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Social Justice: Social Encyclicals

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1 Social Justice: Social Encyclicals

2 LESSON Today we will look at: What is a social issue?
What is social justice? Different social justice issues What a social encyclical is? Different social encyclicals

3 WHAT IS A SOCIAL ISSUE? A social issue is:
A situation of concern in society, brought about by suffering, need, injustice or neglect. Sometimes the issue is handled by grassroots community organizations. (Food bank, work to improve neighborhoods) Other times the issues are larger and governments and elected officials bear the responsibility to act. (Situations concerning transportation, health, the environment, social housing). Sometimes we need to call government to account for allowing injustices to occur- for neglecting those in society who have little economic or political influence.


5 SOCIAL ISSUES Global warming/environment Abortion Child abuse
Just wages/socioeconomic Euthanasia Poverty Wealth Famine Violence War Economic crisis World debt

6 SOCIAL JUSTICE Social justice:
Inclines one to co-operate with others in order to help make the institutions of society better serve the common good. While the obligation of social justice falls upon the individual, that person cannot fulfill the obligation alone, but must work together with others. Work with organized bodies, as a member of a group whose purpose is to identify the needs of society They must use the appropriate means, to meet these needs locally, regionally, nationally, and even globally.

We do not just live in society, we have a calling to make the world a better place. It is our Catholic/religious obligation. Catholic Social Justice: The ongoing understanding of Catholic morality that links the spiritual mission of the Catholic Church with economic, political, legal and social sphere of the work in order to guarantee and facilitate the full development of the human person. Collection of ethical principles and moral teachings on the human person and the human community that is articulated in councillor, papal, and episcopal documents.

8 CHARITY & JUSTICE Charity and justice are both important and Catholic responses to the world. Charity: social service Responds to immediate needs Directed at the effects of injustice (symptoms) Addressed problems that already exist Mops up: sees problem in the world and goes and fixes it Private individual acts Homeless shelter, food shelters, clothing drives, emergency services Justice: Social change in institutional structure Responds to long term needs Directed at the root causes of social problems Addresses the underlying causes of these problems Mess isn’t made to begin with Public collective actions Trying to influence the world through social justice-moral actions

An encyclical is a letter from the Holy Father(Pope),or bishop/bishops that is a “teaching document”. An exposition of Christian belief and practice  Its audience is every Catholic and all people of good  will.

Social Encyclicals deal with social issues! Social Encyclical: Detailed letter sent out by the Pope to everyone in the world, treating social issues. A “social encyclical” applies the consistent, traditional moral  teachings of the Church to the social and economic challenges of the current day.    Catholic social thought does not merely consider the economics and justice of life, but includes issues involving the family, religious, social, political, technological, recreational and cultural aspects of life.

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