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April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting1 IMMERSE 2015 Kick-off Meeting April 15, 2015 CB254 Brigham Young University.

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Presentation on theme: "April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting1 IMMERSE 2015 Kick-off Meeting April 15, 2015 CB254 Brigham Young University."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting1 IMMERSE 2015 Kick-off Meeting April 15, 2015 CB254 Brigham Young University

2 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting2 IMMERSE 2015 STUDENTS Jared Anderson - Jordan Anderson – Jeff Barton - Jared Baxter - Danilo Bustamante - Matthew Cannon - Roger Chu – Derek Clement - Kevin Costner – Andrew Cutler - Kevin Cuzner - Katy Dallon - Kyle Davidson - Trevor Decker – Jessica Doud -- Anthony Gillespie - Matthew Hamblin – Erik Hamilton – Steven Hammon -

3 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting3 IMMERSE 2015 STUDENTS Ben Haymore – Forrest Howell -- Luke Hsiao - David Jeffs -- Jacob Johnson – Jessica Johnston - Andrew Keller - Jacob Kimball – Jacob Larsen - Chase McCloskey – Shreeya Mody – Luke Newmeyer - Canute Peterson -- Alexander Petrie - Miles Rennick – Parker Ridd – Adriaan Riet - LeGrand Shumway Brittany Stark -

4 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting4 IMMERSE 2015 STUDENTS Joseph Valentine -- Carlos Vilorio – John Vogel – Zach Walker – Taylor Welker - Steven Whitaker -- Michael Wray - Peter Zabriskie – Luna Zhang -

5 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting5 TECHNICAL SUBGROUPS IMMERSE Hawkins (10) Coordinator: Trevor Decker Team: Roger Chu Trevor Decker Matt Hamblin Erik Hamilton Steven Hammon Jacob Johnson Brittany Stark Carlos Vilorio Taylor Welker Luna Zhang Schultz Bangerter (6)Schultz (4)Wirthlin (11) Mazzeo (11) Smalley (5) Chiang (2) Coordinator: Matthew Cannon Team: Jared Anderson Jordan Anderson Matthew Cannon Kyle Davidson Luke Hsiao Andrew Keller Chase McCloskey Shreeya Mody Luke Newmeyer Parker Ridd Peter Zabriske Coordinator: Jacob Kimball Team: Kevin Costner Ben Haymore Jacob Kimball Miles Rennick Zach Walker Coordinator: LeGrand Shumway Team: Kevin Cuzner Jessica Johnston Alexander Petrie LeGrand Shumway Coordinator: John Vogel Team: Jeff Barton Jared Baxter Derek Clement Andrew Cutler Katy Dallon Anthony Gillespie Jacob Larsen Adriaan Riet John Vogel Michael Wray Danilo Bustamante Coordinator: Jessica Doud Team: Jessica Doud Forrest Howell David Jeffs Canute Peterson Joseph Valentine Steven Whitaker Team: Eric Swindlehurst Nate Whitehead

6 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting6 BROADER IMPACTS PROJECTS IMMERSE Outreach Websites/ Classes Team Roger Chu Brittany Stark Steven Hammon Alexander Petrie Jeff Barton Jared Baxter Katy Dallon Canute Peterson Forrest Howell Eric Swindlehurst CHIP CAMP Jacob Johnson Trevor Decker Matthew Hamblin Carlos Vilorio Miles Rennick Ben Haymore LeGrand Shumway Kevin Cuzner Adriaan Riet Team Erik Hamilton Luna Zhang Taylor Welker Kevin Costner Jacob Kimball Jessica Johnston Danilo Bustamante Jake Larsen Joseph Valentine David Jeffs Nate Whitehead Andrew Cutler Anthony Gillespie Derek Clement John Vogel Michael Wray Steven Whitaker Jessica Doud Team

7 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting7 OUTREACH Specific Topics 1)Conduct lab interactions with SOAR students. These can include lab tours, displays, use of microscopes, posters 2)Fix and improve existing wall mounted displays 3)Organize and conduct New Student Orientation 4)DEMOs documentation (Including website)

8 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting8 CHIP CAMP CHIP CAMP – a)Build equipment for experiments b)Organize and plan c)Buy supplies d)Supervise students during camp e)Determine three day schedule and determine new modules

9 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting9 WEBSITES / CLASSES Hawkins Website 1)Update present and past student bios 2)Update publications and “news” items IMMERSE Website http://immerse.byu.edu 1)Update research projects 2)Update alumni bios 3)Take photos 4)Clarify what IMMERSE is and how to apply Configurable Computer Laboratory (CCL) Webpage 1)Update content, refresh look and feel Schultz Website 1)Update content, refresh look and feel Mazzeo Website 1)Update content, refresh look and feel

10 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting10 WEBSITES / CLASSES Bangerter Website 1)Update present and past student bios 2)Update publications 3)Rework most of the sections on research projects Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Facility 1)Improve and maintain the web scheduling and billing application 2)Update the main MRI Research Facility web page as needed

11 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting11 MEETING STRUCTURE Weekly IMMERSE Meeting – Entire Group Bring Up Common Problems and Concerns Student Presentations on Projects Led by Faculty Members Weekly Project Meetings – Sub Groups Correlate Weekly Goals and Strategy Report Results Coordinator Gathers Reports and Tracks Results Faculty Member Present Weekly Broader Impact Meetings – Sub Groups Correlate Weekly Goals and Strategy Report Results Faculty Member Present

12 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting12 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS Week ofTopicPresenter April 29How to Give a Presentation; Hawkins & Mazzeo Student Presentation May 6Research ProcessMazzeo & Students Student Presentations May 13NetworkingWirthlin & Students Student Presentations May 20Writing a PaperHawkins & Students Student Presentations

13 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting13 REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS 1 Page Research and Broader Impacts Proposal Due May 15 2 Page Research and Broader Impacts Summary Due August 26 Send documents to Technical Presentation during weekly IMMERSE meeting Assist with Chip Camp

14 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting14 JARED ANDERSON Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: FPGA Radiation Test Analysis Tool Support 1)Update and support automated FPGA radiation test analysis tools 2)Perform analysis scripts on radiation tests using tools 3)Document bitstream tools Mentor: Matthew Cannon Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started” Complete FPGA bitstream tutorials/reading Review Analysis software Outreach

15 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting15 JORDAN ANDERSON Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: High Reliable Linux Kernel Support 1)Assist in the creation of Linux reliability improvement modules 2)Create Linux kernel tests 3)Provide support for radiation testing of Linux/ARM A9 Mentor: Alex Wilson Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started” Start Linux tutorials ChipCamp

16 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting16 JEFF BARTON Broader Impact Assignment: 1)Fix and improve existing wall mounted displays 2)Organize and conduct New Student Orientation 3)DEMOs documentation (Including website) Research Responsibility: Rapidly Deployed Impedance Measurements for Bridge Deck Scanning 1.Carry out design and construction of bridge deck scanner 2.Perform measurements in the field using large area electrode trailer-based unit. 3.Interpret data and develop scripts for research reports Mentors: Jared Baxter and Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Construct new large area electrodes and deploy on parking lot structure for validation and verification

17 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting17 JARED BAXTER Broader Impact Assignment: 1)Fix and improve existing wall mounted displays 2)Organize and conduct New Student Orientation 3)DEMOs documentation (Including website) Research Responsibility: Rapidly Deployed Impedance Measurements for Bridge Deck Scanning 1.Carry out design and construction of bridge deck scanner 2.Perform measurements in the field using large area electrode trailer-based unit. 3.Interpret data and develop scripts for research reports Mentors: Joey McElderry and Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Construct prototype water delivery unit

18 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting18 DANILO BUSTAMANTE Broader Impact Assignment: Websites/Tutorials 1)The battery research that we have been performing is not on the Mazzeo website. This data needs to be added and updated. Research Responsibility: Measurements and simulations of battery electrode slurry parameters 1.Viscosity measurements of different slurry compositions 2.Run and interpret LAMMPS simulation data for slurries 3.Interpret data and develop scripts for research reports Mentors: Mehdi Forouzan and Chien-Wei Chao Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finish elasticity measurements and interpretations with LAMMPS simulations.

19 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting19 MATTHEW CANNON Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Develop High-Reliability Serial I/O Protocols 1)Create and carry out neutron radiation test on UltraScale 2)Analyze results from neutron test 3)Develop and carry out Proton radiation test of TMR MGT Mentor: Matthew Cannon Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finalize UltraScale neutron test Perpare MGT test Prepare equipment for shipping/packing Chip Camp

20 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting20 ROGER CHU Broader Impact Assignment: 1)Fix and improve existing wall mounted displays 2)Organize and conduct New Student Orientation 3)DEMOs documentation (Including website) Research Responsibility: Hollow Core Waveguides for guiding in liquids 1.Assist with fabrication of ARROW chips for liquid core sensors 2.Investigate the effects of age, moisture, and etching processes on the optical guiding of waveguides, including how spin on glasses can be used as waveguides Mentors: Matt Stott and Tom Wall Goals for First 2 Weeks: Learn how to measure loss and guiding in a waveguide using waveguide test setup; assist with outfitting new lab

21 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting21 DEREK CLEMENT Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Assist with module on cleanroom. 2)Lead student group during CHIP CAMP event. Research Responsibility: Fabrication of N-line probes for electronic conductivity measurements 1.Cleanroom fabrication of probes 2.Documentation of probes for inventory Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Develop polyimide process for deposition on quartz wafers and on polyimide wafers

22 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting22 KEVIN COSTNER Broader impacts Assignment: Mentoring: Joel a)Lead a module for Chip Camp Primary Research Responsibility: Princess Leia 1)Develop automated particle levitation test 2)Aggregate and analyze data for wavelength, particle size with torque tests. 3)Help with development of R2D2 enclosure Goals for First 2 Weeks: Demonstrate automatic torque tests

23 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting23 ANDREW CUTLER Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Assist with module on cleanroom. 2)Lead student group during CHIP CAMP event. Research Responsibility: Fabrication of N-line probes for electronic conductivity measurements 1.Cleanroom fabrication of probes 2.Documentation of probes for inventory Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Heal arm so can participate in cleanroom fabrication.

24 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting24 KEVIN CUZNER Broader Impacts Assignment: Chip Camp Research Responsibility: Voltage measurement using SCOS 1.Develop low noise electric field sensing using SCOS 2.Create a Panda SCOS system without connectors 3.Build a self contained SCOS interrogation system Mentors: Rex King Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finish safety tests. Fabricate a D-fiber SCOS and fusion splicing.

25 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting25 KATY DALLON Broader Impact Assignment: Outreach 1)Coordinate SOAR visits and activities with Brittany 2)Fix and improve existing SOAR activities Research Responsibility: Dielectric spectroscopy measurements of antibody pharmaceutical compounds 1.Fabrication of dielectric spectroscopy cells 2.Measurements of dielectric relaxation experiments 3.Preparation of results to external sponsoring organization Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: First measurements of beta-lactoglobulin relaxation in solution

26 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting26 KYLE DAVIDSON Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: BOARAC Board Support Integration 1)Add DMA support to BOARAC custom hardware 2)Provide SD-SOC Custom Platform for BOARAC 3)Create SD-SOC examples for BOARAC Mentor: Luke Newmeyer Goals for First 2 Weeks: Complete 427 tutorials on the EDK/SDK Complete Xilinx SD-SOC Tutorials Outreach Activities

27 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting27 TREVOR DECKER Broader Impact Assignment: Chip Camp Co-Chair with Carlos Vilorio a)Build equipment for experiments b)Organize and plan schedule c)Buy supplies d)Supervise students during camp Research Responsibility: Hollow Core Waveguides for air cores 1.Assist with ARROW chip production 2.Test optical characteristics of waveguides using scattering waveguide method 3.Assist with fabrication and testing of capillaries and other minicells for atomic spectroscopy Mentors: Matthieu Girard-Carrier and Cameron Hill Goals for First 2 Weeks: Completely outline Chip Camp schedule and assign IMMERSE students to modules. Get all supplies ordered. Pick which kids are coming to camp.

28 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting28 JESSICA DOUD Broader Impact Assignment: Chip Camp 1)Work with team that will plan and execute Chip Camp 2)Specific responsibilities TBD Research Responsibility: Orthogonal Imaging (collaborative project with Pitt group in ChemE) 1.Develop MRI protocols for the orthogonal imaging project (T1 weighted and T2* weighted scans) 2.Develop expertise with T1 and T2* mapping and analysis Fluorine Imaging (collaborative project with Pitt group) 1.Finish the building and testing of the Flourine T/R switch 2.Port the sodium imaging protocol for use with Flourine 3.Test and see if we can get Fluorine images on our scanner! Mentors: Neal Bangerter and Daniel Park

29 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting29 ANTHONY GILLESPIE Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Assist with preparation of new experiments/demos for CHIP CAMP. Research Responsibility: Simulations of battery electrode slurry parameters and drying process 1.Run and interpret LAMMPS simulation data for slurries on the supercomputer 2.Interpret data and develop scripts for research reports Mentors: Mehdi Forouzan and Chien-Wei Chao Goals for First 2 Weeks: Run first LAMMPS simulations with modified parameters for active material in slurries.

30 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting30 MATTHEW HAMBLIN Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Assist with the Solid-State Ion Detector 1)Fabricate low capacitance MOSFETs in Cleanroom 2)Assist with assembly and testing of PCB boards containing SSID circuitry 3)Learn to dice wirebond chips to PCB boards 4)Pass SSID responsibilities to Luna 5)Transition into biosensor project Mentor: Sanjiv Pant and biosensor grad students Mentoring: Luna Zhang Goals for First 2 Weeks: Go through a complete MOSFET run with Luna, determine the problem with the leaky MOSFETs with gate lengths less than 10 microns, learn to use dicing saw and wirebonder CHIP CAMP – Leader of the LED Frisbee module

31 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting31 ERIK HAMILTON Broader Impact Assignment: Cleanroom Website 1)Find problem with loading delay 2)Find updated version of schedular 3)Take responsibility for documentation and operation of PECVD3 Research Responsibility: Hollow Core Waveguides for guiding in liquids 1.(primary) Assist with fabrication of ARROW chips for liquid core sensors 2.(secondary) Investigate the effects of age, moisture, and etching processes on the optical guiding of waveguides 3.Assist with powder-based solar cell project – still a possibility 4.Construct and use a brand new waveguide test setup Mentors: Matt Stott and Tom Wall Goals for First 2 Weeks: Help prepare cleanroom for arrival of PECVD3 and organize training, design a new waveguide test setup and identify all necessary components for purchase, solo on complete ARROW chip fabrication

32 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting32 STEVEN HAMMON Research Responsibility: Hollow Core Waveguides for guiding in liquids 1.(primary) Assist with fabrication of ARROW chips for liquid core sensors 2.Help to characterize high stress vs. low stress waveguides 3.Learn to use the new PECVD3 4.Learn how to measure film stress using new 3D profilometer Mentors: Matt Stott and Tom Wall Goals for First 2 Weeks: Help prepare cleanroom for arrival of PECVD3. Learn to use the new 3D profilometer to measure film stress, include instructions in online tutorial. Learn ARROW fabrication process and independently assist on fab steps. Broader Impact Assignment: 1)Fix and improve existing wall mounted displays 2)Create a new display for lightsuits 3)Organize and conduct New Student Orientation

33 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting33 BEN HAYMORE Broader Impact Assignment: Assist with Chip Camp Research Responsibility: Light Saber, 1.Use lenses with High MTF to achieve sustainable plasma 2.Create a moving lense system 3.Assemble and test in mini-metallized lightsaber 4.Assist with 3pin laser mount, polishing wheel and princess leia box Mentors: ? Goals for First 2 Weeks: Complete three pin system and polishing wheel. Figure out how to run new 3d printer.

34 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting34 FORREST HOWELL Research Responsibility: Validation of T2 and ADC maps using quantitative modified DESS sequence 1)Learn the analysis tools for producing T2 and ADC maps from DESS images 2)Learn the physics of the qDESS sequence 3)Assist in gathering T2 and ADC maps using both the new qDESS sequence and traditional T2 and diffusion sequences 4)Analyze the performance of the new sequence vs. the gold standard sequences Mentors: Haonan Wang and Merry Taylor Broader Impact Assignment: Outreach 1)Coordinate SOAR visits and activities 2)Fix and improve existing SOAR activities

35 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting35 LUKE HSIAO Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: High Speed JTAG Interfacing 1)Document timing analysis on high-speed JTAG interface 2)Create custom hardware module with support for high-speed JTAG 3)Provide software support for high-speed JTAG Mentor: Aaron Stoddard Goals for First 2 Weeks: Create JTAG timing document and analysis Create proposed design for high-speed JTAG Websites/tutorials

36 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting36 DAVID JEFFS Broader Impact Assignment: Bangerter group and MRI facility websites 1)Update content (to discuss with Professor Bangerter) 2)Help port MRI facility website to new infrastructure Research Responsibility: Ultra-short T2* mapping 1.Assist with the development of ultra-short T2 phantoms for testing 2.Assist in data acquisition and data processing Neurological structural and functional imaging 1.Learn to use FSL tools for both fMRI and diffusion image analysis 2.Assist in data collection and analysis in collaborative projects with Charles group. Mentors: Amin Nazaran and Paula Johnson

37 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting37 JACOB JOHNSON Public Relations Assignment: Mentoring: Carlos Vilorio and Brittany Stark a)Lead a module for Chip Camp Primary Research Responsibility: Lead Glass Bonded Injector Chip Project 1)Develop process for anodic and thermal bonding of glass wafers 2)Develop fabrication process for Injector Chips 3)Learn to use dicing saw and 3D profilometer for evaluation Secondary Research Responsibility: Gas GC project 1)Assist Ghosh with construction of silicon GC chips 2)Assign Carlos and Brittany to bonding tasks as needed Goals for First 2 Weeks: Bong glass wafers, etch glass wafers, determine optimal design for first photomasks. Get first GC chip working with horizontal entry holes.

38 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting38 JESSICA JOHNSTON Broader Impacts Assignment: Help develop and refine labs for Power Class and Junior Project Research Responsibility: Coaxial cable voltage measurement using SCOS 1.Nonlinear operation of SCOS on the HV coaxial cable 2.Packaging of SCOS into HV coaxial cable. Mentors: Nikola Stan Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finish safety tests. Learn how to operate high voltage sources. Measure voltage signals using SCOS.

39 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting39 ANDREW KELLER Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Lead TMR research, tool maintenance, and applications 1)Perform Cisco TMR experiments 2)Release TMR versions (support V7 and V8) 3)Document TMR Mentor: Andrew Keller Goals for First 2 Weeks: Move Desk Create TMR research schedule Complete Cisco TMR experiment Website/Tutorial

40 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting40 JACOB KIMBALL Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Create and AO/EO devices, assist with other fab. 1)Prep. Samples for ESEM 2)Write and liftoff transducers. 3)Learn to use Helios. 4)Learn waveguide preparation and chip testing Mentor: Stephen McClaughlin Mentoring: Scott Gnetling Goals for First 2 Weeks: Create and test multipixel x and z-cut AO/EO devices Website – contribute fabrication recipes to group site Refresh group online fab information

41 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting41 JAKE LARSEN Broader Impact Assignment: Websites/Tutorials 1)Currently there is no information about bridge testing on the Mazzeo website. We need to design and place information about our capabilities on that website with pictures/videos/descriptions. Research Responsibility: Rapidly Deployed Impact-Echo Measurements for Bridge Deck Scanning 1.Carry out design and construction of bridge deck scanner 2.Perform measurements in the field 3.Interpret data and develop scripts for research reports Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finish construction of impact-echo bridge deck scanner

42 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting42 ALEX LIN Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: BOARAC Linux Drivers and Application Software 1)Complete BOARAC Linux Driver with support for Interrupts, DMA, and FFT 2)Create application software to demonstrate use of drivers 3)Provide software documentation for BOARAC Mentor: Luke Newmeyer Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finalize Timer Linux support Learn how to create DMA drivers (Linux driver research) Outreach Activities

43 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting43 CHASE MCCLOSKEY Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: TMR Tool Support 1)Support improvements in TMR tool development 2)Provide tutorials on TMR usage 3)Provide TMR examples and TMR insertion support Mentor: Andrew Keller Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started” Complete TMR background reading Build and create TMR tools locally ChipCamp

44 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting44 SHREEYA MODY Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Assist with the development of RapidSmith 2 FPGA design suite 1)Convert TITAN benchmark suite from Altera to Xilinx 2)Test TITAN-Xilinx benchmark suite 3)Design and implement Junit-based test framework for RapidSmith 2 tool suite Mentor: Travis Haroldsen Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer, Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started”, Install and configure simulation tools, convert first benchmark program to Xilinx, simulate to verify correct operation Websites/Tutorials: RapidSmith 2 Open Source Release 1) Develop RapidSmith 2 Installation and Getting Started documentation 2) Develop RapidSmith 2 tutorial illustrating its main features 3) Design and release RapidSmith 2 at

45 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting45 LUKE NEWMEYER Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Develop BOARAC Custom Signal Processing Hardware 1)Create FFT acceleration module for BOARAC 2)Create Vivado HLS FFT acceleration module 3)Create library of DSP functions using SD-SOC Mentor: Luke Newmeyer Goals for First 2 Weeks: Complete 427 tutorials on the EDK/SDK Complete Xilinx SD-SOC Tutorials ChipCamp

46 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting46 CANUTE PETERSON Broader Impact Assignment: Outreach 1)Assist with ECE Department outreach events such as new student orientation, SOAR program 2)Develop and maintain demos for ECE Department outreach events Research Responsibility: TBD (a variety to choose from) Mentors: TBD

47 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting47 ALEXANDER PETRIE Broader Impacts Assignment: Outreach Mentors: Legrand Shumway Goals for First 2 Weeks: Finish safety tests. Measure bend in cantilever using a fiber Bragg grating. Research Responsibility: FBG Shape sensing 1.Develop a high repetition rate FBG array system 2.Develop an algorithm for dynamic shape sensing

48 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting48 MILES RENNICK Broader Impact Assignment: Help with Chip Camp Research Responsibility: Reflective Spatial Light Modulators 1.Fabricate reflective spatial light modulator. 2.Characterize modulator’s diffraction efficiency as a function of center frequency and bandwidth. 3.Package, impedance match and install modulator in holovideo monitor. Mentors: Christopher Leach and Drew Henrie Goals for First 2 Weeks: Have mask fabricated.

49 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting49 PARKER RIDD Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: TMR Soft Processor Architecture 1)Use TMR tools to provide mitigated processors 2)Support radiation testing of TMR soft processors 3)Investigate new techniques for integrating TMR into soft processors Mentor: Andrew Keller Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started” Complete FPGA bitstream tutorials/reading Review Analysis software Outreach

50 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting50 ADRIAAN RIET Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Chemical engineering (coating) components of chip camp Research Responsibility: Inversion of electronic and ionic micro-probe conductivity experiments 1.Develop algorithms for N-line probe measurements 2.Develop algorithms for ionic probe measurements Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo and Dr. Wheeler Goals for First 2 Weeks: Run first inversion routines on simulated N-line probe measurements

51 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting51 LEGRAND SHUMWAY Broader Impacts Assignment: Chip Camp Research Responsibility: FBG Shape sensing 1.Develop a high repetition rate FBG array system 2.Develop an algorithm for dynamic shape sensing

52 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting52 BRITTANY STARK Research Responsibility: Glass Bonded Injector Chips 1)Develop process for anodic bonding of glass wafers 2)Investigate both anodic bonding and thermal bonding of glass wafers 3)Assist with fabrication of Injector Chips 4)Learn to use dicing saw and 3D profilometer 5)Make 3D images of injector chips Mentors: Jake Johnson and Carlos Vilorio Goals for First 2 Weeks: Get SOAR schedule and coordinate with SOAR office. Learn to operate 3D profilometer. Broader Impact Assignment: Outreach 1)Coordinate SOAR visits and activities 2)Fix and improve existing SOAR activities

53 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting53 ERIC SWINDLEHURST Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Ultra-low-power SAR ADC and calibration 1)Develop automated SAR ADC histogram calibration algorithm 2)Design minimum-sized capacitor SAR ADC 3)Layout and verify the SAR ADC, submit to ON Semiconductor for fabrication Mentor: Prof. Chiang Mentoring: Nate Whitehead Goals for First 2 Weeks: Complete SAR ADC calibration algorithm development. Prepare manuscript on calibration for publication.

54 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting54 JOSEPH VALENTINE Broader Impact Assignment: Bangerter group and MRI facility websites 1)Maintenance and programming of MRI facility web application for scheduling and billing 2)Update content (to discuss with Professor Bangerter) 3)Help port MRI facility website to new infrastructure Research Responsibility: Diffusion tensor imaging with qDESS sequence 1.Learn the physics behind the qDESS sequence and diffusion tensor imaging 2.Assist in data acquisition and the development of data analysis tools to enable diffusion tensor imaging using the qDESS sequence Mentors: Haonan Wang and Grayson Tarbox

55 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting55 CARLOS VILORIO Research Responsibility: Glass Bonded Injector Chips 1)Develop process for anodic bonding of glass wafers 2)Investigate both anodic bonding and thermal bonding of glass wafers 3)Assist with fabrication of Injector Chips 4)Learn to use dicing saw and 3D profilometer 5)Make 3D images of injector chips Goals for First 2 Weeks: Learn wafer bonding process. Learn lithography and wet glass etching process. Try first bonds of glass wafers. Broader Impact Assignment: Chip Camp Co-Chair with Trevor a)Build equipment for experiments b)Organize coordinate activities c)Supervise students during camp d)Be prepared for smooth transition with Trevor is gone Mentors: Jake Johnson

56 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting56 JOHN VOGEL Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Assist with module on cleanroom. 2)Lead student group during CHIP CAMP event. Research Responsibility: Fabrication of N-line probes for electronic conductivity measurements 1.Cleanroom fabrication of probes 2.Documentation of probes for inventory Mentors: Dr. Mazzeo Goals for First 2 Weeks: Make sure that probes are ready for electrical/ionic measurements while switching to new process for N-line and polyimide coating measurements.

57 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting57 ZACH WALKER Broader Impact Assignment: 1)Assist the outreach group Research Responsibility: Holovideo Monitor 1.Complete construction of holovideo monitors 2.Test and create content for monitors. Characterize parameters such as resolution, frame rate and viewangle. Mentors: Drew Henrie, Cameron Blocker and Dr. Smalley Goals for First 2 Weeks: Learn how to show angle and focus on the display. Complete the purchase of new driving computer.

58 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting58 TAYLOR WELKER Broader Impact Assignment: Hawkins Group Website - 1)Update present and past student bios 2)Update publications and “news” items 3)Update research projects Research Responsibility: Construct and test nanofluidic chips 1)Assist with fabrication of electrostatically actuated nanofluidic chips 2)Assist with testing of nanofluidic actuated chips (electrical) 3)Assist with testing and modeling of nanofluidic chips (capture high speed video of capillary filling and correlate with model) Mentor: John Stout Goals for First 2 Weeks: Gain access to the cleanroom by taking online tests and receiving training from cleanroom manager. Assist with fabrication run of a set of nanofluidic chips. Setup and make first measurements of capillary filling using high speed camera.

59 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting59 STEVEN WHITAKER Broader Impact Assignment: Chip Camp 1)Work with team that will plan and execute Chip Camp 2)Specific responsibilities TBD Research Responsibility: Design and Construction of Knee Coil and foot boards for knee scanning 1)Assist in the design and construction of proton knee coil for MRI RF 2)Assist in the design and construction of knee boards for positioning subjects for knee scans TBD (a variety of options to choose from) Mentors: Merry Taylor and TBD

60 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting60 NATE WHITEHEAD Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Develop automated ADC characterization infrastructure 1)Develop logic analyzer hardware/software interface 2)Develop computerized chip control 3)Design a 10-bit, single-slope ADC Mentor: Eric Swindlehurst Goals for First 2 Weeks: Understand ADC performance metrics. Measure test chip using previously developed codes. Continue interfacing code development.

61 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting61 MICHAEL WRAY Broader Impact Assignment: CHIP CAMP 1)Chemical engineering (coating) components of chip camp Research Responsibility: Ionic measurements of conductivity 1.Develop procedures for ionic measurements of battery electrode films Mentors: Fezzeh Pouraghajan Goals for First 2 Weeks: Run first inversion routines on simulated N-line probe measurements

62 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting62 PETER ZABRISKIE Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: FPGA Scrubbing and Fault Injection 1)Document timing analysis on high-speed JTAG interface 2)Create custom hardware module with support for high-speed JTAG 3)Provide software support for high-speed JTAG Mentor: Aaron Stoddard Goals for First 2 Weeks: Setup computer Complete CCL Lab “Getting Started” Complete JTAG tutorial Complete FPGA configuration bitstream tutorial Websites/tutorials

63 April 15, 2015IMMERSE 2015 - Kickoff Meeting63 LUNA ZHANG Broader Impact Assignment: Research Responsibility: Assist with the Solid-State Ion Detector 1)Fabricate low capacitance MOSFETs in Cleanroom 2)Assist with assembly and testing of PCB boards containing SSID circuitry 3)Learn to dice and wirebond chips to PCB boards Mentor: Sanjiv Pant and Matthew Hamblin Goals for First 2 Weeks: Learn how to make low capacitance MOSFETs with Matt, Attend training for 3D profilometer and compile basic set of instructions Websites Cleanroom Website www.cleanroom.byu 1) Update information and fix to make it load faster 2) Find up to date replacement for the schedular 3) Learn to operate new 3D profilometer and add instructions to site

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