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Test review The Great Depression and New Deal. 1. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." What does this quote mean?  1. If we.

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1 Test review The Great Depression and New Deal

2 1. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." What does this quote mean?  1. If we do not study history and the positive and negative events that take place we will not learn from the way our predecessors made decisions and we will make similar mistakes

3 2. What were the causes of the stock market crash?  a. Buying on credit or margin and unable to pay when called upon  b. Price and value drops in stocks  c. Speculation- a way of gambling with short term investments by buying low and selling when price goes up  d. Profit taking

4 What were the causes of the Great Depression?  a. Stock Market crash  b. Depressed farm industry  c. Uneven Wealth distribution  d. Mistakes made by the Federal reserve in loan rates  e. Decreased foreign trade

5 How did buying on margin work?  By making a cash payment of sometimes even as little as 10% and borrowing the rest from a broker an investor would buy stock in hopes of selling when the stock rose and pay back the borrowed money.

6 What was the purpose of the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corp? . To put people back to work in projects that would benefit the communities

7  Why was the motion picture industry so successful during the Depression? It gave people a means of escape from the depression of their day to day lives  What invention of the thirties also became critical in the escape from daily problems? Radio

8 What was the bonus Army?  WWI veterans marched on Washington seeking their pension early.

9  Huey Long- Louisiana governor that proposed radical means to get people out of depression. Long created the Share Our Wealth program in 1934, with the motto "Every Man a King," proposing new income redistribution measures action to curb the poverty and crime that came as a result of the Great Depression.

10 . Franklin Roosevelt- President of the US from New York. During the Depression he created the New Deal programs for recovery from the depression  Herbert Hoover- President at the time of the Stock Market crash and early years of the depression, favored a hands off policy to allow business work out its problems on their own

11  Dorothea Lange- took the picture "Migrant Mother" that showed the image of the Depression in print  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- FDIC- insured deposits by citizens to prevent loss if a bank went under

12  Sacco and Vanzetti- two immigrant tried and convicted for murder as much based on their citizenship and fear as the evidence  Black Tuesday- Tuesday October 29th,1929 when the stock market crashed  Fire side Chats" - Roosevelt's radio broadcasts that comforted the public during the depression

13  Stocks- shares of business ownership whose price can constantly fluctuate  Foreclosure- legal procedure of reclaiming a piece of property when the buyer can not keep up the mortgage payments  Dust Bowl - period of drought on Midwest farms between 1932 and 1939

14  Al Capone- Chicago mobster that gained power and wealth during the twenties from the sale of illegal alcohol  Agricultural Adjustment Act-reduced farm surpluses and raised prices for struggling farmers  Social Security act- Created an unemployment system disability insurance, old age pension and child welfare benefits

15 Tennessee Valley Authority- TVA-  built hydroelectric plants and dams, aimed at improving seven southern states and attracting industry to the south

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