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1 The Solaris Distributed Computing Solution The operating system is a set of programs that manages all computer operations and provides an interface between.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Solaris Distributed Computing Solution The operating system is a set of programs that manages all computer operations and provides an interface between."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Solaris Distributed Computing Solution The operating system is a set of programs that manages all computer operations and provides an interface between the user and the system resourves. " Kernel " Shell " File structure

2 2 The kernel is the core of the operating system. The kernel performs the following functions: " Manages devices, memory, processes, and deamons " Controls the functions (transmission of information) between the system programs (utilities) and the system hardware " Schedules and executes all commands " Manages functions such as: / Swap space - A reserved part of the disk for the kernel to use during processing / Daemons - Processes that perform particular system tasks / File sustems - A hierarchy of directories, subdirectories, and files

3 3 Shells The shell interface

4 4 OS Shells There are three shells available in the Solaris environment: " Bourne shell ($) - The default shell for the Solaris computing environment. The Bourne shell was developed for the AT&T UNIX environment. " Korn shell ($) - A superset of the Bourne shell. It adds features like aliasing, history and command-line editing. " C shell (%) - The C shell syntax is similar to the C programming language; hence, its name. The C shell has similar features to Korn shell.

5 5 The File System Structure Root (/) UsrOptDevEtcExportKernel Bin lit Home genunix User1 User2 User3

6 6 The File System Structure (Continued) The topmost directory is called the root (/) directory, and it is the starting point of the file system hierarchy The root directory is required for the operating system to fuction, and contains critical systems files such as the kernel (/kernel/geunix). It is also contains: " The /usr directory which contains executable commands, system adminis- -tration utilities, and library routines. " The /etc directory which contains system administration files such as the passwd and hosts files. " The /opt directory which contains unbundled and third-party software apllications. " The /export/home directory contains users' home directories.

7 7 Virtual Memory Operating System - Swap Space A virtual memory operating system enables applications to run as if there is more memory available than physically exists. It does this by using disk space as temporary memory storage. This disk space is referred to as swap space. Deamons Deamons are also important to the functionality of the operating system. Deamons are programs that run in the background to manage system functions such as printing.

8 8 Main Capability of the Solaris 2.x Operating System " Terminology " Characteristics " Distributed processing

9 9 Terminology The difinitions of commons terms used by system administrators are: " Host - A computer system " Host name - A unique name for a system. " IP address - A number used by networking software to identify machines attached to the network. " Client - A host or process that uses the services from one or more severs on a network. " Server - A host or process that provides resources to one of more clients on the network. " Network - A group of computers that, in an environment, are connected using Ethernet.

10 10 Solaris 2.x Client-Server Environment " Multitasking - Enables more than one process or application to be used at the same time " Multiuser - Enables more than one user to access the same system resources " Distributed processing - Enables the use of resources across the network

11 11 The Client-Server Model for Networked Workstation A server is a host or a process that provides services on the network. A client is a host or a process that makes use of services made available on the network. " A file server is a machine that shares its disk storage and files with other machines on the network. " An NIS+ (or NIS) server supplies the NIS+ (Network Information Service Plus) or the NIS (Network Information Service) database to its clients. " A print server makes its local printer available to other machines on the network. " A mail server receives mail.

12 12 Network Workstation Capabilities " NFS distributed file system " Domain Name Service " Network Information Services (NIS/NIS+)

13 13 NFS Distribited File System The network physically connects machines to enable communication between systems. The NFS distibuted file system enable files to be shared across the network. " Common reacd-only file systems can be shared over the network (or between systems) so that they only take up space on a single workstation. " Home directories can be made available over the network so that users can sit in front of any workstation and access their own files. " Workstations with minimum disk space can use it for their root and swap partitions, and get the rest of their executables and data files from other systems. " Workstations with no local disks can boot from a remote system over the network.

14 14 Domain Name System O The Domain Name Service (DNS) is a distributed look-up service for host names and addresses. It is structured according to manageable collections of this data called domains. The purpose is to allow a host to contact any arbitrary host without maintaining host name and address information about that remote host in some local resource. O Although the DNS database format differs somewhat from the local hosts' databases (/etc/hosts, NIS, or NIS+), the DNS databases contain the same essential information: host name and IP address. O Though it supports the complex, worldwide hierarchy of computers on the Internet, the basic function of DNS is actually very simple: providing name-to-address resolution for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP)-based networks. O To get the remote computers address, the DNS software running on your machine, which is considered a DNS client, sends a request to DNS name server, which maintains the distributed DNS database.

15 15 NIS NIS is a distributed name service. It is a machanism for identifying and locating network objects (hosts) and resources (databases, servers). It provides a uniform storage and retrieval method for intranet-wide information. NIS was developed independently of DNS and has a slightly different focus. NIS focuses on making network administration more manageable by providing centralized control over a variety of network information. The NIS name space stores information about: " Machine names and addresses " Users " The network " Network services The NIS domain cannot be connected directly to the Internet using just NIS.

16 16 NIS+ NIS+ is a network name service similar to NIS but with more features. It is not an extension of NIS, but rather a new software program. NIS+ enables you to store information about workstation addresses, security information, mail information, Ethernet interfaces, and network services in central locations where all workstations in a network domain have access to it. Each domain is supported by a set of servers. The principal server is called the master server and the backup servers are called replicas. Some major advantages NIS+ has over NIS are: " Secure data access " Heirarchical and decentralized network administration " Very large name space administration " Access to resources across domains " Incremental updates

17 17 Solaris System Configurations " Client systems " Diskless " AutoClient " JavaStation " Standalones " Servers

18 18 Diskless A diskless client is a workstation without any disk; users must rely on another system for the programs they need and for file storage space. Because it is a workstation, a diskless client has its own Central processing unit (CPU) and physical memory and does its own local processing. AutoClient Although similar to the diskless client, the AutoClient has local disk storage which it uses for swapping and for caching its root (/) and /usr file systems. (Caching is locally storing copies of data as it is referenced.) An AutoClient can access the root (/) and /usr file systems using the cache if the server becomes unavailable. JavaStation This type of client was developed for "zero administration". All administration is handled by the local network servers including booting, cinfiguration, and data storage.

19 19 Standalone A standalone configuration does not need the support of any other computer system to boot up, although it may access files from another system if it is on a network A standalone system has its own disk, and it may also have its own tape device and CD-ROM drive. Server A server system is normally a standalone configuration system with resources that can be accessed by other systems on the network. Server must have local disks and typically have a tape drive and a CD-ROM drive. Servers may also have one or more printers attached. Server System Configurations

20 20 Software Grouping " Packages " Software clusters " Software configuration clusters

21 21 Packages A software package is a group of files and directories. For examples, all files and directories related to the on-line manual (man) pages are in a package called SUNWman. Software Clusters During installation, the software packages are grouped into software clusters, which are logical collections of software packages. For example, the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) cluster includes the following packages: SUNWdtabSUNWdthedSUNWdtmadSUNWeudhr SUNWdtbasSUNWdthevSUNWdtrmeSUNWeudhs

22 22 Software Configuration Clusters The SunInstall utility groups the software packages and clusters into four configuration clusters. Configurations Sizes Configuration sizes are based upon the machine type and the number of diskless clients to be supported by the system. During the installation, the recommeded sizes for each software configuration cluster are given, based on there parameters.

23 23 Software Configuration Clusters Core This configuration contains the software needed to boot and run the Solaris 2.x environment. End User This configuration contains the software a user needs to run the Solaris 2.x environment. It includes the OpenWindows Version 3.x and the Common Desktop Environment software but not the man pages. Developer This configuration contains the software needed to develop software in the Solaris 2.x environment. It includes compiler tools, CDE and OpenWindows, and the man pages.

24 24 Software Configuration Clusters Entire Distribution and Entire Distribution Plus OEM This Entire Distribution configuration contains the entire Solaris 2.x release. The Entire Distribution plus OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) support contains extended hardware support in addition to the entire Solaris 2.x release.

25 25 Hardware Requirements To use the SunInstall utility to install and run the Solaris 2.x software locally, the system must meet the following requirements: " SPARC or Intel system " At least 1.05 Gbytes disk space " At least 32 Mbytes memory " CD-ROM drive or access to a JumpStart server

26 26 System Identification Information - The sysidtool During the first part of the installation process, you are prompted to supply the system name and basic network information. Fill out the installation worksheet on page 27 summarizing the system identification.

27 27 Acquire the following necessary information prior to your installation: System configuration type:__________________________________ Host name:_______________________________________________ IP address:_______________________________________________ Name service (NIS, NIS+, Other or None):_____________________ Subnet (yes or no):_________________________________________ Geographic location:_______________________________________ Time zone information:_____________________________________ Root password:___________________________________________

28 28 Installation Preparation " Log in as root " Notify users " Back up existing files " Shut down the system

29 29 Installation Process 1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drinve. 2. Boot the release media. ok boot cdrom 3. For Intel platform insert the device configuration floppy into the floppy into the floppy drive and start the computer How to install the Solaris 2.x operating system 1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Boot the release media. ok boot cdrom 3. Select the appropriate language and locale for your site and click on Continue. 4. Read the brief description of the installation process, and click Continue

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