the final version is implemented. Summative Evaluation usually occurs after the final version of instruction is implemented. The purpose of this type of evaluation is to assess the overall effectiveness of the instruction.

11 Evaluate - continued How do you know that the learning objectives have been achieved? What methods do you plan to use to collect data? How do you plan to analyze the data?

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