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 ETHOS 2011 application 1. Project description 2 areas are focused on:  area 1: meeting the needs of highly talented pupils by offering opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: " ETHOS 2011 application 1. Project description 2 areas are focused on:  area 1: meeting the needs of highly talented pupils by offering opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1  ETHOS 2011 application 1

2 Project description 2 areas are focused on:  area 1: meeting the needs of highly talented pupils by offering opportunities to participate in models of good practice to staff and students across the partnership  area 2: exploring and sharing good practices in meeting the special needs of pupils 2

3 Area 1 subjects  mathematics (cf. IRISS evaluation sheets & disappointing participation in high level maths studies)  sports (health, lifestyle, competition, etc.)  music (specialized & strong area in several of our schools)  leadership / entrepreneurship 3

4 Area 2 Exploring and sharing good practice in meeting the special needs of pupils with:  reading/writing difficulties (incl. dyslexia, second language difficulties, etc.)  difficulties with number  behavioural difficulties (incl. motivational problems, ADHD, etc.) 4

5 Obj 1: European citizenship  To foster cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue  To enhance the curriculum experience of students and raise their levels of achievement  To improve the quality of teaching and learning across the network  To identify and share best practice  To develop and implement innovative practice  To organise study visits (teachers) and master classes (students) 5

6 Obj 2: Equal opportunities  to attain more learning profit for more pupils, especially those with special talents and special needs  create a context of accepted integration in all schools across the network  prevent pupils from dropping out of education early 6

7 Obj 3: Communication & research skills  improve communication skills for pupils using high quality standards to assess (CEF; cf running Comenius project IRISS)  train teachers and pupils in IT-skills  train teachers and pupils in research skills (making questionnaires, collecting and analysing data) 7

8 Obj 4: Q-assurance  to further develop self-evaluation tools and monitor the progress of the activities  to further take care of the professional management of the network  take care of the dissemination of the results to all stakeholders and external partners 8

9 Programme & timing  Kick-off conference Oct 2011:  Agreement on evaluation tools to be used during the project: research methodology and questionnaires for special needs teams, and evaluation formats for the miniconferences/master classes  Creation of programme and time schedule for master classes/miniconferences 9

10 Activities  mini-conferences and master classes on area 1 topics: 2011-2013  research on special needs: reports by April 2012  mini-conferences on reading, writing, number difficulties and behavioural difficulties: 2012-2013  Closing Conference May 2013: final project report which describes the reflections of schools on what they have experienced and learned 10

11 Q-monitoring  Creating, revising and distributing questionnaires, diaries and other evaluation tools to the participating schools  monitoring the use of these by the schools  collecting and analyzing the results of the evaluations  reporting, presenting and disseminating the results of the evaluations  making recommendations to the steering committee and the schools of the network on possible improvements 11

12 Conferences  Ireland: Oct 2011 12-16th  Finland: May 2012 9-13th  Slovakia: Oct 2012 3-7th  France: May 2013 8-12th 12

13 Dissemination  evaluation of all activities  feedback during the conferences to the member schools  publication on the website of the project  local feedback: school websites, magazines, local press, … 13

14 Master classes  Maths: in Sweden spring 2012  Bagsværd Kostskole og Gymnasium, Danderyds Gymnasium, Escola Secundária Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, Gymnázium bilingválne, Heilige Maagdcollege, Liceo Alessandro da Imola, Lycée Michel-Rodange, Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium, Radyr Comprehensive School  Music: in Germany spring 2013  Wittekind Gymnasium, Jõgeva Gümnaasium, Radyr Comprehensive School 14

15 Mini-conferences  Special needs: in Belgium Nov 2012  Bagsværd, Bundesrealgymn., Cygnaeus-lukio, Danderyds, Rodrigues Lobo, Gymn. bilingválne, H Maagdcollege, St-Jude, Mig. Catalán, Jõgeva, Lena, A da Imola, Hub. Clément, M.-Rodange, Móricz Zsigmond, Radyr, Ramsgrange, Kalamaria. Strabrecht, Wittekind  Sports: in Austria spring 2013  Bagsværd Kostskole og Gymnasium, Bundesrealgymnasium Wien 19, Esc. Sec. Fr. Rodrigues Lobo, Inst. Saint-Jude, Jõgeva Gümnaasium, Lena videregående skole, Liceo Alessandro da Imola, Ramsgrange Comm. School, Second Lyc. of Kalamaria, Strabrecht College 15

16 Other activities  Application: p. 100 – 105  many bilateral exchanges  Conclusion:  few master classes / mini-conferences  nothing on leadership 16

17 Planning  June 2011: Finnish agency will decide  approval in Finland = approval for all schools (in principle)  kick-off = Ireland Oct 2011 (prepared by Q’s & SC Sept 18- 19 th in Dendermonde) 17

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