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Back To School Welcome to Ms. Varcoe’s Class. About Mrs. Varcoe oGraduate of Albright College with a BA in Psychology and Business Administration. oGraduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Back To School Welcome to Ms. Varcoe’s Class. About Mrs. Varcoe oGraduate of Albright College with a BA in Psychology and Business Administration. oGraduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back To School Welcome to Ms. Varcoe’s Class

2 About Mrs. Varcoe oGraduate of Albright College with a BA in Psychology and Business Administration. oGraduate of Delaware Valley College with a BA in Secondary Education and Mathematics. oMaster’s Degree from Neumann College in Educational Leadership.

3 Classroom Expectations Be in class and in your seat when the bell rings. Be prepared for class with your notebook, and pencil. Be respectful of everyone. No cell phones – should be in off position. Do not speak out of turn and be sure to raise your hand. Group work – Soft Voices. Stay on task at all times.

4 Classroom Expectations Supplies: o3 ring binder with tabs oLoose leaf/ notebook paper oPencils for tests and quizzes oTI – 84 Graphing Calculator

5 Grading oQuarter 1 40% oQuarter 2 40% o*Mid- Term and Final (20% of grade) o *** Must receive an 70% to take CP Trig.

6 Extra Help and Absences oAvailable during: o3B and 3C HATS oAbsence from class: oStudents are responsible for making up any missed work due to illness or other activity. If a student is absent the day of review, they are still expected to take the quiz or test the next day as no new material is being taught. oIf a student is absent the day of a quiz or test, they are expected to make it up, the day they return during HATS. o.

7 Communication o Ms. Varcoe o Email: cvarcoe@hatboro- horsham.orgcvarcoe@hatboro- o Phone: 215-420-5607

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