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Comments to Karin Kipper Christiane Fellbaum Princeton University and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

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Presentation on theme: "Comments to Karin Kipper Christiane Fellbaum Princeton University and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments to Karin Kipper Christiane Fellbaum Princeton University and Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

2 Some Questions for Discussion Semantic roles Syntactic frames Selectional restrictions

3 Semantic Roles Inventory: fine-grainedness vs. manageability Checklist of features (Dowty)?

4 Theme vs. Patient „P undergoes change“ Moved entity is not changed? (put verbs) „hit“ entails a change?

5 Causer vs. Agent Agent can be involuntary, or Cause can be animate: I hit my knee against the table and knocked over the cup

6 Syntactic Frames Strict subcategorization or optional arguments and adjunct? E.g., cite does not require a Recipient, is not always a Transfer event „Generic“ arguments? Syntax-semantics relation: how regular? (What is a declarative frame?)

7 Syntax/Semantics Fine-grainedness of distinctions Put-class is not homogeneous: {Arrange/*lodge/*mount} X into Y, where Y is a resultant configuration (beware polysemy of preposition!) Arrange the oranges into a pyramid

8 Alternations Should causative break be considered a different sense than inchoative break? Note that WN´s hierarchical structure forces a sense distinction—two different superordinates; senses are linked

9 Selectional Restrictions Class-based? Semantic sets? Selectional preferences (soft)?

10 Other Questions How were sense inventories compared? What is relation of classes to subclasses— what are hierarchical relations based on? Why use WordNet 1.5--it‘s 10 years old Why are idioms, phrasal verbs a problem? Were large clusters not predictive because of underspecification of Arg1, Arg2,...?

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