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Class of 2017 Sophomore Enrollment Park Hill High School Mr. Wazac (A-D) Mrs. Reeves (E-F) AVID Mrs. Todd (G-L) Ms. King (M-Sa) Mrs. Olvera (Sc-Z)

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2017 Sophomore Enrollment Park Hill High School Mr. Wazac (A-D) Mrs. Reeves (E-F) AVID Mrs. Todd (G-L) Ms. King (M-Sa) Mrs. Olvera (Sc-Z)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2017 Sophomore Enrollment Park Hill High School Mr. Wazac (A-D) Mrs. Reeves (E-F) AVID Mrs. Todd (G-L) Ms. King (M-Sa) Mrs. Olvera (Sc-Z)

2 Overall Enrollment Expectations  Use Personal Plans of Study (PPS) to guide your course selections  Leave PPS attached to enrollment form  All Sophomores should take:  English Language Arts 2  Two math courses  Science  Social Studies Elective  IMPORTANT: TURN IN BY DEADLINE

3 Schedule Changes  Carefully make course selections!  A student’s schedule will be changed for the following reasons: 1. Computer Error 2. Pre-requisite not met 3. Duplicate Credit 4. To increase the level of rigor ***STRICTLY ENFORCED***

4 Graduation Requirements Language Arts4 Social Studies3 Science3 (Bio req) Math3 (Algebra II minimum) PE1 Fine Arts1 Practical Arts1 Health/Personal Wellness1 Personal Finance/CompApp1 Electives10 TOTAL28 One graduation credit must be earned in an online learning environment.

5 Family Connections- Online college and career readiness tool  Set personalized goals  Assess strengths  Explore careers  Search for Colleges  Apply for Scholarships  Prepare for the ACT  Track admission status  Communicate with Counselors

6 Family Connections- Login  You will receive an email in the next few weeks with your registration information.  For now, you can view the College and Career Educational Planning Guide on our counseling website:

7 A+ Program  2.5 cumulative GPA  95% attendance rate  50 hours tutoring/mentoring Ms. Dorward – A+ Coordinator—her office is in the 300 Pod South

8 New 5 th Hour Credit Option!  Are you looking to free up room in your schedule to take more classes?  2014-2015 school year students have the option to earn additional credit first and second term.  NO TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED FOR EARLY BIRD PE  First Term and Second Term Choices: 1. Foundations of Fitness (1/2 credit): This course meets Monday – Friday 6:30-7:15 AM. 2. Advanced Weight Training (1/2 credit): This course meets Monday – Friday 6:30-7:15 AM. 3. Virtual Personal Finance/Computer Apps (1 credit) 4. Virtual Health/Personal Wellness (1 credit)

9 Online-Blended Learning  Online courses = on-site OR remote  Online Course Offerings Available  Health/Wellness  Pers. Finance / Comp. App.  Psychology  Marketing Concepts  Indicate On Site or Remote on Green Form  All courses include some required face-to-face meetings with the teacher.  NEW OPTION: 5 th Hour Credit Option for some courses

10 English Language Arts- page 22 in CEPG  All sophomores pick English Language Arts 2

11 Math- page 30 in CEPG  Requirements= 3 Credits (Alg II min) 1. Algebra 1A/1B or Accelerated Algebra 1 2. Geometry or Accelerated Geometry 3. Algebra II A/Algebra II B, Alg II, or Accelerated Algebra II

12 Page 32 in CEPG

13 Math Sequence  Please look at pg 32 in the CEPG  Accelerated Alg I/Accelerated Geometry students enroll in Accelerated Algebra II and Accelerated Trig  Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B enroll in Geometry and Algebra II

14 Science- page 39 in CEPG  Requirements- 3 credits (Biology and Chemistry required)  PHYSICAL SCIENCE NO LONGER OFFERED!  NEW COURSES and NEW SEQUENCING!  All students take:  Biology 1  Chemistry 1 or Accelerated Chemistry

15 Science-continued  After Biology and Chemistry/Acc. Chemistry Students May Choose:  Physics  AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2  Biology II and AP BIO  AP Chemistry  Human Anatomy and Physiology  Forensic Science (new)  Materials Science and Engineering (new)  PLTW Principles of Biomedical Sciences (new)  AP Environmental Science

16 Social Studies- page 41 in CEPG  Required to enroll in 1 Social Studies elective  Options: 1. Several Electives to choose from 2. Challenge yourself with an AP course: AP World History, AP European History, AP Human Geography

17 SOCIAL STUDIES ELECTIVES  African American Studies  American Civil War Reconstruction  Asian Studies  Current Events  Humanities  Latino Studies  Philosophy  Psychology  Psychology-online: on-site or remote  Sociology  Women’s Studies  AP European History  AP Human Geography  AP World History

18 Health/Personal Wellness  Required 1 credit (1/2 health/1/2 wellness)  Option of Summer School  Option Virtual School (remote or onsite)  NEW OPTION: 5th HOUR CREDIT ***If you have not had HPW, please sign up for it this summer or next year due to it being phased out***

19 Physical Education  Required 1 credit  Must take Foundations of Fitness before any other PE course.  Option during Summer School  NEW OPTION: 5 th HOUR CREDIT  Two weight training classes requires the signature of the Head Coach!!

20 Fine Arts  Required 1 credit  Design and Draw  Drama  Music for a Lifetime  Choir  Band  Orchestra  Tournament Forensics ***Current choir/band/orchestra students sign up for the same course even if you plan on auditioning for another course

21 Practical Arts  Required 1 credit  Family & Consumer Science  Business/Technology  Engineering (Project Lead the Way)  Industrial Technology  Broadcast Journalism, Journalism/Mass Media, Photojournalism  CAPS (Junior/Senior Year)  NCC (Junior/Senior Year)

22 Personal Finance/ Computer Applications  Required 1 credit  Summer School Option (On-site or Remote)  Virtual School Option (On-site or Remote )  NEW OPTION: 5 th Hour Credit ***Please plan to sign up for PFCA this summer or next year due to it being phased out***

23 Foreign Language  NOT REQUIRED FOR PHHS GRADUATION  Minimum of two terms of the same language are required for many college admissions

24 Enrollment Sheets  Circle 8 courses  Optional: Select 5th hour credit  Write in alternate courses (one core and one elective)  Parent signature required All students choose: 1. Language Arts 2. 2 Math classes 3. Science 4. Social Studies

25 DUE DATE!!  Completed Enrollment Sheets are due to your HOMEROOM teacher  Thursday January 16, 2014

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