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L-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali twaqqaf b’riżultat tas-Sinodu Djoċesan.

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2 L-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali twaqqaf b’riżultat tas-Sinodu Djoċesan



5 Metodoloġija (‘sinodali’):  sens ta’ kollaborazzjoni u sostenn;  professjonalità fil-metodoloġija u fil- kontenut;  sens ta’ talb, ekkleżjalità u missjoni;  Biex noħolqu ‘communities of formation and evangelisation’.

6 X’ tip ta’ għajnuna toffri lil- individwi l- IFP ? 1) jkunu megħjuna sabiex jimmaturaw fl-għerf, mill-aspett tal-qalb, mill-aspett tal-moħħ u mill-aspett tar-ruħ; 2) tinbena l-identità tagħhom bħala membri tal-komunità kattolika Maltija; 3) jikbru fl-għarfien tas-sejħa li Alla jagħmlilhom u għalhekk jikbru fl- għarfien tar-responsabbiltà li għandhom quddiem l-opportunitajiet li qed joffru ż-żminijiet ta’ llum;

7 4) jikbru quddiem l-isfida li jgħixu u jipprattikaw il-Kmandament ta’ l-Imħabba; 5) jidħlu iktar fil-fond tas-sbuħija li ġġib magħha s-sejħa tal-fidi; 6) jiddjalogaw ma’ l-isfidi li l-kultura u l-mod ta’ ħsieb illum qed joffrulhom; X’ tip ta’ għajnuna toffri lil- individwi l- IFP ?

8 7) jiżviluppaw dak it-taħriġ neċessarju u jagħrfu modi ġodda ta’ azzjoni li permezz tagħhom, bħala persuni nsara, jemmnu li jistgħu jagħtu kontribut permezz ta’ l-azzjoni ministerjali li għaliha jħossuhom imsejħa; 8) jagħrfu lilhom infushom bħala l-magħżula u l-maħbuba tal-Ħallieq, mibgħuta biex jixhdu lil Kristu Rxoxt, li jwassal għall-Ħajja bil-kotra fil-ħajja personali, komunitarja u soċjali tagħhom.

9 2014 – 2015 hi l-10 sena ta’ ħidma ta’ l-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali

10 S’issa iggradwaw minn xi kors tal- IFP 900 persuna Bħalissa 205 persuna qed jattendu wieħed minn 13-il kors tal-IFP

11 Temmejna, b’suċċess, proċess ta’ taħdidiet mal- MALTA QUALIFICATIONS COUNCIL biex it-titli li jagħti l-IFP ikunu akkreditati u biex l-IFP tkun rikonoxxuta bħala skola.

12 Korsijiet li qiegħed joffri l-Istitut ta’ Formazzjoni Pastorali:  Module on the Ministry of the Liturgical Cantors (ġdid)  The Human Experience of God in Prayer – An Experiential Course  The Call to Public Life (ġdid)  General Education Award in Evangelisation  Higher Education Award in Evangelisation in a Digital Age (ġdid)  Higher Education Award in the Liturgy  Higher Education Award in Family Ministry  Higher Education Award in Adolescent and Youth Ministry  Higher Education Award in Spirituality  Higher Education Award in Theology  Higher Education Award in Biblical Studies  Higher Education Award in Parish Nursing  Higher Education Award in Missiology  Higher Education Award in Catholic Social Teaching  Higher Education Award in Christian Leadership  Diploma in Christian Leadership  Diploma in Spiritual Companionship

13 Korsijiet oħra li qegħdin isiru minn istituti jew organizazzjonijiet oħra u li qed nagħmlu promozzjoni tagħhom:  Korsijiet tal-Moviment ta’ Kana  Korsijiet tas-Segretarjat għall-Katekeżi  Korsijiet tal-Għaqda Bibblika  Korsijiet tal-Istitut Karmelitan  Korsijiet tal-Istitut Agostinjan  Korsijiet tal-Fakultà tat-Teologija  Korsijiet taż-Żghażagh Azzjoni Kattolika

14 Opportunitajiet li qed noffru lill-parteċipanti fil-korsijiet kollha:  Pellegrinaġġ Pawlin  Kors Metodoloġiku  Irtir ta’ ġurnata

15 Practical Recommendations To help you in the planning and delivery General educational principles rooted in a Catholic educational & anthropological framework

16 General Considerations The person is central to our endeavour. As collaborators in the Christian formation of adults you are requested to: Be sensitive to the needs and requirements of participants Value and promote the holistic developments of participants Lecture with a catholic worldview in mind

17 Value learning as a communitarian endeavour Value and give importance to participant’s personal disciple journey General Considerations


19 Course co-ordinators & lecturers should: Meet students at the beginning of the course & at least once every three weeks Foster & nurture a sense of community among participants, make good use of break time Encourage students to participate in the educational, spiritual and cultural activities organized by the PFI.

20 Planning Identify the objectives of each session. Your learning outcomes should be focused and measurable. We suggest you use the verbs identified by Bloom and his colleagues.

21 Inform your participants of the learning outcomes, each session during the introduction. Research suggests that this helps participants to have a better structure, be more organized and learn new knowledge.

22 Take into consideration that students are adult learners. Hence they have different learning needs; lecturing methods are not always the best method to facilitate learning. Adults appreciate participatory methods as well as being allowed enough time to process the information understudy.

23 In practical terms when planning sessions you need to: 1) Divide the time in sectors of approximately 10 minutes each 2) Provide some time for peer/group/class discussion 3) Use different strategies, provide guiding questions for peer and group discussions and be strict in time management 4) Value adult participants’ own experiences 5) Connect the content with their personal needs. Adult participants must be able to see the personal benefit of what they are learning.

24 We believe that education should be a holistic endeavour. Consequently it is very important that knowledge is not limited to an accumulation and understanding of facts. Conative Cognitive Affective

25 Hence you are urged 1) to engage student through higher order thinking skills; 2) to encourage participants to apply and evaluate the information in their own personal and community contexts & be creative in ways of connecting knowledge, faith and context; 3) to be aware of emotional issues that may arise from certain topics; 4) to give due importance to the development of attitudes;

26 5)to keep in mind that the universe of Catholic faith is vast and connects with various dimensions of life, including the social, the political, the aesthetic; 6)to be creative and demonstrate how Catholicism through its rich and diverse traditions has constructed western society and contributed to global development; 7)to expose participants to diversity of traditions primarily within Catholic worldviews, but also among other Christian denominations.

27 We want to promote the formation of rich & mature disciples who are able to connect with their past in order to have a strong catholic identity and contribute to a better future. Remember

28 Delivery Start & Finish on Time ∟ or else it might be easily interpreted that the content under study is not important. Arrive at the lecture room at least 15 minutes before ∟This will give you enough time to (i)settle and connect your computer with the data projector (ii)be available for questions & concerns that students might have

29 For 3-hour sessions 10 min prayer & reflection 1 hr 20 min lecture 15 min break 60 min lecture 15 min conclusion Delivery Lectures may be structured in the following manner For 2-hour sessions 10 min prayer & reflection 50 min lecture 15 min break 30 min lecture 15 min conclusion

30 You are required to start your sessions with a prayer moment It is highly recommended that you provide different short experiences A reflection/ sharing on the theme that emerges from the scripture's reading of the day A worship song together with a prayer or reflection A reflection related to a liturgical feast due to be celebrated during the week A prayer related to national, international, and ecclesial issues/events A reading of a spiritual textQuiet music and sharing

31 Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) to upload notes, PowerPoints or papers for further reading. Encourage students to collaborate among themselves, to share materials and initiate discussion groups. We encourage you to establish a friendly rapport with your students please define clear boundaries Do provide your email address Refrain from give your personal contact numbers, Facebook or similar social networking sites. Sharing

32 Assessment Conduct a pretest on the course material. ∟So that you will know the level of the participants & provide you with information on how & what to adapt in your course Provide short formative assessment tasks ∟Provides better feedback to students & allows you to correct misunderstandings

33 Planning your Assessment Assignment Questions Requiring Short Answers Reflective Journal Multiple Choice Test Could be used with other forms of assessment With only one correct answer

34 Assessment Criteria  Intellectual assimilation of process and content;  Emotional and volitional (attitudinal) development and growth  Growth in the capacity to develop a pastoral vision and strategy  Development of the capacity to evaluate pastoral action  Growth in self-awareness and self-knowledge with respect to Christian life and ministry

35 Assessment Criteria  Gained maturity in Christian attitudes  Ability to work with others in ministry  Growth in the attitude of ministry and evangelization  Gained maturity in the capacity for Christian discernment  Ability to read and research further  Gained capacity to recognize the nature and the need for supervision.



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