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Aripiprazole in the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes in patients with bipolar I disorder:

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1 Aripiprazole in the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes in patients with bipolar I disorder:

2 Dosing could be reduced to 15 mg/day for Tolerability Aripiprazole : no significant difference from placebo in change in mean body weight not associated with elevated prolactin or QTc prolongation

3 cholesterol triglycerides low-density lipoprotein (LDL) LDL/HDL, Chol/HDL fasting glucose, fasting insulin insulin resistance index

4 treatment of an acute manic episode for up to 12 weeks Aripiprazole showed superior levels of response and tolerability to haloperidol

5 Aripiprazole showed similar efficacy to olanzapine for long- term treatment of acutely psychotic and chronic, stable schizophrenia patients, lower liability for weight gain or increased lipid levels

6 Aripiprazole: initial clinical experience with 142 hospitalized psychiatric patients. daily dose, 16.1 +/- 6.2 mg body weight : 0.20 +/- 0.09 mg/kg aripiprazole is likely to be onsidered for obese patients weight should be considered

7 short-term treatment of schizophrenia 1.aripiprazole 15-30 mg is as effective 2.haloperidol 10 mg/day 3.risperidone 6 mg/day

8 quinolinone derivative high affinity for D2, D3 receptors partial agonist action on 5-HT (1A) receptors 5-HT (2A) receptors antagonist Aripiprazole

9 active metabolite: dehydro- aripiprazole, = parent compound dopamine D2 receptors peak plasma concentration=3 hours Steady-state plasma concentrations are achieved by 14 days CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 transform it to dehydroaripiprazole genetic polymorphism The drug is effective as early as the first or second week of treatment.

10 No additional therapeutic benefit at the higher-than-recommended dosages

11 induce weight gain clozapine and olanzapine. TCA, mirtazapine come next majority of the mood stabilizers. The old antipsychotics seem to involve less gain of weight. SSRI make lose weight in the first weeks, but induce a moderate weight gain on the long term.

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