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North and South take different Paths

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1 North and South take different Paths

2 Industrial Revolution
In the 1700s, machines began to take the place of many hand tools Much of the power that used to be provided by people or animals began to be replaced, first by flowing water and then by steam engines The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in textile factories Most of these new factories were built on the banks of rivers so the flowing water could be used The factory system came to be This is where people would go to the factory and work with the machines Before the factory system all work was done at home on a person’s own time

3 The birth of Capitalists
Many of these factories need a large investment to get started This is where the capitalists came into play They are people who invest capital, or money, in a business to earn a profit These capitalists will become very wealthy if the factory or mill that they invested in does well

4 Steam Power

5 Steam Power

6 Steam Power Steam engines made it possible for mills to work year round at no longer needed to be near rivers Factories and mills began to be made in cities Here, young girls and children provided cheap labor Britain tried to keep its industrial secrets Nobody was allowed to take information about the mills outside of Britain Many skilled workers were forbidden from leaving the country

7 Steam Engine

8 American Industry Grows
Samuel Slater memorized how to make these British machines and brought that knowledge to the States to make a profit Mills flourished in the Northeast because there was more capital in that area U.S. industry did not take off until the War of 1812 Britain had put a blockade on U.S. ports so the U.S. had to become more self-reliant

9 Lowell Textile Mills Francis Cabot Lowell found a way to improve on the British textile inventions He built a factory in Massachusetts where he combined spinning and weaving into one building After he died, his business partners began to expand and built a town complete with boarding houses, a library, and a hospital

10 Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Mass production – rapid manufacturing of a large number of identical products Interchangeable parts – identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers Before this all parts on products were hand made by professionals and took a lot of time and effort to replace Because things were being produced more quickly and more efficiently, prices of goods dropped More people began to purchase these products, which expanded the industry even more

11 Factory Life Work within these mills and factories was very harsh and would continue to get worse Many employed children who would work hours a day Factories were poorly lighted with little fresh air Many workers got injured because of these working conditions The company did not care if you were injured and now you were unable to provide for your family Better working conditions were far away for these workers


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