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The Keys of the Kingdom DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 90-92.

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1 The Keys of the Kingdom DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 90-92

2 Why do you think it is important that only one man at a time be authorized to direct the Church? Why is it important that the Church President be able to delegate portions of this power to others? Who has ‘your’ keys? Doctrine and Covenants 90:1–5

3 Mt Tabor

4 Matt 17:1-9

5 “(1) Jesus singled out Peter, James, and John from the rest of the Twelve “(2) Peter, James, and John, were themselves transfigured (Teachings [of the Prophet Joseph Smith], p. 158).... “(3) Moses and Elijah... appeared on the mountain; and they and Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter, James, and John. (Teachings, p. 158.) “(4) John the Baptist, previously beheaded by Herod, was also present.... “(5) Peter, James, and John saw in vision the transfiguration of the earth... that is to take place at the Second Coming when the millennial era is ushered in. [ D&C 63:20–21.]...D&C 63:20–21

6 Matt 17:1-9 “(6) It appears that Peter, James, and John received their own endowments while on the mountain. ([Joseph Fielding Smith,] Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, p. 165.)... “(7) Jesus himself was strengthened and encouraged by Moses and Elijah so as to be prepared for the atonement. ([James E. Talmage,] Jesus the Christ, p. 373.)... “(8) The apostles were taught in plainness ‘of his death and also his resurrection’ [ JST, Luke 9:31 ]....JST, Luke 9:31 “(9) The past [symbolized by Moses and Elijah] had faded away.... “(10) God the Father, overshadowed and hidden by a cloud, was present on the mountain (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:399– 401).

7 Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844)



10 In 1976, an area conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. President Spencer W. Kimball desired to visit the Vor Frue Church, where Thorvaldsen’s statues of the Christus and of the Twelve Apostles stand. To the front of the church stands the familiar statue of the Christus with His arms turned forward and somewhat outstretched, the hands showing the imprint of the nails, and the wound in His side. Along each side stand the statues of the Apostles, Peter at the front and the other Apostles in order.

11 I (President Boyd K. Packer) stood up front with President Kimball. In Peter’s hand, depicted in marble, is a set of heavy keys. President Kimball pointed to those keys and explained what they symbolized. Then, in an act I shall never forget, he turned to President Benthin and with unaccustomed firmness pointed his finger at him and said, “I want you to tell everyone in Denmark that I hold the keys. We hold the real keys, and we use them every day.” I will never forget that declaration, that testimony from the prophet. The influence was spiritually powerful.

12 Pointing to the statues, President Kimball said to the kind custodian, “These are the dead Apostles.” Pointing to me, he said, “Here we have the living Apostles. Elder Packer is an Apostle. Elder Thomas S. Monson and Elder L. Tom Perry are Apostles, and I am an Apostle. We are the living Apostles. The custodian, who up to that time had shown no emotion, suddenly was in tears. I felt I had had an experience of a lifetime.” (President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, April 2008)



15 D&C 90:24 –blessings that come from following key holders How have you been blessed by keys?


17 In which book is each book found?  Ephesians  Mark  Exodus  Ecclesiasticus  Bel and the Dragon  The Song of the Three Children  The Book of Judith  The Book of 1 Esdras  The Book of 1 Maccabees  The Book of 2 Maccabees  Matthew  Jude  Revelation  Mosiah  D&C 91  Genesis  Enos  Psalms  Proverbs  1st Nephi

18 What is the Apocrypha? The Apocrypha are non ‑ scriptural books that have some of the characteristics of scripture. In March 1833, the Prophet Joseph Smith was working on his inspired revision of the Bible. The copy of the Bible he was working from included the Apocrypha. The Prophet inquired whether he should translate these books, and the Lord answered him in section 91. Writings of dubious authenticity

19 D&C 91 Doctrine and Covenants 91:1–3 - What did the Lord say about translating the Apocrypha? What does the eighth article teach about this principle?

20 D&C 91 A passage from the Apocrypha aided Christopher Columbus in his discovery of the New World: 2 Esdras 6:42... "On the third day thou didst command the waters to be gathered together in the seventh part of the earth; six parts thou didst dry up and keep so that some of them might be planted and cultivated and be of service before thee." This led Columbus to reason that, if only one ‑ seventh of the earth's surface is covered with water, the ocean between the west coast of Europe and the east coast of Africa could be no great width... It was partly by quoting this verse that Columbus managed to persuade Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to provide the necessary financial support for his voyage. What principle of scripture study is the Lord teaching with D&C 91?


22 D&C 92 Doctrine and Covenants 92:2 What do you think it means to be a "lively member"? President Howard W. Hunter: "We know that this is the true and living church, but am I a true and living member?  To answer affirmatively confirms our commitment. It means that we now and always will love God and our neighbors as ourselves. It means our actions will reflect who we are and what we believe. It means that we are every day Christians, walking as Christ would have us walk" (in Conference Report, Apr. 1987, 19; or Ensign, May 1987, 16–17).

23 The Keys of the Kingdom DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS 90-92

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