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Taks Objective 2 Properties and attributes of function.

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1 Taks Objective 2 Properties and attributes of function

2 Simplify To reduce to basic essentials 2+5[9+9] 2+5[18] 2+90 =92

3 Numerical Expressions
An expression that consists of numbers, operations, and grouping symbols Example 6 – 4 = 2 (3 + 3) – 4 = 2 (3 x 2) – 4 = 2

4 Algebraic expression Example 2x + 3y – 20 5x-2y+38 4x+5y-72 x-4y+108
An expression that consists of numbers, variables, operations, and grouping symbols. Example 2x + 3y – 20 5x-2y+38 4x+5y-72 x-4y+108 3x-y+39

5 Commutative Property Commutative property states that numbers can be added or multiplied in any order Commutative property of Addition states that changing the order of addends does not change the sum. That is, a + b = b+ a Commutative property of Multiplication states that changing the order of factors does not change the product. That is, a x b = b x a

6 Associative Property The associative property of addition says that when we add more than two numbers the grouping of the addends does not change the product. The associative property of multiplication says that when we multiply more that two numbers the grouping of the factors does not change product.

7 Example

8 Distributive Property
Is an algebra property which is used to multiply a single term and two or more terms inside a set of parentheses. 4 = ( -6 + ( -10) ) 4=4

9 Terms that have the same variables parts.
Like Terms Terms that have the same variables parts.

10 Examples Combine like terms. Subtract 12 from each side. Simplify
Divide each side by 3 Use the commutative Property of Addition. Combine like terms Subtract 16 from each side Divide each side by 6 a.2c + c + 12 = 78 2c + c + 12 = 78 3c + 12 = 78 3c – 12 = 78 3c/3 = 66/3 c = 22 b.4b b = 46 4b b = 46 4b + 2b + 16 = 46 6b + 16 = 46 6b + 16 – 16 = 6b/6 = 30/6 b = 5


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