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1. Neighbourhood Plan Village Meeting March 1 st 2014 2.

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2 Neighbourhood Plan Village Meeting March 1 st 2014 2

3 3 Our Village

4 Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan? Because South Northants Council think about the County, not just Kislingbury Local Plans set out the broad strategy for development in your area. They cannot tell you exactly what changes will happen in each neighbourhood. Local Plans can: Identify where development should take place, and when it should happen during the life of the plan. Decide the broad type of development that should be provided to meet local needs (e.g. housing, business, leisure, essential infrastructure). Mediate between competing demands for different land uses. Promote regeneration of town centres, derelict land or other areas. Protect special areas of the countryside and important buildings. Reduce risks to human health and well-being (e.g. from flooding). Help reduce our contribution to climate change and ensure new development is adapted to a changing climate. Reduce the need to travel by providing land for homes, schools, shops and businesses close together. Be flexible, to suit changing needs of business and communities. 4

5 Local Plans cannot : Ensure developments go ahead once planning permission is granted - this is decided by developers (and influenced by economic conditions). Decide in detail which type of shops or businesses are provided (unless there are good reasons to do so). Prevent a particular company or person from developing a site. Stop businesses, schools or hospitals from closing. Decide the quality and frequency of public transport services. Please everyone, all of the time. When we have a Neighbourhood Plan which has the support of the Village then SNC has to take account of this in the Local Plan 5 Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan? Because South Northants Council think about the County, not just Kislingbury Local Plans set out the broad strategy for development in your area. They cannot tell you exactly what changes will happen in each neighbourhood.

6 6 The Mill

7 7 Map of Development Plans Near Kislingbury We are Here SUE = Sustainable Urban Extension

8 8 Map of Development Plans Near Kislingbury We are Here Flood Plain Creating Norwood Farm SUE which will add 3,500 dwellings and consist of development all the way from St Crispins to Sandy Lane / South View.

9 9 Map of Development Plans Near Kislingbury Industrial park to be sited at Junction 16 Junction 16

10 Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan? Because Developers are Predatory and will take Opportunities wherever they can. A Neighbourhood Plan is a Defence against Developers. A Number 10 policy advisor has called for changes to the National Planning Policy Framework to prevent damage to the countryside becoming ‘the defining legacy of this government’. Nadhim Zahawi, and MP and member of David Cameron’s policy board, spoke out against ‘loopholes’ which open the door to ‘rapacious developers’. Mr Zahawi, MP for Stratford-on-Avon, said his constituency had come under ‘intense attack’ from developers ‘determined to undermine the government’s good intentions’. Stratford-on-Avon is one of a number of authorities without an adopted local plan providing a five-year land supply. The SNC has no adopted local plan!!! This means the NPPF’s presumption ‘in favour of sustainable development’ kicks in, with developers often able to secure planning permission for housing schemes by appealing to inspectors. Copyright A Neighbourhood Plan shows Developers and the Council that we know what we want for Kislingbury 10

11 What is A Neighbourhood Plan? A Neighbourhood Plan is a way of helping local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work. It can be used to: Develop a shared vision for your neighbourhood. Choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built. Identify and protect important local green spaces. Influence what new buildings should look like. What a Neighbourhood Plan can and cannot do A Neighbourhood Plan can… Decide where and what type of development should happen in the neighbourhood. Promote more development than is set out in the Local Plan. Include policies, for example, regarding design standards, that take precedence over existing policies in the Local Plan for the neighbourhood – provided the Neighbourhood Plan policies do not conflict with the strategic policies in the Local Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan cannot… Conflict with the strategic policies in the Local Plan prepared by the local planning authority. Be used to prevent development that is included in the Local Plan. Be prepared by a body other than a parish or town council or a neighbourhood forum. Copyright CRE: How to shape where you live 11

12 12 The Green

13 Questionnaire Highlights How Should Kislingbury Develop? Kislingbury should grow much larger6% Kislingbury should grow slightly larger28% Kislingbury should stay the same size as now66% How Should Kislingbury Develop? Kislingbury should become part of greater Northampton 1% Kislingbury would benefit from some limited Green Field Development 3% Kislingbury should be kept as a Rural Village separate from Northampton97% The Village facilities that are considered Very Important by You Primary School 84% Playing Field 79% The Sports Clubs 66% The Pubs/Restaurants 69% The Village Shops 81% The Village Greens 71% The Village Hall 77% 13

14 Questionnaire Highlights You had the following concerns about developments in the Parish Impact on the Environment 66% Impact on Primary School 53% Community Safety and Crime 74% Impact on Social Structure of the Village 53% Impact on the Character of the Old Village 66% Impact on Sewerage, Power, Telephone, Water Services 70% Increased Parking issues 62% Increased Traffic 80% Did You believe that Housing Developments would improve the Character and Social Structure of the Village ? No 87% Yes 13% You told us that New Village Housing should be: Affordable Homes to meet the Needs of Local People 67% Sheltered Housing (e.g. housing for Elderly and/or Disabled 54% Small Family Homes 57% Family Homes with Gardens suitable for Families 64% Developments which preserve the Character and Social Structure of the Village by their design and plot sizes 75% 14

15 Questionnaire Highlights This is the type of Housing you want in Kislingbury Infill on Vacant Plots 64% Small Scale Development (less than 10) 66% Infill on Sub-divided plots with existing Buildings 53% You said that the following Important Open Spaces should be protected from future development? East of Beech Lane 83% North End of Willow View Road 77% South of New Bugbrooke Road Site 72% Flood Plain North of Village 84% South of Camp Lane83% Should Kislingbury encourage New Businesses to Enter The Village ? No55% Yes45% 15

16 What we have to do now We Are Here Today 16 July/August 2015

17 17 At The Cross Roads

18 What we have to do now Consult and Communicate Again and Again!!! With you because this is your Plan and we need to find out what you want and make a Plan that you Support With Other Neighbouring Councils to make sure we don’t Plan anything that upsets them With Statutory Bodies such as The Highways Agency and Heritage Britain so all are aware of the Plan Proposals With the SNC to make sure that we are not Planning anything which goes against their Local Plan With Landowners to get their support for the Plan With Village Businesses to make sure that the Plan caters for their needs With Developers so they become aware of what the Village wants 18

19 51 Consultation Plan 52 Community Event - Awareness of the proposal to deliver the plan 53 Community Consultation Event (initiation and issues and ongoing) inc Exhibition 54 Stakeholder Meetings, Other Parishes, Village Services etc 55 Report of Consultation - public events carried out - needs collating/records - Consensus versus issues 56 Meet Landowners, Report and Communicate back 57 Meet Developers Report and Communicate back 58 Consult with Statutory Consultees Report and Communicate back 59 Hold School Event to involve Younger Residents Report and Communicate back 60 Meet with KOFS for Consultation with Older Residents Report and Communicate back 61 Draft Consultation Statement 62 Prepare for Statutory Consultation - Complete Consultation Statement 63 Draft Neighbourhood Plan 64 Steering Committee to Meet every 2 weeks to Review Progress and Plan Steps 65 Prepare/finalise outline structure of Plan (see Project Brief) 66 Allocate detailed drafting to working group members 67 Draft NDP Document 68 Prepare Proposal maps 69 Draft Plan Policies 70 Parish Council approves draft plan 71 72 73 Consultation and Submission 74 Community Consultation Event (comments on draft plan and SA/SEA Evaluation) What we have to do now – Consult and Communicate – Project Tasks 19

20 21 Review/Collation of SNC Technical Evidence - ongoing 22 Review/Collation of SNC Policy position - ongoing 23 Preparation of Communications Strategy 24 Preparation of Consultation Strategy 25 Sustainability Analysis and Character Assessment - initial appraisal (See separate Tasks) 26 Update Housing needs Information 27 28 SWOT Analysis - Protect, Preserve, Enhance 29 Mapping of Constraints - Approach SNC 30 Issues Report 31 Further Meetings with SNC /interested Parties 32 33 Developing a Vision and Objectives 34 Working group discussion and agreement on Draft objectives - housing need, environment objectives etc 35 Record agreed Draft Objectives 36 Prepare Report to Parish Council or Forum - ongoing Reporting 37 38 39 Generate Options 40 NDP Key Interest Area 41 Working Group - Maintain and Enhance the Look and Character of the Village 42 Working Group - Housing 43 Working Group - Economic Development, Businesses, Employment and Retail 44 Working Group - Natural Assets, Open Space and Countryside 45 Action Plan Items 46 Working Group - Traffic and Highways including Transport 47 Working Group - Local Services, including Social Services and Education 48 Working Group - Water Supply, Quality, Drainage What we have to do now – Develop the Plan based on Your Feedback - Project Tasks 20

21 When will the Neighbourhood Plan be Finished? The Final Act of the Plan Preparation will be the Referendum The Referendum is the Formal Act when all Kislingbury Residents Vote to accept the Plan When the Plan is accepted the SNC will adopt the Plan and take it into account for their Local Plan and Planning decisions Referendum Question Do you want South Northants Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Kislingbury Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? 21

22 22 The High Street

23 23 Steering Group Members Kay Longland,Email: Kjlongland@aol.comPhone: 01604 832 Chairman Alison WardEmail: a.ward968@btinternet.comPhone: 01604 833 Roger MinchinEmail: Phone: 01604 830 Paul HubandEmail: 0845 226 Andy ClarkeEmail: 07595 158 Tim WardEmail: Phone: 07855 388

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