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Blisters- separation of skin from friction, temperature, chemical, radiation Abrasion-shallow scrape of the skin Incision-Skin has been sharply cut Laceration-Skin.

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Presentation on theme: "Blisters- separation of skin from friction, temperature, chemical, radiation Abrasion-shallow scrape of the skin Incision-Skin has been sharply cut Laceration-Skin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blisters- separation of skin from friction, temperature, chemical, radiation Abrasion-shallow scrape of the skin Incision-Skin has been sharply cut Laceration-Skin has been torn Avulsion-skin is torn away completely Puncture-penetration by a sharp object Contusion-skin is compressed, breaking blood vessels under the skin. (bruise)


4 Contusions- deep bruise of the muscle involving bleeding in the tissue. Strain- stretch, tear or rip of muscle tissue. ( There are Three grades of strains) Tendon Injuries- tear, strain or rupture of the tendon that connects the muscle to a bone Spasms-involuntary contraction of muscle…. (almost like a twitch) Over-exertional injuries which cause muscle soreness, stiffness or cramps.. Fasciitis- injuries to the connective tissue that hold all tissue together in bundles.


6 Sprains---- joint is stretched beyond its normal range of movement. Dislocation- sprain severe enough to tear the ligaments that hold the joint stabilized. Bursitis- chronic inflammation of a joint capsule Arthritis-chronic pain in the joint due to cartilage damage Cartilage damage- wear and tear or injury to the cartilage that cushions and protects the ends of bones at a joint


8  Fractures and Types…..  Simple Transverse-  Compound-  Depressed-  Compression/Comminuted-  Greenstick-  Longitudinal-  Oblique-  Spiral-  Stress-  Epiphyseal-


10  Functions of Blood  1. transport oxygen to cells from lungs  2. carry carbon dioxide from cells to lungs  3. maintain fluid balance of cells  4. carry hormones  5. fight infection  6. carry nutrients to cells from digestive organs  7. carry waste from cells to kidneys

11  Blood Components  1. Plasma- the liquid part of the blood that carries nutrients, waste hormones and antibodies.  2. Erythrocytes- (Red Blood Cells) carries oxygen  3. Leukocytes- (White Blood Cells) fight infection  4. Thrombocytes- (Platelets) help in clotting blood

12  Blood Diseases---there are numerous Blood Bor diseases that are carried in the blood and can be transferred from one person to another  HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)-  Hepatitis B and C-

13  Anemia- inability of the blood to carry oxygen….typical of women and people who have iron deficiencies.  Hemophilia- inability of the blood to clot if there is an injury.  Leukemia- excessive numbers of White Blood Cells that attack normal tissues and other blood cells.  Septis – bacteria blood infection……

14  Protecting coaches and players  1. Athletes that are bleeding should immediately be treated to stop the flow of blood. In severe cases, direct pressure should be applied to the wound with bandage  2. Blood soaked uniforms should be removed from play or practice.  3. Care should be used to not expose players or coaches to blood that might carry diseases. (use gloves and /or masks for protection)

15  Role of the respiratory system  1. provide oxygen to the body  2. remove carbon dioxide from the body

16  Inhaling- the diaphragm pulls downward to create a vacuum in the chest cavity and air rushes into the pair of Lungs.  Exhaling- The diaphragm pushed upward to create pressure. The rib muscles also press inwards to create pressure.  Pulmonary Blood vessels supply blood to the lungs to pick up and drop off gases.

17  Asthma- constriction of the muscles in the bronchioles restricts air supply. Can be triggered by pollution, exercise, or other factors. Athletes with asthma need to have inhalers available for attacks.  Acute Bronchitis – rapid inflammation of bronchial tubes making it difficult to breathe.  Pneumonia- Fluid accumulation in one or both lungs.  Deflated lung- can occur then there is a puncture of a lung or if an impact forces all the air out of the lungs.

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