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Decade Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Decade Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decade Review

2 Long hot summers U-2 incident Détente Freedom Summer Greensboro sit-ins 1960s What else happened?

3 Waving the Bloody Shirt
Battle of Little Big Horn Boss Tweed Freedmen’s Bureau Crédit Mobilier 1870s What else happened?

4 Jacob Riis published "How the Other Half Lives“
McKinley Tariff Sherman Silver Purchase Act Yosemite National Park Pullman Strike 1890s What else happened?

5 Lost Generation Henry Ford Sacco and Vanzetti Marcus Garvey Warren G. Harding 1920s What else happened?

6 Phony War Brain Trust Huey Long Congress of Industrial Workers AAA 1930s What else happened?

7 Saturday Night Massacre
Camp David Accords Roe v. Wade SALT I Treaty United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1970s What else happened?

8 Alger Hiss Henry Wallace NATO Tuskegee Airmen Truman Doctrine 1940s What else happened?

9 American Colonization Society
Tariff of Abomination South Carolina Exposition Era of Good Feelings Missouri Compromise 1820s What else happened?

10 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Sputnik Brown v. Board of Education Beat Generation Baby Boomers 1950s What else happened?

11 Wagner Act Bank Holiday Scottsboro Boys National Recovery Administration Destroyer Deal 1930s What else happened?

12 Jay Treaty Virginia and Kentucky Resolution Bank of the United States XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion 1790s What else happened?

13 Gag Rule Bank Wars Spoils System Second Great Awakening Transcendentalism 1830s What else happened?

14 Ralph Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed
Warren Commission Malcom X Bay of Pigs War on Poverty 1960s What else happened?

15 Bland-Allison Act Thomas Nast Henry George, Progress and Poverty Munn v. Illinois Buffalo hunters 1870s What else happened?

16 Coxey’s Army Frederick Olmstead Wounded Knee Teller Amendment Ghost Dance 1890s What else happened?

17 Committee on Public Information
Federal Reserve System International Workers of the World 16th, 17th and 18th Amendments League of Nations 1910s What else happened?

18 Jerry Falwell "tear down this wall“ Strategic Defense Initiative MTV Summer Olympics boycott. 1980s What else happened?

19 Margaret Sanger Thomas Hart Benton Teapot Dome Universal Negro Improvement Assc. Spirit of St. Lewis 1920s What else happened?

20 Granger Laws Crop Lien System Klu Klux Klan Tenure of Office Act Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act 1860s What else happened?

21 Corrupt bargain Erie Canal Lowell System Gibbon’s vs. Ogden Monroe Doctrine 1820s What else happened?

22 Tuskegee Institute A Century of Dishonor written by Helen Hunt Jackson Chinese Exclusion Act Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act Haymarket Riot 1880s What else happened?

23 Embargo Act Second Bank of the United States Cumberland Road Adams–Onís Treaty McCulloch v. Maryland 1800s What else happened?

24 Embargo Act Second Bank of the United States Cumberland Road Adams–Onís Treaty McCulloch v. Maryland 1810s What else happened?

25 Oregon Trail The Liberator Texas Revolution Alexis De Tocqueville's Democracy in America Specie Circular 1830s What else happened?

26 Wilmot Proviso Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo California Gold Rush Webster-Ashburton Treaty Tippecanoe and Tyler Too 1840s What else happened?

27 Matthew Perry Pottawatomie Massacre Comstock Lode Dred Scott v. Sandford Kansas-Nebraska Act 1850s What else happened?

28 Homestead Act . Wade–Davis Bill. Sand Creek Massacre Alaska Purchase First Transcontinental Railroad. 1860s What else happened?

29 Roosevelt Corollary Hepburn Act Pure Food and Drug Act Gentlemen's Agreement NAACP was founded 1900s What else happened?

30 Standard Oil Company v. United States
The Birth of a Nation Jeannette Rankin Zimmermann telegram Espionage Act 1910s What else happened?

31 Stonewall riots Clean Air Act Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique Tonkin Gulf incident. Watts Riot 1960s What else happened?

32 Turner Thesis Populists Party Joseph Pulitzer Plessy v. Ferguson New Immigrants 1890s What else happened?

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