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Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2. Before Writing Things DID happen – we just don’t have any written record of them.

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1 Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2


3 Before Writing Things DID happen – we just don’t have any written record of them.


5 Why is it called “the stone age”? Their tools were made of… STONE Divided into two major parts: 1. Old Stone Age = Paleolithic Age 2. New Stone Age = Neolithic Age

6 2,500,000 to 8,000 BCE Hunters-Gatherers: People who found all their food. Nomads: People without a permanent home; in constant migration following food source. Existence of modern humans and Neanderthals overlapped

7 What caused the human migration from Africa throughout the globe?

8 Someone, somewhere realized plants grow from seeds.. Use the seeds and you can CHOOSE where the plants grow! Agricultural revolution

9 Agriculture = Farming But… how can I have a permanent plant food source but still hunt for meat? People also domesticated animals Now they can stay in one, permanent location


11 8,000 – 3,000 BCE Permanent settlements Agriculture Animal domestication Modern humans become only hominids on Earth.

12 Pros Common culture Mutual Protection Near farms Grain and seed storage Cons Disease spreads more quickly among a dense population More vulnerable to raiders and thieves Suffer from natural disasters (drought, fire, floods)

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