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Delivery canal abnormalities

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1 Delivery canal abnormalities
Lecturer: Dr. Hui Wang Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College HUST, Wuhan, China

2 Labour canal Bony canal (pelvic cavity)
Soft canal: 1. lower uterine segment (isthmus of uterus) 2. cervix 3. vagina 4. perineum

3 1. Bony canal abnormalities
Abnormal shape Abnormal size

4 Normal shape Only one: Gynecoid pelvis

5 Abnormal shape Platypelloid pelvis Anthropoid pelvis Android pelvis
Miscellaneous: pelvic malformation

6 Good

7 The several kinds of pelvic malformation

8 Michaelis rhomboid The shape of Michaelis rhomboid is a simple standard to judge the pelvic shape is normal or abnormal (malformation). Method: symmetry / asymmetry malformation

9 Abnormal size: narrow pelvis
Normal pelvic external parameters IS: interspinal diameter: 23 ~26 cm IC: intercristal diameter: 25 ~28 cm EC: external conjugate: 18 ~ 20 cm TO: transverse outlet: 8.5 ~ 9.5 cm (9)

10 Narrow types Inlet plane narrow:
true conjugate diameter ≤ 10 cm (normal 11 cm) Midplane narrow: interspinous diameter ≤ 9 cm (normal 10 cm) Outlet plane narrow transverse outlet ≤ 8 cm (normal 9 cm) Generally contracted pelvis every plane diameter ≤ 2 cm then normal

11 Clinical presentation & Diagnosis
History: dwarf, bony disease Fetal head engagement difficult after 37 GW Abnormal fetal position Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) Abnormal pelvimetry (IS,IC,EC,TO) Asymmetry of Michaelis Rhomboid

12 Maternal and fetal complications
Mother: prolonged labour pelvic floor damage, uterine rupture postpartum haemorrhage genital fistula puerperium Infant: premature rupture of membrane (PROM) prolapse of umbilical cord fetal injury, cranial haemorrhage fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia

13 Treatment Principle Hospitalized in advance Selective cesarean section
Avoid vaginal delivery for term normal weight infant

14 2. Soft canal abnormalities
Lower uterine segment: scar, myoma, Cervix: tough, edema, carcinoma Vagina: diaphragm, tumour Perineum, tough, edema Ovarian or other tumour interfere fetal head engagement

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