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Khan Academy Implementation Models Making the Best Use of Khan Academy with Your Students 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Khan Academy Implementation Models Making the Best Use of Khan Academy with Your Students 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Khan Academy Implementation Models Making the Best Use of Khan Academy with Your Students 1

2 Implement for Student Needs  Consider your students’ needs  Self-study resource  Accuplacer or classroom supplementation  Tool for supported study  Student self-pacing or extra support  Looping back to fill knowledge gaps or moving ahead  Boot Camp programs  Targeted Playlists  Meet full semester course objectives  Developmental math and technical training courses  Blended Learning  Missions 2

3 Choosing an Implementation Model  Choose a model based on your intended outcomes  What are you trying to assess?  How are you planning to assess?  Which implementation model works best in light of your instructional choices and your students’ needs? 3

4 What Are You Trying to Assess?  Diagnostic Gaps  Targeted Intervention  Diagnosis of Learning Challenges  Real-time student progress data – collaboration, competition, Energy Points, inspiration  Course Objectives  Missions or customized curriculum mapping  Content Mastery  Mastery Challenges 4

5 Assessment Possibilities  Pre/Post Accuplacer Scores  Pencil and paper homework, quizzes and tests  Weekly Khan Academy Homework  Number of Khan Academy minutes completed as a percentage of number of minutes assigned  Can motivate and inspire, but early Khan Academy analytics have not indicated a correlation with student success  Mastery Check-in  Percent of skills Mastered at mid-semester and end of semester ~ or whenever you want  Early Khan Academy analytics have indicated a correlation with student success  We recommend a blend of Time on Task with Mastery Challenges for a blend of student accountability and evidences of learning. 5

6 Implementation Possibilities  Supplemental Material  Use prior to taking criterion referenced or placement exams  Organized to encourage student self-study  Consider using Playlists, Curriculum Maps, or Student Study Plans  Blended Learning Tool  Use to meet full semester course objectives  Khan Academy resources used in conjunction with classroom instruction  Consider using Missions, Playlists, Curriculum Maps, or Student Study Plans  Choose the best (most appropriate) possibility  Note crossover potential in choosing options 6

7 Supplemental Implementation Options: Playlists and Curriculum Maps  Playlists – Skills and Videos to study.  Especially important for students who are not using Missions  Recommended for all implementation models  Common Kinds:  Foundational: Top 10 – 20 skills  Unit: Top 5 – 10 skills  Test Prep: Targeted topics for exams  Differentiated: Two Playlists – Basic and Advanced (used for self-pacing)  Project: Prerequisite skills to complete a project 7

8 Supplemental Implementation Options: Playlists and Curriculum Maps  How to Create Playlists and Curriculum Maps  Identify skills and concepts  Find relevant content on Khan Academy  Write down or create electronic links to content  Word.doc with live links or links from your learning platform (Moodle, Blackboard, etc.)  Guide students through playlist  Set goals – Exam Topics, Homework, Time needed to prepare or complete assignment  Specific due dates or self-pacing with target completion time  Work and self-check progress  Use Coach Recommendations to help students stay on task 8

9 Blended Learning Implementation Options  Blended Learning – combines live instruction with computer and online learning activities  Includes moving some classroom activities online (Flipped Classroom)  Joins best aspects of live and online instruction.  Class time to engage students in advanced interactive experiences  Online portion can:  Prepare students for classroom activities  Allow for working ahead or looping back  Address individual student needs 9

10 Blended Learning Implementation Options: Using Missions  Missions:  Guide students through course level content  Give students compelling goals to reach completion  Help students fill in learning gaps  Let students move ahead at their own pace or loop back to review and master topics 10

11 Blended Learning Implementation Options: Using Missions  Use Missions alongside your curriculum  Assign mission level skills that align to your Course Objectives  Students use Khan Academy during class and for homework  Use Missions to supplement your class  Students work on Khan Academy outside of your class  Use Coach Recommendations to guide students through Missions 11

12 Blended Learning Implementation Options: Classroom Organization  Station Rotation  Students rotate through stations as individuals or small groups  Targeted assignments or playlists  Small group seminars with instructor  Lab Rotation  Class rotates between instructor led classroom and computer lab  Small groups or whole class: Assigned or self-paced work  Interactive Classroom  Instructor led  Self-paced or assigned work through course objectives  Whole class, groups, peer tutors 12

13 Summary Thoughts  Teaching is a Craft  Part art – part science  Plan Ahead  Choose your implementation path  Stay Flexible  Change strategies to meet changing needs  Stay Focused – Find the Sweet Spot  Alert but not rigid ~ Relaxed but not lethargic  You are a teacher and a student  Learn and teach well 13

14 Ongoing DMDP Training and Instructional Support  We can provide training and support on at least two levels:  Introduction and orientation to Khan Academy platform capabilities  Updates on new site enhancements  Intermediate implementation workshops  Instructional needs analysis  Choosing an implementation model  Implementation management  Using student progress reports  Tim O’Connor is available by e-mail, phone, and site visit  toconnor@nebhe.org802.558.9486 14

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