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Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions Adding Fractions Multiplying Fractions Fractions Dividing Fractions Subtracting Fractions.

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Presentation on theme: "Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions Adding Fractions Multiplying Fractions Fractions Dividing Fractions Subtracting Fractions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions Adding Fractions Multiplying Fractions Fractions Dividing Fractions Subtracting Fractions

2 Starter Questions

3 Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To explain how to simplify algebraic fractions. 1.Understand term Highest Common Factor. Algebraic Fractions 2.Simplify algebraic fractions by identifying HCF.

4 Equivalent Fractions We already know how to create an equivalent fraction for numerical fractions. The exact same process is used for algebraic fractions. Numerical Fraction Algebraic Fraction Multiply top and bottom by any number Multiply top and bottom by any number or letter

5 Equivalent Fractions Numerical Fraction Algebraic Fraction Common Denominator for 2 fractions

6 We can sometimes reduce fractions to a simpler form if the numerator and denominator have a number or letter in common. Examples HCF = 3 HCF = Y Algebraic Fractions

7 What Goes In The Box ?

8 Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To explain how to multiply algebraic fractions. 1.Know rules for multiplication simple fractions. 2.Apply knowledge to algebraic fractions. Multiplication Algebraic Fractions

9 Numerical fraction Algebraic Fraction Algebraic Fractions Multiplication 10 3 2 15 1

10 Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To explain how to divide algebraic fractions. 1.Know rules for division of simple fractions. 2.Apply knowledge to algebraic fractions. Division Algebraic Fractions

11 Numerical Fraction Algebraic Fraction Algebraic Fractions Division 1 1 15 8

12 Algebraic Fractions Division 4 3 Example 2 Example 3

13 Algebraic Fractions Division 1 1 Example 4 1 1 1 1

14 Example 1a Example 1b 2 + 8 4 ÷2 d + 3d d2d2 4d d2d2 ÷d Addition Algebraic Fractions

15 Example 2 Example 3 x2x2 + 4x 12 x(x - 1) + 3(x + 1) (x - 1)(x + 1) 3x + 3 + x 2 – x (x - 1)(x + 1) Addition Algebraic Fractions x 2 + 2x + 3 (x - 1)(x + 1)

16 Learning Intention Success Criteria 1.To explain how to subtract algebraic fractions. 1.Know how to subtract simple fractions 2.Apply same knowledge to subtract algebraic fractions. Subtraction Algebraic Fractions

17 Example 1a Example 1b 8 - 20 15 p - 3m pm Subtraction Algebraic Fractions

18 Example 2 Example 3 fg - 5g 15 x-3(x + 5) x(x + 5) Subtraction Algebraic Fractions x-3x + 15 x(x + 5) 2x + 15 x(x + 5)

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