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Artificial Intelligence Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

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1 Artificial Intelligence Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Michael Scherger Department of Computer Science Kent State University November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

2 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Contents Introduction Simple Neural Networks for Pattern Classification Pattern Association Neural Networks Based on Competition Backpropagation Neural Network November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

3 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Introduction Much of these notes come from Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications by Laurene Fausett, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

4 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Introduction Aims Introduce some of the fundamental techniques and principles of neural network systems Investigate some common models and their applications November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

5 What are Neural Networks?
Neural Networks (NNs) are networks of neurons, for example, as found in real (i.e. biological) brains. Artificial Neurons are crude approximations of the neurons found in brains. They may be physical devices, or purely mathematical constructs. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are networks of Artificial Neurons, and hence constitute crude approximations to parts of real brains. They may be physical devices, or simulated on conventional computers. From a practical point of view, an ANN is just a parallel computational system consisting of many simple processing elements connected together in a specific way in order to perform a particular task. One should never lose sight of how crude the approximations are, and how over-simplified our ANNs are compared to real brains. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

6 Why Study Artificial Neural Networks?
They are extremely powerful computational devices (Turing equivalent, universal computers) Massive parallelism makes them very efficient They can learn and generalize from training data – so there is no need for enormous feats of programming They are particularly fault tolerant – this is equivalent to the “graceful degradation” found in biological systems They are very noise tolerant – so they can cope with situations where normal symbolic systems would have difficulty In principle, they can do anything a symbolic/logic system can do, and more. (In practice, getting them to do it can be rather difficult…) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

7 What are Artificial Neural Networks Used for?
As with the field of AI in general, there are two basic goals for neural network research: Brain modeling: The scientific goal of building models of how real brains work This can potentially help us understand the nature of human intelligence, formulate better teaching strategies, or better remedial actions for brain damaged patients. Artificial System Building : The engineering goal of building efficient systems for real world applications. This may make machines more powerful, relieve humans of tedious tasks, and may even improve upon human performance. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

8 What are Artificial Neural Networks Used for?
Brain modeling Models of human development – help children with developmental problems Simulations of adult performance – aid our understanding of how the brain works Neuropsychological models – suggest remedial actions for brain damaged patients Real world applications Financial modeling – predicting stocks, shares, currency exchange rates Other time series prediction – climate, weather, airline marketing tactician Computer games – intelligent agents, backgammon, first person shooters Control systems – autonomous adaptable robots, microwave controllers Pattern recognition – speech recognition, hand-writing recognition, sonar signals Data analysis – data compression, data mining Noise reduction – function approximation, ECG noise reduction Bioinformatics – protein secondary structure, DNA sequencing November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

9 Learning in Neural Networks
There are many forms of neural networks. Most operate by passing neural ‘activations’ through a network of connected neurons. One of the most powerful features of neural networks is their ability to learn and generalize from a set of training data. They adapt the strengths/weights of the connections between neurons so that the final output activations are correct. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

10 Learning in Neural Networks
There are three broad types of learning: Supervised Learning (i.e. learning with a teacher) Reinforcement learning (i.e. learning with limited feedback) Unsupervised learning (i.e. learning with no help) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

11 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
A Brief History 1943 McCulloch and Pitts proposed the McCulloch-Pitts neuron model 1949 Hebb published his book The Organization of Behavior, in which the Hebbian learning rule was proposed. 1958 Rosenblatt introduced the simple single layer networks now called Perceptrons. 1969 Minsky and Papert’s book Perceptrons demonstrated the limitation of single layer perceptrons, and almost the whole field went into hibernation. 1982 Hopfield published a series of papers on Hopfield networks. 1982 Kohonen developed the Self-Organizing Maps that now bear his name. 1986 The Back-Propagation learning algorithm for Multi-Layer Perceptrons was re-discovered and the whole field took off again. 1990s The sub-field of Radial Basis Function Networks was developed. 2000s The power of Ensembles of Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines becomes apparent. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

12 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Overview Artificial Neural Networks are powerful computational systems consisting of many simple processing elements connected together to perform tasks analogously to biological brains. They are massively parallel, which makes them efficient, robust, fault tolerant and noise tolerant. They can learn from training data and generalize to new situations. They are useful for brain modeling and real world applications involving pattern recognition, function approximation, prediction, … November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

13 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
The Nervous System The human nervous system can be broken down into three stages that may be represented in block diagram form as: The receptors collect information from the environment – e.g. photons on the retina. The effectors generate interactions with the environment – e.g. activate muscles. The flow of information/activation is represented by arrows – feed forward and feedback. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

14 Levels of Brain Organization
The brain contains both large scale and small scale anatomical structures and different functions take place at higher and lower levels. There is a hierarchy of interwoven levels of organization: Molecules and Ions Synapses Neuronal microcircuits Dendritic trees Neurons Local circuits Inter-regional circuits Central nervous system The ANNs we study in this module are crude approximations to levels 5 and 6. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

15 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Brains vs. Computers There are approximately 10 billion neurons in the human cortex, compared with 10 of thousands of processors in the most powerful parallel computers. Each biological neuron is connected to several thousands of other neurons, similar to the connectivity in powerful parallel computers. Lack of processing units can be compensated by speed. The typical operating speeds of biological neurons is measured in milliseconds (10-3 s), while a silicon chip can operate in nanoseconds (10-9 s). The human brain is extremely energy efficient, using approximately joules per operation per second, whereas the best computers today use around 10-6 joules per operation per second. Brains have been evolving for tens of millions of years, computers have been evolving for tens of decades. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

16 Structure of a Human Brain
November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

17 Slice Through a Real Brain
November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

18 Biological Neural Networks
The majority of neurons encode their outputs or activations as a series of brief electical pulses (i.e. spikes or action potentials). Dendrites are the receptive zones that receive activation from other neurons. The cell body (soma) of the neuron’s processes the incoming activations and converts them into output activations. 4. Axons are transmission lines that send activation to other neurons. 5. Synapses allow weighted transmission of signals (using neurotransmitters) between axons and dendrites to build up large neural networks. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

19 The McCulloch-Pitts Neuron
This vastly simplified model of real neurons is also known as a Threshold Logic Unit : A set of synapses (i.e. connections) brings in activations from other neurons. A processing unit sums the inputs, and then applies a non-linear activation function (i.e. squashing/transfer/threshold function). An output line transmits the result to other neurons. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

20 Networks of McCulloch-Pitts Neurons
Artificial neurons have the same basic components as biological neurons. The simplest ANNs consist of a set of McCulloch-Pitts neurons labeled by indices k, i, j and activation flows between them via synapses with strengths wki, wij: November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

21 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Some Useful Notation We often need to talk about ordered sets of related numbers – we call them vectors, e.g. x = (x1, x2, x3, …, xn) , y = (y1, y2, y3, …, ym) The components xi can be added up to give a scalar (number), e.g. s = x1 + x2 + x3 + … + xn = SUM(i, n, xi) Two vectors of the same length may be added to give another vector, e.g. z = x + y = (x1 + y1, x2 + y2, …, xn + yn) Two vectors of the same length may be multiplied to give a scalar, e.g. p = x.y = x1y1 + x2 y2 + …+ xnyn = SUM(i, N, xiyi) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

22 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Some Useful Functions Common activation functions Identity function f(x) = x for all x Binary step function (with threshold ) (aka Heaviside function or threshold function) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

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Some Useful Functions Binary sigmoid Bipolar sigmoid November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

24 The McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Equation
Using the above notation, we can now write down a simple equation for the output out of a McCulloch-Pitts neuron as a function of its n inputs ini : November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

25 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Review Biological neurons, consisting of a cell body, axons, dendrites and synapses, are able to process and transmit neural activation The McCulloch-Pitts neuron model (Threshold Logic Unit) is a crude approximation to real neurons that performs a simple summation and thresholding function on activation levels Appropriate mathematical notation facilitates the specification and programming of artificial neurons and networks of artificial neurons. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

26 Networks of McCulloch-Pitts Neurons
One neuron can’t do much on its own. Usually we will have many neurons labeled by indices k, i, j and activation flows between them via synapses with strengths wki, wij: November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

27 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
The Perceptron We can connect any number of McCulloch-Pitts neurons together in any way we like. An arrangement of one input layer of McCulloch-Pitts neurons feeding forward to one output layer of McCulloch-Pitts neurons is known as a Perceptron. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

28 Logic Gates with MP Neurons
We can use McCulloch-Pitts neurons to implement the basic logic gates. All we need to do is find the appropriate connection weights and neuron thresholds to produce the right outputs for each set of inputs. We shall see explicitly how one can construct simple networks that perform NOT, AND, and OR. It is then a well known result from logic that we can construct any logical function from these three operations. The resulting networks, however, will usually have a much more complex architecture than a simple Perceptron. We generally want to avoid decomposing complex problems into simple logic gates, by finding the weights and thresholds that work directly in a Perceptron architecture. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

29 Implementation of Logical NOT, AND, and OR
Logical OR x1 x2 y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 x1 θ=2 2 y x2 2 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

30 Implementation of Logical NOT, AND, and OR
Logical AND x1 x2 y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 x1 θ=2 1 y x2 1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

31 Implementation of Logical NOT, AND, and OR
x1 y 0 1 1 0 x1 θ=2 -1 y 1 2 bias November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

32 Implementation of Logical NOT, AND, and OR
Logical AND NOT x1 x2 y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 x1 θ=2 2 y x2 -1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

33 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Logical XOR Logical XOR x1 x2 y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 x1 ? y x2 ? November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

34 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Logical XOR How long do we keep looking for a solution? We need to be able to calculate appropriate parameters rather than looking for solutions by trial and error. Each training pattern produces a linear inequality for the output in terms of the inputs and the network parameters. These can be used to compute the weights and thresholds. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

35 Finding the Weights Analytically
We have two weights w1 and w2 and the threshold q, and for each training pattern we need to satisfy November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

36 Finding the Weights Analytically
For the XOR network Clearly the second and third inequalities are incompatible with the fourth, so there is in fact no solution. We need more complex networks, e.g. that combine together many simple networks, or use different activation/thresholding/transfer functions. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

37 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
ANN Topologies Mathematically, ANNs can be represented as weighted directed graphs. For our purposes, we can simply think in terms of activation flowing between processing units via one-way connections Single-Layer Feed-forward NNs One input layer and one output layer of processing units. No feed-back connections. (For example, a simple Perceptron.) Multi-Layer Feed-forward NNs One input layer, one output layer, and one or more hidden layers of processing units. No feed-back connections. The hidden layers sit in between the input and output layers, and are thus hidden from the outside world. (For example, a Multi-Layer Perceptron.) Recurrent NNs Any network with at least one feed-back connection. It may, or may not, have hidden units. (For example, a Simple Recurrent Network.) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

38 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
ANN Topologies November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

39 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Detecting Hot and Cold It is a well-known and interesting psychological phenomenon that if a cold stimulus is applied to a person’s skin for a short period of time, the person will perceive heat. However, if the same stimulus is applied for a longer period of time, the person will perceive cold. The use of discrete time steps enables the network of MP neurons to model this phenomenon. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

40 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Detecting Hot and Cold The desired response of the system is that “cold is perceived if a cold stimulus is applied for two time steps” y2(t) = x2(t-2) AND x2(t-1) It is also required that “heat be perceived if either a hot stimulus is applied or a cold stimulus is applied briefly (for one time step) and then removed” y1(t) = {x1(t-1)} OR {x2(t-3) AND NOT x2(t-2)} November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

41 Detecting Heat and Cold
2 Heat x1 y1 2 -1 z1 2 2 1 z2 Cold x2 y2 1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

42 Detecting Heat and Cold
Apply Cold Cold 1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

43 Detecting Heat and Cold
Remove Cold 1 Cold November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

44 Detecting Heat and Cold
1 Cold November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

45 Detecting Heat and Cold
1 Perceive Heat Cold November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

46 Detecting Heat and Cold
Apply Cold Cold 1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

47 Detecting Heat and Cold
1 Cold 1 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

48 Detecting Heat and Cold
1 Cold 1 Perceive Cold November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

49 Example: Classification
Consider the example of classifying airplanes given their masses and speeds How do we construct a neural network that can classify any type of bomber or fighter? November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

50 A General Procedure for Building ANNs
1. Understand and specify your problem in terms of inputs and required outputs, e.g. for classification the outputs are the classes usually represented as binary vectors. 2. Take the simplest form of network you think might be able to solve your problem, e.g. a simple Perceptron. 3. Try to find appropriate connection weights (including neuron thresholds) so that the network produces the right outputs for each input in its training data. 4. Make sure that the network works on its training data, and test its generalization by checking its performance on new testing data. 5. If the network doesn’t perform well enough, go back to stage 3 and try harder. 6. If the network still doesn’t perform well enough, go back to stage 2 and try harder. 7. If the network still doesn’t perform well enough, go back to stage 1 and try harder. 8. Problem solved – move on to next problem. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

51 Building a NN for Our Example
For our airplane classifier example, our inputs can be direct encodings of the masses and speeds Generally we would have one output unit for each class, with activation 1 for ‘yes’ and 0 for ‘no’ With just two classes here, we can have just one output unit, with activation 1 for ‘fighter’ and 0 for ‘bomber’ (or vice versa) The simplest network to try first is a simple Perceptron We can further simplify matters by replacing the threshold by using a bias November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

52 Building a NN for Our Example
November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

53 Building a NN for Our Example
November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

54 Decision Boundaries in Two Dimensions
For simple logic gate problems, it is easy to visualize what the neural network is doing. It is forming decision boundaries between classes. Remember, the network output is: The decision boundary (between out = 0 and out = 1) is at w1in1 + w2in2 - θ= 0 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

55 Decision Boundaries in Two Dimensions
In two dimensions the decision boundaries are always on straight lines November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

56 Decision Boundaries for AND and OR
November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

57 Decision Boundaries for XOR
There are two obvious remedies: either change the transfer function so that it has more than one decision boundary use a more complex network that is able to generate more complex decision boundaries November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

58 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Logical XOR (Again) z1 = x1 AND NOT x2 z2 = x2 AND NOT x1 y = z1 OR z2 2 x1 z1 2 -1 y -1 2 x2 z2 2 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

59 Decision Hyperplanes and Linear Separability
If we have two inputs, then the weights define a decision boundary that is a one dimensional straight line in the two dimensional input space of possible input values If we have n inputs, the weights define a decision boundary that is an n-1 dimensional hyperplane in the n dimensional input space: w1in1 + w2in2 + … + wninn - θ= 0 November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

60 Decision Hyperplanes and Linear Separability
This hyperplane is clearly still linear (i.e. straight/flat) and can still only divide the space into two regions. We still need more complex transfer functions, or more complex networks, to deal with XOR type problems Problems with input patterns which can be classified using a single hyperplane are said to be linearly separable. Problems (such as XOR) which cannot be classified in this way are said to be non-linearly separable. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

61 General Decision Boundaries
Generally, we will want to deal with input patterns that are not binary, and expect our neural networks to form complex decision boundaries We may also wish to classify inputs into many classes (such as the three shown here) November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

62 Learning and Generalization
A network will also produce outputs for input patterns that it was not originally set up to classify (shown with question marks), though those classifications may be incorrect There are two important aspects of the network’s operation to consider: Learning The network must learn decision surfaces from a set of training patterns so that these training patterns are classified correctly Generalization After training, the network must also be able to generalize, i.e. correctly classify test patterns it has never seen before Usually we want our neural networks to learn well, and also to generalize well. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

63 Learning and Generalization
Sometimes, the training data may contain errors (e.g. noise in the experimental determination of the input values, or incorrect classifications) In this case, learning the training data perfectly may make the generalization worse There is an important tradeoff between learning and generalization that arises quite generally November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

64 Generalization in Classification
Suppose the task of our network is to learn a classification decision boundary Our aim is for the network to generalize to classify new inputs appropriately. If we know that the training data contains noise, we don’t necessarily want the training data to be classified totally accurately, as that is likely to reduce the generalization ability. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

65 Generalization in Function Approximation
Suppose we wish to recover a function for which we only have noisy data samples We can expect the neural network output to give a better representation of the underlying function if its output curve does not pass through all the data points. Again, allowing a larger error on the training data is likely to lead to better generalization. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

66 Training a Neural Network
Whether our neural network is a simple Perceptron, or a much more complicated multilayer network with special activation functions, we need to develop a systematic procedure for determining appropriate connection weights. The general procedure is to have the network learn the appropriate weights from a representative set of training data In all but the simplest cases, however, direct computation of the weights is intractable November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

67 Training a Neural Network
Instead, we usually start off with random initial weights and adjust them in small steps until the required outputs are produced We shall now look at a brute force derivation of such an iterative learning algorithm for simple Perceptrons. Later, we shall see how more powerful and general techniques can easily lead to learning algorithms which will work for neural networks of any specification we could possibly dream up November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

68 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Perceptron Learning For simple Perceptrons performing classification, we have seen that the decision boundaries are hyperplanes, and we can think of learning as the process of shifting around the hyperplanes until each training pattern is classified correctly Somehow, we need to formalize that process of “shifting around” into a systematic algorithm that can easily be implemented on a computer The “shifting around” can conveniently be split up into a number of small steps. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

69 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Perceptron Learning If the network weights at time t are wij(t), then the shifting process corresponds to moving them by an amount Dwij(t) so that at time t+1 we have weights wij(t+1) = wij(t) + Dwij(t) It is convenient to treat the thresholds as weights, as discussed previously, so we don’t need separate equations for them November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

70 Formulating the Weight Changes
Suppose the target output of unit j is targj and the actual output is outj = sgn(S ini wij), where ini are the activations of the previous layer of neurons (e.g. the network inputs) Then we can just go through all the possibilities to work out an appropriate set of small weight changes November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

71 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Perceptron Algorithm Step 0: Initialize weights and bias For simplicity, set weights and bias to zero Set learning rate a (0 <= a <= 1) (h) Step 1: While stopping condition is false do steps 2-6 Step 2: For each training pair s:t do steps 3-5 Step 3: Set activations of input units xi = si November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

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Perceptron Algorithm Step 4: Compute response of output unit: November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

73 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Perceptron Algorithm Step 5: Update weights and bias if an error occurred for this pattern if y != t wi(new) = wi(old) + atxi b(new) = b(old) + at else wi(new) = wi(old) b(new) = b(old) Step 6: Test Stopping Condition If no weights changed in Step 2, stop, else, continue November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

74 Convergence of Perceptron Learning
The weight changes Dwij need to be applied repeatedly – for each weight wij in the network, and for each training pattern in the training set. One pass through all the weights for the whole training set is called one epoch of training Eventually, usually after many epochs, when all the network outputs match the targets for all the training patterns, all the Dwij will be zero and the process of training will cease. We then say that the training process has converged to a solution November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

75 Convergence of Perceptron Learning
It can be shown that if there does exist a possible set of weights for a Perceptron which solves the given problem correctly, then the Perceptron Learning Rule will find them in a finite number of iterations Moreover, it can be shown that if a problem is linearly separable, then the Perceptron Learning Rule will find a set of weights in a finite number of iterations that solves the problem correctly November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

76 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Overview and Review Neural network classifiers learn decision boundaries from training data Simple Perceptrons can only cope with linearly separable problems Trained networks are expected to generalize, i.e. deal appropriately with input data they were not trained on One can train networks by iteratively updating their weights The Perceptron Learning Rule will find weights for linearly separable problems in a finite number of iterations. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

77 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Hebbian Learning In 1949 neuropsychologist Donald Hebb postulated how biological neurons learn: “When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place on one or both cells such that A’s efficiency as one of the cells firing B, is increased.” In other words: 1. If two neurons on either side of a synapse (connection) are activated simultaneously (i.e. synchronously), then the strength of that synapse is selectively increased. This rule is often supplemented by: 2. If two neurons on either side of a synapse are activated asynchronously, then that synapse is selectively weakened or eliminated. so that chance coincidences do not build up connection strengths. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

78 Hebbian Learning Algorithm
Step 0: Initialize all weights For simplicity, set weights and bias to zero Step 1: For each input training vector do steps 2-4 Step 2: Set activations of input units xi = si Step 3: Set the activation for the output unit y = t Step 4: Adjust weights and bias wi(new) = wi(old) + yxi b(new) = b(old) + y November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

79 Hebbian vs Perceptron Learning
In the notation used for Perceptrons, the Hebbian learning weight update rule is: wij (new)= outj . ini There is strong physiological evidence that this type of learning does take place in the region of the brain known as the hippocampus. Recall that the Perceptron learning weight update rule we derived was: wij (new)= h. targj . ini There is some similarity, but it is clear that Hebbian learning is not going to get our Perceptron to learn a set of training data. November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

80 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Adaline Adaline (Adaptive Linear Network) was developed by Widrow and Hoff in 1960. Uses bipolar activations (-1 and 1) for its input signals and target values Weight connections are adjustable Trained using the “delta rule” for weight update wij(new) = wij(old) + a(targj-outj)xi November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

81 Adaline Training Algorithm
Step 0: Initialize weights and bias For simplicity, set weights (small random values) Set learning rate a (0 <= a <= 1) (h) Step 1: While stopping condition is false do steps 2-6 Step 2: For each training pair s:t do steps 3-5 Step 3: Set activations of input units xi = si November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

82 Adaline Training Algorithm
Step 4: Compute net input to output unit y_in = b + S xiwi Step 5: Update bias and weights wi(new) = wi(old) + a(t-y_in)xi b(new) = b(old) + a(t-y_in) Step 6: Test for stopping condition November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

83 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
Autoassociative Net The feed forward autoassociative net has the following diagram Useful for determining is something is a part of the test pattern or not Weight matrix diagonal is usually zero…improves generalization Hebbian learning if mutually orthogonal vectors are used x1 y1 xi yj xn ym November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

84 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks
BAM Net Bidirectional Associative Net November 11, 2004 AI: Chapter 20.5: Neural Networks

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