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TWELVE COMMON MEN Nathanael The Apostle Without Guile.

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2 TWELVE COMMON MEN Nathanael The Apostle Without Guile

3 Nathanael From Cana in Galilee (Jn 21:1-2) Probably a fisherman (Jn 21:3) Called Nathanael “given of God” in John –Was he an apostle? –He does appear in Jn 21 with other apostles –But his name is different in the other gospels Called Bartholomew in other gospels –Means “son of Tholomaeus” –Not a first name, but a family –Like Simon Bar-Jonah or James and John Bar- Zebedee

4 HIS LOVE OF SCRIPTURE Jn 1:45 - Philip found Nathanael and said to him, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the law… –Suggests Philip knew Nathanael and knew he was well-versed in Scripture –Note what Philip did not say: “I have found a man with a wonderful plan for your life” “I have found a man who will fix your personal problems and give your life meaning” –They had both been looking for someone who matched the prophecies Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

5 HIS LOVE OF SCRIPTURE Knowledge of the OT is what brought them to Jesus Knowledge of the OT is what caused them to remain with Jesus The surprise for Nathanael – it’s “Jesus of Nazareth” Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

6 HIS PREJUDICE Jn. 1:46 - And Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see." –Nazareth was totally unexpected by Nathanael A student of Scripture would know the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2, Mt 2:3-6) No OT prophet came from Nazareth –Nazareth was on a trade road and had a reputation of wickedness God often chooses common, weak and lowly things for His purposes (1 Cor 1:27-29) Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

7 HIS PREJUDICE The problem of prejudice –Defined as: generalizations based on feelings and preconceived ideas regardless of facts. Israel rejected the Messiah partly because of prejudice against Galileans (Jn 7:52) Jesus was rejected in His own hometown due to prejudice (Lk 4:22) People allow their prejudices to close their ears to the Gospel message –Don’t want to believe the gospel plan –Don’t want to believe any will be punished Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

8 HIS PREJUDICE Paul uses the image of blindness to refer to the same problem (2 Cor 4:3-4) –All people are prone to prejudice Grouping and classifying people and situations based on feelings or experience –Prejudice must be confronted with the facts Jn 1:46b – “Come and see.” Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

9 HIS SINCERITY OF HEART Jn 1:47 –Jesus knew the character of Nathanael before He met him (Jn 2:25) Nathanael was a true Israelite (“Israelite indeed”) –What did it mean to be “a true Israelite?” –Many Israelites of Jesus’ day were hypocrites Rom 2:28-29 –Nathanael was pure-hearted, no deceit, honest His heart was circumcised He didn’t let his prejudice stop him from examining the evidence Unlike many, he wasn’t willing to just be an Israelite outwardly (Mt 23:13-36) Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

10 HIS EAGER FAITH A sincere heart and a real faith can overcome prejudice (Jn 1:48-49) –Note his amazement that Jesus already knew him How could Jesus know his heart and mind? Notice how fast Nathanael puts it all together Nathanael was convinced –Jn 1:49 – “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are King of Israel!” Nathanael’s reply shows his familiarity with the OT –Ps 2:6-7; Zech 9:9; Isa 9:6-7; etc. Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

11 HIS EAGER FAITH Jn 1:50-51 –Jesus affirms Nathanael’s faith He was indeed what Nathanael said He was No other disciple displayed such understanding of... –Who Jesus really was Others realized He was the Messiah (Andrew, Philip) But Nathanael adds Son of God and King of Israel –What it really meant for Him to be the Messiah Why the allusion to Gen 28:12? –Perhaps given because Nathanael would understand –Jesus is the ladder that connects heaven and earth Nathanael would see the connection take place Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

12 What happened to Nathanael Tradition has him preaching in Armenia, Persia and India and dying a martyr’s death (flayed then beheaded) –We can conclude that he was faithful unto the end, because he was faithful from the start Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile

13 Conclusion What was the character of Nathanael? –He loved Scripture –He had some prejudice to overcome –He was sincere of heart –He had an eager faith Nathanael was a common man, from an insignificant place –And God used him to His glory Nathanael – The Apostle Without Guile


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