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 A muckraker is an individual who seeks to expose or reveal corruption of businesses or government to the public.  The term originates from writers.

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2  A muckraker is an individual who seeks to expose or reveal corruption of businesses or government to the public.  The term originates from writers of the Progressive movement in America who wanted to expose corruption and scandals in government and business.  American Progressive Era—unearth corruption

3  Founded in 1893 by Samuel McClure  Began specializing in muckraking journalism in 1902  Journalists included:  Ida Tarbell (Standard Oil)  Lincoln Steffens (municipal corruption)

4  Investigative journalism  Wrote The History of Standard Oil Company (1904)  #5 Top 100 works of journalism of the 20 th century NYT  Wrote for McClure Magazine  Negative exposé of the business practices of Rockefeller and trusts.  Tarbell’s efforts led to the eventual breakup of the Standard Oil monopoly in 1911.

5  Standard Oil achieved its monopoly through aggressive and often illegal business practices:  Purchasing competitors  Undercutting prices  Shady deals with the railroads  Standard Oil went so far as to destroy a competing oil refinery right here in Buffalo  Oil could not leave the oil field unless Standard Oil agreed to move it.

6 BBorn, San Francisco 1866 TThe son of a wealthy businessman 11902-1911 editor of McClure’s Magazine PPublished books and articles focusing on municipal corruption TThrough his articles and books, such as The Shame of the Cities and The Struggle for Self- Government; Steffens exposed corrupt political machines in St. Louis, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York. SSteffens also spoke out about the exclusion of African American voters in the south SSteffen’s work paved the way for the break-up of these political machines as well as important municipal legislation.

7  Photojournalism  Sought Social Reform  National Child Labor Committee to document child labor/expose corruption.

8  Father of the American Political Cartoon  Exposed political corruption in NYC (Boss—William Tweed)  Brings about Tweed’s downfall  Harper’s Weekly

9  The best example of a City boss was Boss Tweed  Tweed helped immigrants get jobs and gave them turkeys a Christmas and year after year immigrants voted for Tweed.  Tweed stole 100 million dollars from NYC through graft and corruption.  Tweed was finally thrown out of office because Thomas Nast drew cartoons that showed the evil and corrupt nature f the Tweed ring.  The immigrants who could understand the cartoons now voted Tweed out of power… a picture speaks a thousand words.

10  Journalist  Exposed corrupt living arrangements in New York City's slums.  How the Other Half Lives—18 page article - 1889  Became a book How the Other Half Lives, subtitled "Studies among the Tenements of New York“  Pioneer in photography

11  Author – The Jungle  Graphic account of filthy handling, spoiled meat, and generally unsanitary conditions in stockyards.  As a result of Sinclair’s book, Congress passed both the Pure Food and Drugs Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906.

12  Ida B. Wells – journalist  Started an anti-lynching campaign in her newspaper  Documented lynching in the U. S.  Showed how it was often a way to control or punish blacks who competed with whites, often under the guise of rape charges.  She was active in the women's suffrage movement.

13  Established the Hull House in Chicago.  Located in poor neighborhood  Middle-class, college-educated women shared skills with less fortunate women and children.  Sanitation, hygiene, English, etc.  Art exhibits, poetry readings, concerts, and theatrical events

14  Naturalist, explorer, and author  Major figure in the forest conservation movement  Muir Woods

15  Led the fight for women's suffrage for more than 50 years.  Anthony was arrested for voting in 1872  In 1890 formed the National American Woman Suffrage Association

16  Temperance Crusade  Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)  Frances Willard leader of the WCTU  Anti-Saloon League  Efforts led to the 18 th Amendment Prohibition Anti-Saloon League Campaign

17  He encouraged African Americans to reject segregation  Help to found the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)  NAACP – played a major role in ending segregation in the 20 th century

18  Born in Slavery  Early leader in the effort to achieve equality  1881 he founded the Tuskegee Institute – help African American learn a trade and become economically stable  He did not openly challenge segregation  He said, “In purely social matters” whites and blacks “can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress

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