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English Renaissance 1485-1660.

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1 English Renaissance

2 Overview Middle Ages: focus on religion and after life
Renaissance: focus on human life on earth Increased interest in art, literature, nature, and human impulses Emphasis on the individual and the development of human potential

3 Tudor Monarchy 1485-Henry VII takes throne
1509-Henry VIII takes throne Renaissance Prince Originally stayed loyal to Rome, but eventually began the Protestant Reformation in England because he wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon 1534-declared himself Head of the Church of England, an Anglican church

4 Tudor Monarchy Henry VIII continued
Popular support for this religious move Those who did not support often paid with their lives Henry VIII had SIX WIVES! Catherine of Aragon-1509 to 1533-divorced-one daughter, Mary Anne Boleyn-1533 to 1536-executed for adultery, incest, and plotting to kill the king-daughter, Elizabeth Jane Seymour-1536 to 1537-died, only wife to be buried with the king-son, Edward VI

5 Tudor Monarchy Henry VIII wives continued
Anne of Cleves-January 1540 to July 1540-divorced Kathryn Howard-1540 to 1542-executed, promiscuity and adultery Katherine Parr widowed

6 Tudor Monarchy 1547-Edward VI 1553-Mary I
Nine years old when he took the throne England becomes more truly Protestant Publication of the Book of Common Prayer 1553-Mary I Reintroduces Catholicism Marries cousin Philip II of Spain Persecution of Protestants; “Bloody Mary”

7 Tudor Monarchy 1558-Elizabeth I Daughter of henry and Anne
Considered one of the best monarchs in English history Pomp and ceremony Frugal Middle of the road religiously “Virgin Queen”…??? Dies in 1603-end of Tudor reign

8 Stuart Monarchy 1603-James VI of Scotland, James I of England
King James Bible 1625-Charles I Divine rights of kings Dismissed parliament 1649-beheaded

9 Stuart Monarchy Civil War-Puritans/Royalists
1649-Oliver Cromwell head of Commonwealth Later “Lord Protector for Life” 1658-Cromwell dies, son inherits title 1660-Charles II returns from exile to restore monarchy

10 What does all this mean for literature?
Genres: lyric sonnet, poetic drama, masque Lyric sonnet: Specialized poems (14 lines) adhering to strict rhyme schemes and syllable rules. Very structured. Poetic drama: combination of play and poetry in which the character in the plays speak mostly in metrically structured verse Masque: fantastic court dramas with supernatural characters and outlandish costumes

11 English Renaissance Authors
First in history to support themselves as writers Paid through three institutions: acting companies, universities, and the King’s/Queen’s court

12 Elizabethan Beliefs Life in Elizabethan England could be cruel and hard. The poor often went hungry, disease was widespread, medical remedies often felt more like tortures, and many women died in childbirth. But through their beliefs, people found ways of making sense of their existence.

13 Elizabethan Beliefs-Religion
People were, in general, much more religious than people today. Almost everyone believed in God and expected to go to heaven or hell after death. At this time, England was a Protestant country – it had broken away from the Catholic Church of Rome. This was part of the European movement called the Reformation, which began with attacks on corruption in the Catholic Church.

14 Elizabethan Beliefs Chain of Being, cont.
Accepting one’s place in the chain was a duty that would be rewarded by God in heaven. Disrupting the chain was thought to lead to chaos, but of course many people still did challenge their position in society.

15 Elizabethan Beliefs The Chain of Being
A concept inherited from the Middle Ages An attempt to give order, or “degree”, to the vastness of creation. God created everything in a strict hierarchy, or chain, that stretched from God himself down to the lowest things in existence. Humans occupied a place in the chain below the angels but above animals, plants and stones. Some humans were higher in the chain than others.

16 Elizabethan Beliefs The Chain of Being, cont.
The monarch was the highest Nobles and churchmen below Gentlemen Commoners All women were considered to be inferior to men, with the obvious exception of Elizabeth I.

17 Elizabethan Beliefs Myths and Magic
Fairies, magic, witches, spells and prophecies all formed part of their view of life. Folklore and superstition were often as important to people as the official religious beliefs taught by the Church.

18 Little and Large Elizabethan Beliefs
The human body was thought to be a miniature representation of the universe as a whole – a microcosm. Various parts of the body were linked to the planets and signs of the zodiac

19 Elizabethan Beliefs Little and Large, cont.
The body was thought to contain four “humours” or fluids – black bile, phlegm, blood and choler. A person’s temperament depended on the way the humours were mixed. Most people were thought to have one humour that was more dominant than the others. Illnesses and mental disorders were blamed on an imbalance of the humours.

20 To be, or not to be, that is the question...
William Shakespeare's World To be, or not to be, that is the question... This above all, to thine own self be true...

21 William Shakespeare Birth celebrated as April 23, 1564
Died April 23, 1616 Married Anne Hathaway in 1582 She was 8 years Bill’s senior Lapse from

22 Shakespeare’s Career By 1592- actor and playwright
1594- charter member of Lord Chamberlain's Men 1603- Changed to King’s Men Retired in 1612 Wrote 37 plays 154 Sonnets

23 Why is his work so popular?
Shakespeare wrote about human nature and how people behave. Although his words can be hard to understand, his ideas are as relevant now as they were four centuries ago.

24 Shakespeare’s Works No one knows exactly when each of his works was written; there are approximate dates. Some experts have even said that “Shakespeare’s” plays are really the work of other writers. This may be because some people cannot believe that Shakespeare, who came from an ordinary background, could have written such great works of literature.

25 Elizabethan Stage The Globe (“Wooden O”)- Jan. 20, 1599
Caesar -Probably the first play to be performed at The Globe Sets would primarily be imagined by the audience (heaven, stage, hell) All actors male 1613- Henry VIII, light fuse to cannon, theatre burned down

26 Shakespeare’s Use of Language
Meter: rhythm of speech organized into patterns called feet Blank Verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter Heroic Couplet: 2 lines of iambic pentameter that rhyme

27 Iambic Pentameter Consists of iambs (hence, the iambic part)
Iamb=a set of 2 syllables (a foot), the first being unstressed (u) and the second being stressed (/)-opposite is trochaic Five iambs per line (the pentameter part) Therefore, there are 10 syllables in each line Usually, the more important words or parts of words are stressed

28 Tragedies Imitation of a serious action which provokes pity and fear in the reader/viewer (catharsis=purge of emotions) Shakespeare’s most famous and popular plays Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth; Hamlet; Othello; King Lear; Julius Caesar

29 Tragic Hero Character usually of high birth who is not totally good or totally bad. His downfall is brought about by harmatia (a character flaw) or error in judgment, causing the character to become more self aware or learn a lesson. Hubris-common character flaw of excessive pride

30 Doom and Destiny Many people believed in fate, or destiny, and in the power of the stars to foretell the future. Shakespeare uses the idea of fate or destiny to add excitement and anticipation to the tragedies Uses a prophecy as a way of holding the audience’s interest, because everyone wants to see if it will be fulfilled.

31 The tragedy of Macbeth Set in Scotland
Written for King James I (formerly of Scotland, now England) Queen of Denmark (James’s sister) was visiting Shakespeare researched The Chronicles - Banquo is an ancestor of King James I

32 King Duncan of Scotland
Murdered by cousin Macbeth Honest and good Malcolm & Donalbain Sons of the King Malcolm is the eldest son Macbeth Duncan’s most courageous general Ambition to become king corrupts him causing him to murder Duncan The Characters

33 Banquo Lady Macbeth Macduff General and Macbeth’s best friend
Suspects Macbeth in Duncan’s murder An actual ancestor of King James I Lady Macbeth As ambitious as her husband A dark force behind his evil deeds Macduff Scottish general, suspects Macbeth of murdering the king Macbeth has his family murdered Swears vengeance

34 The Curse!

35 The Scottish Play It is believed to be bad luck to even squeak the word ‘Macbeth’ in a theatre Legend has it you will lose all your friends involved in the production--horribly MORE ON THAT LATER...

36 So what really happens? Good guy goes bad Guy wants power
Married to a pushy control freak She wants power Kills people- LOTS of people Gets power Gets paranoid (a.k.a. goes crazy) Ticks off a lot of people Want more power! Kill! Kill! Gets what’s coming to him in the end

37 Best Line! “Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And is heard of no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” - Act V; s.5

38 Unlocking Themes in Macbeth
Ambition can subvert reason. When supernatural powers represent evil, they should be ignored. The natural order is disrupted by any upset in the proper order of human society. This Powerpoint is hosted on Please visit for 100’s more free powerpoints

39 Unlocking Themes in Macbeth
Appearances do not always reflect reality. Despite prophecies of the future, people are responsible for their own actions. Attempts to control the future by overturning the natural order of society are futile.

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