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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Universe.

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2 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Universe

3 海王星 Neptune 水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus Solar system

4 Different legends about the beginning of the universe Do you know these stories? Give an example, please.

5 Pangu separates the sky from the earth Nuwa mending the sky

6 Holy Bible believed that God created the universe Then the god created the first man and the first woman Adam and Eve( 亚当 和夏娃)

7 What’s the scientific theory about the beginning of the universe ?

8 Skimming: Read the first sentence(or the second when necessary) of each paragraph and try to summarize the main idea. Para. 1. A widely accepted ________ Para. 2 The _____________ of the earth Para. 3The ____________ of water for life. Para. 4. The _____________ of plants and animals on the earth. Para. 5 The ________ of humans and their ________ on the earth theory formation importance development arrival l impact t

9 Read para2-3 and answer questions 1. What did the earth look like after the “Big Bang”? 2. What happened to the earth between 4,5 and 3.8 billion years ago? 3. What is included in the atmosphere of the earth? 4. How did water come into being on the earth? 5. why was water important ?

10 for several billion years after “Big Bang” between4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago What happened on the earth at that time? what did the explosion produce? A cloud of dust settled into a solid globe Exploded…with fire & rock (produce C, N 2, H 2 O, and other gases) made atmosphere water appeared Cool down Life began on the earth What did the water do on the earth? dissolve harmful gases and acids into … The formation of the earth

11 Read paragraph 4 and 5, and finish the form

12 The words that suggest the time order The development of life plants animals Many millions of years later small plants on the water 5. 1.6.7. Later8.9. 2. / 10. 3. / 11. 4. / human shellfish & other fish Next insects and amphibians the plants grew into forests reptiles mammals 65 million years ago After that dinosaur Finally, about2.6 million years ago Green plants began to grow on land

13 what kind of life form appeared first? small plants on the water shellfish & other fish Green plants began to grow on land insects and amphibians can live on land and in the water the plants grew into forests reptiles lay eggs the age of dinosaurs mammals give birth to young baby animals clever animals

14 1. Why did the plants grow before the animals came? 2. Why is it wrong to show films with dinosaurs and people together? Pair-work Because plants provide oxygen and food for animals. Because dinosaurs died out long before human being developed on the earth.

15 Put the order of development of life into a timeline. Use the reading passage to help you. 1 Insects and amphibians appeared. 2 Dinosaurs appeared. 3 The earth became a solid ball. 4 Small plants grew on the water. 5 Reptiles appeared. 6 Plants began to grow on dry land. consolidation

16 7 The earth was a cloud of dust. 8 Water appeared on the earth. 9 Shellfish and other fish appeared. 10 The universe began with a “Big Bang”. 11 Clever animals with hands and feet appeared. 12 Mammals appeared. Answer: 10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 11

17 Thinking: What problem are these clever animals causing? They are putting too much CO 2 into the atmosphere

18 What will happen when we put too much CO2 into the atmosphere? greenhouse effect global warming animals will die out plants will die out There will be no life on the earth rise of the sea level icebergs and glaciers melt

19 How to reduce global warming and make the earth a better place to live on? What we can do is to stop putting too much carbon dioxide into the air reduce pollution control the population Plant more trees to absorb the heat …

20 One Earth, One Home Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race

21 How life began on the earth. “Big Bang” other bodies ___________ stars Earth: a cloud of _____ atoms dust Summary

22 a solid ______ the earth’s ___________ other ____ _ Water: ___________ to the development of life water vapour nitrogen carbon extremely small _______ on the surface of the water globe gases atmosphere fundamental plants

23 early _________ and all sorts of fish green plants on land land animals insect s amphibians _______ _ huge animals (dinosaurs) the rise of __________ human beings shellfish reptiles mammals

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