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Oil & Gas Issues. High Arctic: Challenges Protection the fragile natural landscape. Adjusting to the cold climate. Drilling on ice flows and small islands.

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Presentation on theme: "Oil & Gas Issues. High Arctic: Challenges Protection the fragile natural landscape. Adjusting to the cold climate. Drilling on ice flows and small islands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil & Gas Issues

2 High Arctic: Challenges Protection the fragile natural landscape. Adjusting to the cold climate. Drilling on ice flows and small islands. Located in isolated areas remote from any civilization. Transportation costs & profitability


4 High Arctic: Technology Available Directional drilling allowing access to many drill sites below the surface from one surface location. Equipment (drilling rigs, motors) that can withstand the extreme cold temperatures.

5 Benefits of Oil and Natural Gas Projects Many jobs (both skilled and unskilled). High wages. (Demand, remoteness, skills, retention). Service industry benefits (snowball/spin-off effect). ECONOMIC GROWTH!!!! Taxes/incentives (to governments). Governments can now do/provide more!! Infrastructure development (roads, airstrips, buildings, electrical units, housing). BY the companies or by local governments!! Training programs for the future/experience (sometimes provided and paid for, and paid during training).


7 Working Conditions of an oil rig workers Very dangerous/risky and demanding work. Offshore more hazardous Comfortable living environment / recreational facilities / dining facilities. Protective clothing, etc.


9 Risks of offshore oil development / recovery Destruction of marine ecosystem (seabed, fish stocks). Drill mud and rock cuttings create contamination. Transportation of crude oil to shore poses an environmental risk associated to spills. Movement of oil rig can damage the surrounding ocean floor. Icebergs and fog.



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