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Unit 14: Explore animal nutrition and digestion in relation to livestock and poultry management Determine nutritional requirements for livestock and poultry.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 14: Explore animal nutrition and digestion in relation to livestock and poultry management Determine nutritional requirements for livestock and poultry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 14: Explore animal nutrition and digestion in relation to livestock and poultry management Determine nutritional requirements for livestock and poultry breeds found in North Carolina Compare animal digestive systems of beef, swine, and poultry

2 The major classes of feed nutrients Water Proteins Carbohydrates Minerals Vitamins Fats

3 Water Regulates body temperature, dissolves, and transports nutrients

4 Carbohydrates Main energy nutrient in animal rations Makes up about 75% of most animal rations Consist of sugar, starch, and cellulose Corn and other cereal grains are the major source of carbohydrates

5 Cereal Grains Provide the main source of carbohydrates in feeding swine Examples include corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats

6 Minerals Are responsible for the development of teeth, bones, and vital organs Minerals are supplied by mineral supplements

7 Ground limestone Is a source of calcium and is important in the development of eggshells for laying chickens

8 Protein Is needed for the development of wool, hair, hoofs, claws, beaks, feathers, and muscles in animals

9 Fats Are a source of energy and is 2.25 times the energy of carbohydrates Only small amounts of fats are required

10 Vitamins Are needed by animals in small amounts to perform specific functions A deficiency in vitamins can lead to disease or death Vitamins help prevent livestock diseases

11 Nutrient Is a substance that is necessary for an organism to live and grow

12 Ration Is the total amount of feed an animal has in a 24- hour period

13 Balanced Ration Is a ration that contains all the nutrients that the animal needs in the correct proportions

14 Vitamin A A deficiency of vitamin A in feed rations for livestock animals can causes night blindness

15 Vitamin C Comes from green pastures and hay

16 Classes of feeds Concentrates Roughages

17 Concentrates Are low in fiber and high in total digestible nutrients (TDN)

18 Roughages Are high in fiber and low in total digestible nutrients (TDN)

19 Sources of Concentrates Cereal Grains: a major source of most concentrates Oils Molasses Meat byproducts

20 Examples of Fats Vegetable oil, cottonseed, fishmeal, soybeans, peanuts

21 Sources Roughage Include hay, grass, silage and alfalfa

22 Dry roughage Are pasture grasses that are cut and baled as hay to feed cattle, horses, or goats

23 Green roughage includes the pasture grasses and small grains that cattle, horses, sheep or goats graze on

24 Silage Is a roughage that results from storage and fermentation of green crops

25 Feed Additives Promote faster gains in livestock animals and poultry Added to feed to improve feed efficiency

26 Twitch Is a tool used to restrain horses

27 Parasite An animal that lives and feeds on other animals

28 Mite Is an external parasite that can cause the manges on livestock animals

29 Internal parasites Are organisms that live inside of their host Examples of internal parasites: fluke, stomach worm and protozoa

30 Good Ventilation The main thing to consider in providing housing for animals

31 Vaccinations Are administered to animals to prevent diseases

32 Subcutaneous injections Are made under the skin to administered drugs to animals

33 Docking Is the removal of tails from baby pigs

34 Polygastric or Ruminant digestive system Has a large stomach divided into 4 compartments This digestive system use food materials high in fiber type roughage (hay, grass)

35 Ruminants Animals Sheep, Cattle, Goats, and deer

36 Stomach Is a muscular organ that stores ingested food and moves it into the small intestines

37 Cattle Have 4 compartments in their stomachs

38 Abomasum Is the true stomach in the ruminant digestive system

39 Monogastric Digestive system Has a simple stomach Pigs, chickens, dogs, horses and humans have a simple or monogastric stomach

40 Pigs or swine Have the same type of digestive system as do humans Their rations must be high in concentrates (corn)

41 Poultry Rations Must be high in food value since chickens have no true stomach and can only store small amounts of food in their digestive system

42 Gizzard Is part of the digestive system in chickens where the feed is crushed and mixed with digestive juices

43 Chickens Have no teeth and they swallow their food whole, store it in their crop, then pass the food on to the gizzard where it is ground up

44 Proventriculus Is the stomach of a chicken

45 Animal Health

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