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How did you spend your Spring Festival?

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Presentation on theme: "How did you spend your Spring Festival?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did you spend your Spring Festival?

2 Festivals around the world
Unit 1 Festivals around the world

3 What kinds of traditional festivals in China do you know about?
Brainstorming The Double Seventh Festival 七夕节 The Spring Festival The Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 The Lantern Festival元宵节 festivals Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节 The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

4 What Chinese public holidays do you know ?
National Day Children’s Day International Labour Day New Year’s Day(元旦) Holidays International Women’s Day The Youth Day

5 Tomb sweeping Festival
In April The day we remember our dead relatives Sweep graves

6 Time: on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month

7 What does it celebrate? Festivals Time What do people do?
5th day of the 5th lunar month In memory of the great poet Qu Yuan Eat Zongzi, watch dragon boat races… Dragon Boat Festival

8 Time: on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month

9 What does it celebrate? Festivals Time What do people do?
15th day of the 8th lunar month Celebrate the havest, enjoy the beauty of the moon Eat mooncakes, enjoy the full moon with family, Mid-autumn Festival

10 What festivals of foreign countries do you know? Easter(Mar--Apirl)
Valentine’s Day Christmas festivals Halloween Oct.31 Father’s Day June Mother’s Day May Apirl Fool’s Day Thanksgiving Day November

11 Foreign Festivals 名称 英文名称 月份 情人节 Valentine’s Day 2月14日 复活节 Easter
3月21日或此日后月圆的第一个星期日 耶稣受难日 Good Friday 复活节前的星期五 愚人节 April Fool’s Day 4 月1日 母亲节 Mother’s Day 5月的第二个星期日 父亲节 Father’s Day 6月的第三个星期日 劳动节 Labor Day 5 月1日 万圣节 Halloween 10月31日 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 11月的第四个星期4 斋节 Ramadan 穆斯林历的第9个月 圣诞节 Christmas Day 12月25日

12 Let’s play a game Guess which festival they are?

13 Choose a number

14 Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival they are?
It is one of the most important festivals in western countries. 60 People usually celebrate it together with their family members. 40 A kind-hearted old man put the gifts in the stockings for children secretly at night. 20 People send cards or gifts to others. 10


16 Christmas Day On December 25th It is the birthday of Jesus Christ
Go to the parties and churches , give cards and presents to our friends and relatives

17 Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival they are?
This festival happens at the beginning of the spring. 60 Usually most young people are happy on this day.40 They send flowers and chocolate or some other gifts to the one they love. 20 Valentine’s Day

18 Valentine’s Day On February 14th
People send roses and cards to the people they love.

19 Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival they are?
This festival happens in winter.60 Every family has a feast on this day.40 Turkey is the most important food on this day.20 People celebrate it to thank God for a harvest in Thanksgiving Day

20 Thanks Giving Day turkey Thanksgiving Day:
the fourth Thursday of December Thank God December13, 1612 Pumpkin pie Turkey, corn, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes; a family day with a big dinner ; church service

21 Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival they convey?
This festival happens in spring.60 On this day most people are happy.40 Some people may be fooled but they can not be angry.20 People can tell lies and play tricks on others without being blamed.10 April Fool’s Day

22 Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival they are?
Most children are excited on this day.60 They wear black costumes or masks. 40 They would like to dress up as frightening and ugly ghosts or witches. 20 They would like to knock others’ doors and say, “trick or treat”.10 Halloween


24 Halloween(万圣节)is on the evening
of October 31 in Europe. Pumpkins with candles insides (Pumpkin lights) is so popular in Halloween decorations.

25 Children dress in strange clothes to frighten people.
They may also ask people for sweets by saying “Trick or Treat!”

26 Easter around March 22---April 25

27 Homework Remember words . <<阅读训练>>P64 passage 4

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