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Simulated learning Virtual reality puts the trainee in an artificial three-dimensional environment that simulates events and situations that might be experienced.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulated learning Virtual reality puts the trainee in an artificial three-dimensional environment that simulates events and situations that might be experienced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulated learning Virtual reality puts the trainee in an artificial three-dimensional environment that simulates events and situations that might be experienced on the job.

2 Internet-based Training

3 Lifelong Learning Provides employees with continuing learning experiences over their tenure the firm, with the aims of ensuring they have the opportunity to learn the skills they need to do their jobs and to expand their occupational horizons.

4 Management Development Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.

5 Management development process 1.Assessing the company’s strategic needs 2.Appraising managers’ current performance 3.Developing the managers

6 Managerial On-the-Job Training –Job Rotation: A management training technique that involves moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. –Action Learning: A training technique by which management trainees are allowed to work full- time analyzing and solving problems in other department. Off-the-Job Management training and development techniques

7 Off-the-Job Management Training and development Techniques 1.The case study methods 2.Management games 3.Outside seminars 4.University-related programs 5.Role playing 6.Behavior modeling 7.Corporate universities 8.Executive coaches 9.The SHRM learning system

8 Case study method: A development method in which the manager is presented with a written description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve. Management game: A development technique in which teams of mangers compete by making computerized decision regarding realistic but simulated situations. Outside seminars: many companies and universities offer Web-based and traditional classroom management development seminars and conferences. Role playing: A training technique in which trainees act out parts in a realistic management situation. Behavior Modeling: A training technique in which trainees are first shown good management techniques in a film, are asked to play roles in a simulated situation, and are then given feedback and praise by their supervisor.

9 Corporate universities

10 Executive coach: an outside consultant who questions the executive’s associates in order to identify the executive’s strengths and weaknesses, and then counsels the executive so he or she can capitalize on those strength and overcome the weaknesses.

11 Approaches to Organizational Change Management Lewin’s change process Organizational development: A special approach to organizational change in which employees themselves formulate and implement the change that’s required.


13 Training Effects to Measure Reaction Learning Behavior Results

14 “And I think that still is true of this business - which is basically research and development - that you probably spend more time in planning and training and designing for things to go wrong, and how you cope with them, than you do for things to go right.” Alan Shepard (Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Ret)

15 ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 128 U.S. chapters and with more than 20 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.

16 AHRD is a global organization made up of, governed by, and created for the Human Resource Development (HRD) scholarly community of academics and reflective practitioners. The Academy was formed to encourage systematic study of human resource development theories, processes, and practices; to disseminate information about HRD; to encourage the application of HRD research findings; and to provide opportunities for social interaction among individuals with scholarly and professional interests in HRD from multiple disciplines and from across the globe.

17 انجمن مديريت منابع انسانى در راستاى اشاعه فرهنگ، توسعه دانش و ارتقاى سطح پژوهش در حوزه مديريت منابع انسانی در نظر دارد بين محققان و متخصصانى که به گونه‌اى با دانش مديريت منابع انسانى و توسعه نظام‌هاى مربوطه سروکار دارند، ارتباط برقرار نمايد.


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