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Welcome to SasView Code Camp III Getting started: Where we are Some news about changes already before we start Work Packages Schedule of camp Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to SasView Code Camp III Getting started: Where we are Some news about changes already before we start Work Packages Schedule of camp Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to SasView Code Camp III Getting started: Where we are Some news about changes already before we start Work Packages Schedule of camp Planning exercise for Monday GOALS for THIS code camp and getting organized

2 SasView: Where are we? Increasing uptake ILL users, ISIS users, Ansto users, NIST users and others …. but Lab saxs users apparently “random” users Download of RELEASE version >2700 this past year 63% Windows …. 5 download for Android? Some workshops using one download + install from stick Most heavy users taking from Jenkins – NOT COUNTED Horizon 2020 in European framework pending Problem area NOW at a crossroads – Need to become more disciplined and professional in our approach

3 SasView: Work done in preparation for code camp SANS to SAS finish (we think) – Jeff K. Wx3.0 builds on DMSC machines now primary build All new commits should build against Wx3.0 (or you’ve broken trunk) (will try to keep UTK as mirror for now) Move to Github complete ….means work to start up but … Get account and give name to Andrew Jackson If using eclipse will need to download and install …. Point eclipse to github

4 SasView: Work done in preparation for code camp All tickets moved into “work packages” SasView Bug Fixing SasModels New Model SasModels Redesign SasView Documentation SasView Fitting Redesign SESANS integration SasView Framework Enhancements SasView GUI Redesign SasView QA and testing Plotting/Graphing Enhancements Reporting Enhancements Saving State Enhancements SasView Admin

5 Today expect real work to start after lunch Sunday is set as relatively flexible with a suggestion for outing in morning and coding in afternoon Monday Trip to ESS Visit ESS in morning Lunch in Lund Roadmapping exercise! Every full day of coding use ~1/2 after lunch to discuss progress/issues code camp schedule: updated on the wiki Start thinking about this Schedule should be considered flexible to meet the needs

6 SHORT term (FOR THIS RELEASE?) New sasmodels interface to sasview PARK replaced with BUMPS properly finished Major bugs fixes (alsos as many minors as possible) Documentation Robustness Mid term Completely separate GUI from UI Reports significantly improved Save State significantly improved Plotting significantly improved Improve magnetic scattering support Long term - software Multiprocessor and GPU support Web interface New desktop interface? Integrating a Launching jobs remotely to cluster button for compute intensive calculations Provide intelligent checking with warnings (e.g. “you cannot independently vary scale and sld” etc) SasView: Roadmapping Exercise – some ideas Mid/Long term - development infrastructure USER SUPPORT interface TRAC (or ticket system) w/ repo Version control? SVN or git or ? version control provider (local, sourceforge, github etc) User forums Market place of models and enhancements (add ons) Develop tutorials and give webinars

7 Release 3.1 with minimum requirements : New Models interface Wx 3.0 and new documentation in installer version Fix model documentation format to include implementation and testing BUMPS cleaned up and PARK removed Major bugs fixed some new models added? IF POSSIBLE ticket #23 and #262 addressed (acknowledgement and bug report in GUI) Address tickets #239 and #240 (licensing) Non Release based Goals: Easy developer set up - Ticket #219 Create first draft of priority roadmap (from Monday Discussion) ticket #300 Report on code camp activities IF POSSIBLE Unit testing working properly - ticket #301 Paper started - ticket #299 Advances on other projects which could involve providing a design or a report on options etc. SasView code camp III: GOALS!! do complete review of testing suite examine why unit tests are not being run and either run if reasonable remove unit tests if doesn’t make go over overall unit testing strategy USE TICKETS!!

8 SasView code camp III: getting started MOTTO: DO NOT LET PERFECTION BE THE ENEMY OF GOOD!!! Suggest small groups to attack main tasks Everybody make sure SasView is setup with Wx3.0 Everybody make sure we are setup to commit to github

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