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 Topical -Specific topic from one discipline is determined where connective and interactive relationships among disciplines are explored-i.e. dance reinforces.

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Presentation on theme: " Topical -Specific topic from one discipline is determined where connective and interactive relationships among disciplines are explored-i.e. dance reinforces."— Presentation transcript:


2  Topical -Specific topic from one discipline is determined where connective and interactive relationships among disciplines are explored-i.e. dance reinforces measurement  Teaching Tool -One discipline serves the other by providing a vehicle through which knowledge can be efficiently learned and remembered-i.e. drama teacher writes a play about a SS standard

3  An approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in creative process which connects an art form and another subject as it meets evolving objectives in both

4  Enhances cognitive systems: visual spatial, analytical, mathematical creative  Positively affects emotional systems: endocrine, hormonal, social, personal skills, cultural and aesthetic appreciation  Enhances perceptual –motor systems listening, vestibular systems, sensory acuity, timing, state management  Activates memory systems improved listening, attention, concentration and recall  Tempo  Pitch  Form  Dynamics  Melody  Harmony  Texture  Timbre


6  Literacy: Lyrics that reflect various elements of literature, flowcabulary, sing to spell, sing lists, phonemic substitution “Apples and Bananas,” musical chairs writing, compare/contrast,  Math: patterns, graphing, raps for math processes,  Science: Science summary songs, sound, waves, sorting instruments, sounds of the water cycle  Social Studies: States and capitals chant, music of cultures, music in history

7  Enhance cognition, emotional expression, perception, cultural awareness, and aesthetics  Involves sensory rich thinking  Activates emotion and motivates learning  Develops higher order thinking  Develops focus, concentration, responsibility and self-discipline  Line  Shape  Color  Form  Texture  Space

8 What caption would you add?

9  Literacy: Visual imagery, figurative language, used to describe literary concepts (the story line, mood/color, ) mindmaps/graphic organizers, illustrations, cartoons  Math: Geometry, pictographs, symmetry,  Science: Models & systems, art in nature,  Social Studies: Art in cultures, mandalas,

10  Enhance Cognition  Grows new brain cells  Primary form of communication  Develops responsibility and instills a value for hard work  Increases sensitivity, respect and cooperation  Burns calories  Alleviates stress  Releases catecholomine-an alertness hormone  Body  Energy  Space  Time  Movement

11  Literacy: visual rhyming, synonyms, antonyms, character dance, parts of speech, story choreography  Math: basic operations, geometric shapes, lines, angles, telling time  Scientific Processes : seasons, weather, plants, machines, forces, states of matter, solar system, energy, animals  Social Studies: rituals, work, terrain, ceremonies, current events

12  Stretches perspective through “in role” practice  Increases reading comprehension and writing fluency  Expands speaking, listening and non-verbal communication  Develops empathy  Causes reflection on moral issues and values  Builds cooperation and social skills  Alleviates stress  Releases catecholomine-an alertness hormone  Voice  Imagination  Body  Concentration  Cooperation

13  Literacy: point of view roles, characterization, plot,  Math: story problems, role play math symbol, act out fractions, create advertisement for selling a math concept  Science : portray animals, become a landform, famous scientists, science scenes  Social Studies: historical characters dialogue or monologues, what’s my line/to tell the truth

14  Database of AI lessons already created  More planning time-1 WHAIES meeting/month  Homeroom teachers better equipped  Arts teachers better informed  At least one AI lesson per week

15 1. Schedule AI lessons already available 2. Identify standards for new AI lessons 3. Plan the lessons-with your team, with arts teachers or on your own


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