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Assessment as Practice Module 4 Week 3 Dr Carol Azumah Dennis

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1 Assessment as Practice Module 4 Week 3 Dr Carol Azumah Dennis

2 You will be able to... Critically analyse theories, principles and applications of formal and informal assessment and their application to learning and teaching practice.

3 You will be able to... Critically analyse theories, principles and applications of formal and informal assessment and their application to learning and teaching practice.

4 You will be able to Design, plan and implement formal and informal assessment strategies to enable learning and progression.

5 You will be able to Design, plan and implement formal and informal assessment strategies to enable learning and progression.

6 You will be able to... Understand how to critically evaluate and improve own assessment practice

7 You will be able to... Understand how to critically evaluate and improve own assessment practice

8 formal text based informal non-text based


10 tutorial learning journal question & answer project assignments conversation application form practical activity

11 Other types.... ◉ Academic ◉ Assessor led ◉ Benchmarking ◉ Competence based ◉ Diagnostic ◉ Direct ◉ Evidence ◉ Formal ◉ Formative ◉ Holistic ◉ Independent ◉ Indirect ◉ Informal ◉ Initial ◉ Integrated ◉ Internal

12 ... of assessment ◉ Ipsative ◉ Learners led ◉ Norm-referencing ◉ Objective ◉ Proficiency ◉ Process ◉ Product ◉ Profiling ◉ Qualitative ◉ Quantitative ◉ Screening ◉ Subjective ◉ Summative ◉ Triangulation ◉ Vocational ◉ Criteria-referencing

13 Select three types of assessment to discuss How often do you use this type of assessment How might you incorporate it into your practice Do you agree with where it is positioned on the template; where else might you position it - why

14 Who needs to do what? What responsibility do different stakeholders have in the assessment process? learnerassessororganisation

15 Methods of assessments Adding to the types of assessment, what assessment methods can you think of? What are the advantages or limitations of each?

16 Methods of assessments With reference to three different types of assessment – what particular issues of reliability and validity will you need to consider?

17 But... ◉ Valid ◉ Authentic ◉ Current ◉ Sufficient ◉ Reliable

18 Recognising & Recording Progress & Achievement in non-accredited learning Appropriate Aims Initial assessment Learning objectives Formative: Recognition and recording of progress Summative: tutor & self-assessment; progress review

19 ...‘what if.’ Some learners are treated less favourably The organisation does not make reasonable adjustment

20 Access for All Dyslexia Disability Hearing impairment Visual impairment Varying work patterns Linguistic diversity

21 And what if... Gender Disability Race Religion & belief Sexual orientation

22 What can you do to make sure your assessment practice is inclusive and fair to all learners? It might help to think in terms of learner, assessor and organisational responsibility?

23 Can you... Critically analyse theories, principles and applications of formal and informal assessment and their application to learning and teaching practice.

24 Can you... Design, plan and implement formal and informal assessment strategies to enable learning and progression.

25 Can you... Understand how to critically evaluate and improve own assessment practice

26 Knowledge & Understanding theories, principles and applications of in/formal assessment and their roles in learning and evaluation significance of equity & diversity for the assessment Professional Skills how to plan/design & conduct in/formal assessment how to give feedback to promote progress and achievement Transferable Skills demonstrate knowledge of the minimum core in own practice how to evaluate and improve own assessment practice

27 Part A Report outlining their selection, application and evaluation of an assessment strategy and associated methods (1,500 words)


29 The assessment used for my area of work is the National Test – a 40 question multiple choice exam. I am critical of it but use because policy demands it. I teach learners beyond the test and de-emphasise its significance. I also supplement it with informal individual learning plans to make sure learners have amore reliable Ipsative assessment profile.

30 Draft an initial position statement on assessment in your area. This is a one or two sentence answer to the question.

31 Part B Trainees will submit examples of feedback, ILP/ILTs with a commentary and or other documents which demonstrate understanding of, and commitment to, the principles of equality and diversity in the assessment process. (1,000 words)

32 Individual Learning Plan

33 Part C Planning and delivering learning: Reflective commentary on personal and professional development during Year 1 (1500 words)



36 We shall never cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot (1888 - 1965)

37 [ learning as ] a generative dance on the edge of a volcano, a ‘camping on seesaws’ my emphasis (Hedberg et al., 1976).

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