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Solving Rational Equations Lesson 11.8

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1 Solving Rational Equations Lesson 11.8

2 There are two basic techniques you can choose from to solve rational equations.
Multiply by the least common denominator (LCD) Cross multiply

3 Least Common Denominator
Find the LCD Multiply each term by the LCD. Simplify each term. Now solve the polynomial using whichever method is easiest.

4 Practice solving rational equations using LCD.
Find the LCD. 3x Solve: = x x 3x ∙ 2 + 3x ∙ 1 = 3x ∙ x x Multiply each term by the LCD. 6 + x = 12 Simplify x = 6

5 Practice solving rational equations using LCD.
Find the LCD. 2x Solve: x = x 2 2x ∙ 6 + 2x ∙ x = 2x ∙ x Multiply each term by the LCD. 12 + x2 = 8x Simplify x2 – 8x + 12 = 0 (x – 6)(x – 2) = 0 x = 6, 2

6 Cross Multiply Solve: 5 = y y + 2 3 Cross Multiply 15 = y(y + 2)
Simplify Write in standard form. Factor Solve

7 Practice solving rational equations by cross multiplying.
Solve: 3 = x x + 1 Cross Multiply 3(x + 1) = 2(x + 5) 3x + 3 = 2x + 10 x = 7 Simplify Combine Like-Terms to solve.

8 Which method would be the easiest to use to solve the following problems?
3x = x x - 1 1. Cross Multiply 2. 4 – x = x LCD 3. x + 30 = x x Both ways are equally easy.

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