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LITERATURE 207 GAZZARA The Middle Ages (to ca. 1485): A Comprehensive Overview.

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1 LITERATURE 207 GAZZARA The Middle Ages (to ca. 1485): A Comprehensive Overview

2 Introducing the Period Treasures from the oldest  Writers of English  Ancient Celtic poets of England and its neighboring lands  Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Potter…  Characteristics of modern heroism and heroic plots/stakes

3 Strengths of Medieval Poetry Powerful storytelling Moments of riddling wit Moral and political challenges Incantatory patterns of sound Surreal landscapes Piercing invasions of the supernatural

4 Pagan and Christian Germanic art of writing post conversion  597  Pope Gregory the Great to southeastern kingdom of Kent  Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People  From illiterate cowherd to poet Predominance of religious works comprise preserved works from Anglo-Saxon/medieval period  Produced and preserved by Church, where literacy thrived  Christianity used Germanic poetry for its own purposes

5 “Quid Hinieldus cum Christo?” 797  Alcuin’s letter to the bishop of Lindisfarne “What has Ingeld to do with Christ?” Alcuin’s “Ingeld” = “heroic poetry” recited to the monks “We have heard of those princes’ heroic campaigns.” A little versus A lot.

6 Beowulf hints… Knowledge of Germanic mythology and heroic literature = limited Archaeology and Beowulf (a Christian conception of paganism) Alcuin’s letter  Beowulf poet HEARD and adapted oral poems Scholars think, though, that writing of the poem occurred (not oral first)

7 The Legend of Arthur History and Romance The French barons  rulers in the Twelth Century Britannia versus Anglo-Saxon invaders “The Britons told stories…”: LEGEND BORN

8 Medieval Sexuality Idealization NOT as motive Sexual love heavy in medieval romance “Courtly love” idealizes women but emphasizes their difference (“mercy”) LOVE AS SERVICE (slavery, religion, politics) = women as objects of erotic-worship Usually presented as extramarital

9 Old English Epic and Bede Celebrated the deeds of heroes in a warrior society Psychodynamics of orality (Walter Ong); possible in Twitter age? Similar traditions in German Connections between epic and history: “We have heard…” Remember that Bede was a scholar of rhetoric—

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